Optimal Control Paladin - R5 to Legend
- Last updated Apr 24, 2022 (Sunken City)
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- 19 Minions
- 10 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 15120
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/23/2022 (Sunken City)
- Deltares
- Registered User
- 7
- 33
- 41
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Total Deck Rating
Hi All,
This my control paladin deck I tested to climb from R5 to R2 and it did very well with a 8/8 win streak.
Thank you for the likes and here is the guide as promised but before starting to it, there is an update with the consideration of upcoming Kazakus nerf: Mutanus the Devourer has been replaced with Blademaster Samuro to strengthen the anti-aggro abilities.
Against Aggro/Tempo/Midrange Decks keep/look for Wild Pyromancer, City Tax, Battle Vicar, Blademaster Samuro.
Against Control Decks keep/look for Alliance Bannerman, Brann Bronzebeard, Ambassador Faelin, Lightforged Cariel
Against Aggro/Tempo/Midrange Decks: The deck has decent amount of board clearing and healing mechanics to make you survive and gain the coard control around turn 6-7. Do not hesitate to use Righteous Defense in turn 3 or 4 on a minion with 3+ attack, if you are sure that you are playing against an aggro deck and play the buffed card in next turn unless you have survival priorities.
Win Condition: Surviving until turn 8-10 with the board control.
Against Control Decks: This is the most fun part of playing with this deck and where it really shines. Use Brann Bronzebeard wisely. Some examples:
For 9 mana: Brann Bronzebeard + Ambassador Faelin + Seafloor Savior = You will have 6 additional strong late game cards draw +2/2 buffed versions of 2 of them you prefer in next 2 turns.
For 9 mana: Brann Bronzebeard + School Teacher + 2x Nagaling
For 8 mana: Brann Bronzebeard + Queen Azshara to generate 2x Xal'atath. 1x Xal'atath + 1x Holy Maki Roll with 7 mana = 10 dmg.
If you are playing against Mill Priest, use Brann Bronzebeard with Ambassador Faelin or Queen Azshara to add much more cards to your deck.
Win condition: Hitting with heavily buffed Mr. Smite (keep in mind that Righteous Defense on a friendly minion to buff up Mr. Smite after hitting with this friendly minion), mid range style gameplay with buffed minions, extra damage with Xal'atath + Holy Maki Roll combo, that may sound weird but Nellie, the Great Thresher generated by Queen Azshara or Ambassador Faelin won me many games too.
Light board clearers:
Wild Pyromancer + Holy Maki Roll
Lightly buffed Blademaster Samuro
Lightforged Cariel
The Leviathan
Heavy board clearers:
Equality + Wild Pyromancer OR City Tax OR Lightforged Cariel
Heavily buffed Blademaster Samuro
Card drawers:
Flash of Light
Alliance Bannerman
The Leviathan
City Tax
Holy Maki Roll
Flash of Light
ard]Lightforged Cariel[/card] (5 armor)
Value generators:
Queen Azshara
Ambassador Faelin
School Teacher
Battle Vicar
I hope you enjoy it.
trash deck
Thank you so mutch your work with this deck i love it <3
Glad you liked it mate.
Hi, not to be rude, insult anyone or to self-advertise but i highly recommend the OP to check my Control Paladin deck as there are couple very suboptimal things about this deck that i believe i did slightly better... You can take a look at my deck and improve your deck building skills :)
Did you just throw all the funny legendary cards together and call it a deck? Reinan's Rogue build was better then this deck last patch, also don't trash talk others decks when you build like this mate
Mustard, please.
Deltares, the guy that trashtalk my latest deck for no particular reason, how could I forget about that, right? But instead of doing like you I'll say that you did a good job with this deck and congratulations on the legend man. (far from optimized in my opinion but nice try)
Good luck.
I admit it was a bit harsh to call a bad deck "garbage" but your overreaction to it was childish. You also asked a mod to ban me just because I called your deck garbage, how shameful. And mustards like above (probably one of your alt accounts) struggling for being your lawyer under the comment section of another deck irrelevantly.
I am sure this comment will receive down votings from your alt accounts here lol.
That "bad" deck showed up in tournaments if you not aware and did relatively well targeting druids which was what supposed to do.
Shameful is you haven't been banned because as I said before you have no other solution and by the way remains like that.
Wow! I had so much fun playing this list.
I just got finished crushing an opponent that was playing Warrior. Felt very nice to win.
Appreciate that you shared the list, :)
Thank you mate. Good luck and have fun with destroying warriors :)
Fun deck but not very competitive against mass aggro. Removed 2 moon catcher for starfish to help out against mass aggro. Ambassador seems way too slow looking for a good replacement. I feel like the deck needs more draw I've lost 3 of 5 games so far because Cariel was bottom of deck. Going to take out 1 righteous protector for a Rustrot Viper to help with the draw issue and to help against the mirror matchup and all the DH and weapon stuff in the meta.
Replacing 2x Azsharan Mooncatcher with 2x Rustrot Viper could be a better idea to increase the card drawing mechanics without sacrificing the defensive abilities of the deck.
Fun, but I prefer Kazakusan as Win Con, obviously that requires to add Dragons though.
This deck is great fun to play! Thanks for posting
I thank you too. Glad you are enjoying it.
its mega poor shit deck you have just luck after 300 games share the win rate at last
isn't it shorter to name it "p2w pal"?
It's shorter for you to just tell us you're broke.
rofl, do you really want to compare how much you and i spend on video games ? from mounts on wow to skins on fortnite and apex?