Wild Legend Reno
- Last updated Dec 25, 2022 (March of the Lich King)
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- 22 Minions
- 15 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Reno Priest
- Crafting Cost: 32840
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/25/2022 (March of the Lich King)

- cLimZ
- Registered User
- 12
- 51
- 67
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Came back to Hearthstone after 3 years of hiatus, so I give it a go to see if I still got it lol
As I have heard that climbing legend is easier and quicker but also more toxic, couple of times I was destroyed on turn 4-5.
Overall it's still fun, especially when you play against another midrange or control deck.
Special thanks to Sixpacktupac giving me 1 free win on rank 1.
I’ve been playing a very similar list and I went from bronze 10 to diamond 5 in one season after not playing wild for around a year it’s been very fun im glad to see someone else playing it
Reno Priest has been one of the most versatile and my favorite deck ever, glad to see you enjoy it too. Do you mind to share your list for comparison?
What purpose does Shadowreaper Anduin serve in this deck?
Board clear + 0 cost infinite cannon + 5 armor + best looking Anduin lol
why i cannot use this card?
100% win rate (5-6 games)
Nice! what rank are you now?
Hope this helps you climb in the last couple of days of the season.
I was silver before climbing with this deck. Now I'm Plat5.
I only lost to Mage with Mutanus the Devourer. Yeah, it ate my Xyrella, the Sanctified lol.
Switched out plaguespreader for Skulking Geist and Sapience for Kobold Stickyfinger. Thanks gonna try it out
I hope you enjoy playing this, it's a versatile deck, so you can swicth and swap cards as you prefer.
I have won so couple of games against combo with plaguespreader and Sapience has been my main help with drawing the right card to complete the quest.
Thank you my friend. I just got a golden plaguespreader today so I may use it. Should I craft Sapience??
Depends on how many dust you have to craft the card or if you have Finley that swap your hand or Shard of Naaru is a good option to fish out the 10 mana shard. The best combo is to have 1 charge of Cathedral of Atonement or 1 x Shard of Naaru. Play Xyrella + Lorekeeper + shard or Cathedral for a sure win next turn.