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[Legend] Secret Ping Mage

  • Last updated Aug 20, 2022 (Caste Nathria Balance Changes)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Secret Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 8640
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/16/2022 (Caste Nathria Balance Changes)
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Hey guys,

this Secret Ping Mage list took me all the way from D5 to Legend with a >65% winrate.

I‘ve had the most success with a rather aggressive playstyle, either winning the board using secrets and the synergy cards, getting enough chip damage in over the turns by pinging and Frozen Touch and finishing with Mordresh or a combination of both.

Here is how I‘d suggest to play:

Mulligan - always go for a nice curve with one of the 1-drops and one of the 2-drop minions. Usually keeping a secret in your opening hand isn‘t necessary because you‘ll either draw one by the time you‘ll need one or generate it.

Matchups - considering the most common meta decks, I‘d consider this deck to be favored against all other types of Mages, Druid, Paladin and DH (plus the rare Warrior opponent). Chances are decent against Shaman, Rogue and Priest. Unfortunately, that damned last Quest deck that just won‘t die, Hunter is very very hard to beat.

Gameplay - on the first turn Wildfire and Shivering Sorceress are pretty straight forward. Generally I‘d recommend to use Suspicious Alchemist to find a Secret if you don‘t have one yet, find another Wildfire or a fitting spell depending on the matchup. Sometimes it‘s good to play mindgames and pick the „second best“ option but obviously never pick the one that might come back to you if your Opponent gets the pick right.

On turn 2, you can use Anonymous Informant to prepare your turn 4 as this will be the moment where you want to play one of the minions that requires an active Secret to use it‘s full potential. That said, I prefer to NOT play a secret right away on the same turn just for tempo. Sketchy Stranger will offer you one Hunter, Rogue and Paladin secret. I really like the paladin options because they cost one and are easy to squeeze into turns as an activator and some of them are holy spells and will be recast by Magister Dawngrasp.

Turn 3 can be your secret turn if you were not able to discount them before and need it as an activator for turn 4 or just continue to build board presence. In terms of secret, Oasis Ally is great to guarantee an active secret if your board is empty or if you are sure that your opponent has no realistic option to attack your minions. Keep track, if your opponent still has the coin because this will obviously blow up your CounterspellExplosive Runes is great to snipe Gnolls or Edwin for example.

Later during the game, it will be important to also get some face damage in. Try to use every infused Frozen Touch as soon as possible, fighting for the board early on and going face around turn 6-ish as you won‘t be able to keep the pressure high much longer than turn 8 or 9. This is where you‘ll want to finish games.

It seems like some people in the comments feel like the deck isn‘t able to keep up with other meta decks but I have to disagree. You have great mana efficiency and mana cheating, strong AoEs and enough firepower from hand to finish games even if you lost board control. Of course you sometimes need the right amount of luck to counter the right spell, snipe the right minion with explosive runes or have Orion snowball into secret after secret but all in all I feel like this deck is tons of fun to play while being at least decent against most of the meta contenders. I hope you‘ll enjoy!
