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[Legend] The RAID BOSS Experience - Youtube Series

  • Last updated Jan 28, 2023 (March of the Lich King)
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  • 35 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: 3 Blood
  • Crafting Cost: 35660
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/7/2022 (March of the Lich King)
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  • Shiju
  • Registered User
    • 2
    • 25
    • 38
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Introducing The RAID BOSS Experience: a new series where we explore the limitless potential of the Death Knight class in Hearthstone's highest Legend ranks! With an unlimited budget, we'll be creating the ultimate deck and showcasing its power in epic battles against some of the best players in the world. Tune in to see how we push the boundaries of what's possible with the Death Knight and learn some valuable strategies along the way. Don't miss out on the action - subscribe now and be the first to see The RAID BOSS Experience in action!

Live streams with this deck including gameplay! Stay tuned for it by subscribing!

Posting a video explaining the deck construction soon! Full guide with matchups, mulligans, game plans and combos will also be up soon. So make sure to subscribe ;_;

Really questioning the Theotar, the Mad Duke inclusion right now. Why swap cards when our cards are just better? Might remove it soon for another card.

Replaced with Astalor Bloodsworn. Great card for smoothing out curves on awkward turns!

This deck is able to outvalue just about every deck in the game and push for a win using huge board swings such as N'Zoth, the CorruptorDragonqueen Alexstrasza just to name a couple.

Brann Bronzebeard combo'd on the same turn as Alexandros Mograine or Patchwerk can singlehandedly win games.

It is equipped with lots of removal and survivability in cards such as Armor VendorBlood BoilCorpse Explosion just to name a few, in order to get to the game stages where we shine. 

Testing of this deck is all done in mid-high legend. In lower ranks, it should have a much easier time surviving to that stage where you drop huge legendary minions one after the other and auto-win the game. 

Updated the deck to account for draw issues. More updates later.