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Miracle Rogue ft. SI:7 package

  • Last updated May 20, 2022 (Drek'Thar Nerf)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 13 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Miracle Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 7260
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/13/2022 (Rise of the Naga)
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Updated the list to reflect the recent nerfs/buffs
The recent nerfs/buffs did hit the early board presence of DH which in turn allows rogue to breath a bit in the early game

- 2x WIcked Stab
- 1x Shroud of concealment
-2x Tomb pillager
+2x Backstab
+1x Si:7 Assassin
+2x Tooth of Nefarian

Against aggro matchup - Backstab, Filletfighter, SI:7 Extortion, SI:7 Skulker, SI:7 Agent (with coin), SI:7 Smuggler (with other early SI:7 cards)
Against slower matchup - SI:7 Skulker, SI:7 Agent, Mankrik, Shroud of Concealment

General Strategy
Against aggro, don't hesitate to use coin to gain tempo. Always try to keep up on board tempo with SI:7 Smuggler and Informant, using Shadowstep on SI:7 Smuggler is another way to gain tempo on board. Always trade with minions and avoid taking face dmg unless doing so would gain a huge tempo on board. 
Against any slower matchups, try to maximize the SI:7 Smuggler and Informant as much as possible and also try to hold onto the burst combo mentioned below. Try to bait out removals against control decks without committing a lot. Also later into the game, Shroud into SI:7 Informant could connect face sometimes as only few cards can deal with a huge stealth minion.

In the early-mid game you are trying to deal as much dmg as possible to finish the game later with a smite into filletfighter combo. So getting your opponent to 13-14 health is your sole objective in the early to mid game, generally. 

Burst combo - Smite, 2x filletfighter, 2x Shadowstep is 22 dmg . 

Feel free to leave any suggestions :)