Sunken City "Pogo" Druid
- Last updated Apr 9, 2022 (Sunken City)
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- 6 Minions
- 23 Spells
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Beast Druid
- Crafting Cost: 8520
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/6/2022 (Sunken City)
- HappyFeet707
- Registered User
- 1
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Made this deck centered around bottom feeder, think its probably a meme but there might actually be potential if theres some refinement. Probably auto loses to Smothering Starfish if people decide to run that card.
Basic principle is if you dont get bottom feeder in your opening hand, you can tutor with Living Seed (Rank 1), which will reduce to 0 making it even easier to pair with Oracle of Elune. Copy as much as possible then when it dies use tutors such as Aquatic Form, Capture Coldtooth Mine, Sir Finley, Sea Guide and even Living Seed (Rank 1) since its the only beast
Druid doesn't really have a "winning" card come rotation (Kazakusan might not work as well because druid losses all its good mana cheat) so maybe worse pogos could do it?
You really really need Bottomfeeder so you need to take out Sir Finley, Sea Guide and Aquatic Form to make sure you can draw it with Capture Coldtooth Mine!
nah man youre thinking wayyyy to much about one card being Capture Coldtooth Mine. Yes youre right, but Aquatic Form and Sir Finley, Sea Guide are literally essential to how this deck operates loool. Once your Bottomfeeder dies you need to get it back asap since it goes to the BOTTOM of your deck, which is why Sir Finley, Sea Guide and Aquatic Form are literally needed for the dredge effects. You dont *need* to draw Bottomfeeder with {card]capture coldtooth mine[/card], you have living seed and Moonlit Guidance to do that. In fact youd WANT to use Capture Coldtooth Mine to draw your Sir Finley, Sea Guide and Aquatic Form to draw your buffed Bottomfeeder as quick as possible. If you remove Aquatic Form and Sir Finley, Sea Guide youre essentially killing the basic function of this deck, youd then need to draw through your entire deck just to even get the FIRST +2/+2 from Bottomfeeder with your suggestion
Taking out two staple cards just to draw bottomfeeder slightly better just isnt correct with the idea of this deck, especially when you already have living seed.
I have been trying Kazakusan with the updated 5-mana nourish instead of overgrowth. It’s just plain better. Goodbye overgrowth, and welcome old-school nourish!