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Optimal Ske-Ping Mage (R5 to Legend)

  • Last updated Aug 7, 2022 (Castle Nathria Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Hero Power Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 21520
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/6/2022 (Castle Nathria Launch)
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Hi all,

This is my Skeleton-Ping mage I have been using to climb to legend since R10 and I am at R4 with %70 WR atm.

I will write a detailed guide, if the deck manages to attract some attention with 5 likes.

Thank you for the likes. Here is the guide as promised.

Compared to the other Skeleton-Ping decks, this deck has more control elements and gameplay satisfaction for those, who like to have situations demanding more thinking.

Win Conditions
Ideal win conditions are Brann Bronzebeard + Kael'thas Sinstrider + Mordresh Fire Eye or Kel'Thuzad, the Inevitable

Alternatively you can replace Lady Naz'jar with Sire Denathrius as an alternative 3rd finisher.

Defensive Aspects
Freezers: Flurry (Rank 1), Nightcloak Sanctum, Amplified Snowflurry, Varden Dawngrasp
The deck has multiple freezer cards helping you to control opponents board. In addition, with Shattering Blast you can clear the board or remove big minions.

Armor Generators: Without Brann Bronzebeard you can totally generate 31 armor with 2x Cold Case, 2xSnowblind Harpy, Lady Naz'jar and Magister Dawngrasp. Gaining armor with Solid Alibi in the late game can make big differences.

AoE Board Clearers: Deathborne, Reckless Apprentice and alterantively Varden Dawngrasp against already frozen minions or combined with Brann Bronzebeard for emergency situations.

Stealing: Stealing has become a defensive option with Theotar, the Mad Duke, which I find the most fun card to play of this expansion. If you are playing against a Sire Denathrius or quest deck, just wait until the late game ideally use it with Brann Bronzebeard to steal opponents finisher or quest reward.

Polymorph: Mass Polymorph

Damage Reduction: Solid Alibi is a great card to gain 1 more turn before your finisher or before you clear/polymorph the board.

There are tons of deffensive and offensive combos you can do with Zola the Gorgon, Brann Bronzebeard and Kael'thas Sinstrider such as armor spamming, doubled AoE, card drawing or stealing with Theotar, the Mad Duke

Keep Wildfire, Amplified Snowflurry, Arcane Intellect, Fire Sale. Hard mulligan for Theotar, the Mad Duke, if you are sure that you are playing against a Sire Denathrius or quest deck.

I hope you like the deck and it works for you.
