Quest Hunter Plat10 -> Dia5 [68% winrate!!] - V...
- Last updated Apr 23, 2022 (Sunken City)
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- 5 Minions
- 25 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Quest Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 8340
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/5/2022 (Sunken City)
- Bittttttttttttttt
- Registered User
- 2
- 15
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The idea of the deck is to do the Questline while attacking face if no board pressure and controlling if needed. Mech Mage is giving me problems because their minions have Divine Shield or big stats so it is superbad for us. But any other deck has been a walk in the park.
I would love to make a Mulligan Guide but I don't really know much about the meta to give an acurate mulligan so I'll say this: If you are against an Aggro deck, keep Explosive Trap always and always look for Cheap Damage Spells to advance your Questline faster. If you are against a deck with no cheap board clears like Ramp Druid keep Raj Naz'jan (he has given me games by turn 5-6). That's all for now!
First Update [04/12]: 2 Conch's Call are too much, it is so slow for the deck. So -1 Conch's Call +1 Marked Shot (at least it's an active effect). The deck works fine (7-2 at the moment)
Update [04/14]: So the change I made 2 days ago made go from a Plat to a Dia in a few games. I haven't changed anything else. For now the winrate is 24-11~69% NICE!! I'll start this afternoon the road to Legend but for now this deck is broken
Update 2 [04/14]: I've been stuck winning one losing one in Diamond 10 and I've discovered a problem with a card. Cloaked Huntress sucks at her job!!! If you draw a secret with Dun Baldar Bunker with Cloaked Huntress on board it will cost (1) because screw you. So goodbye Cloaked Huntress. Also many people are running cheap spells so Ice Trap wasn't seeing that much value. So it is time to give it all to damage spells. Welcome Quick Shot to the team!
To sumarize: -1 Cloaked Huntress -1 Ice Trap +2 Quick Shot
Update [04/15]: The change was supergood. I got to Diamond 5 just now. I saw almost no one playing hunter and that feels so wrong. The winrate now is 41-19 ~68% well not so nice but it kept the winrate through the low half of diamond, so great. I'm so hyped to try for Legend again after many months :D
Update [04/23]: I was on vacation with my family so I haven't played that much but High Diamond is BRUTAL. I needed some changes to make this deck perform a little better. So say goodbye to one copy of Dragonbane Shot (not that much damage for the cost, barbed is better everytime), Conch's Call (no one will be sad about this) and Barak Kodobane (he's been with my questline decks since the beginning, sorry man). But do not worry, here comes the one and only Bloodmage Thalnos and a pair of Barbed Nets.
I'm currently on 2-star Diamond 4 so this changes where pretty good. Not going to change the title of the deck; I don't really know the winrate because I've been playing on mobile. Sorry and GL.
Also no nerfs for us Hunters ^^
Which one is spell school in this deck?
Arcane Shot (Arcane)
Explosive Trap (Fire)
Freezing Trap (Frost)
This deck is already outdated. It was crafted before the Sunken City mini-set and the Castle Nathria expansion is coming tomorrow. If you want to try a similar type of deck regardless, or use the Multicaster's ability to draw a bunch of cards. With the mini-set you can use a Nature spell that deals damage (Shellshot) and Castle Nathria brings another spell (Wild Spirits).
yes cloaked and dun baldar is a bug or at least looks like it :)
Trolled me a couple of games xD
PLAT? Any deck can play on plat
Sorry for being honest (?)
This was a deck I theorycrafted before the expansion was released. I said i'll post the results when the expansion launched, sorry I am a Plat player for now, I am climbing with this deck
here is my advice how to play it most consistently
It's another approach to this deck.
Not very different from mine except for the secrets+multicaster package changed for card draw + nagas (also barbed nets advancing 2 times the Questline is very likely to be changed). I thought of this as well but I prefer not to use other nagas in the deck so Conch's Call always draws Raj Naz'jan and Queen Azshara. But it is personal preference.
keep in mind that Barbed Nets is a great early game tool and a cheap card for quest aswell u will need more than 2 nagas in general
just 1 Cloaked Huntress is very unconsistent and cards like these are also clunky. in this deck you will only use minions for combo or draw
imo even Conch's Call is to slow and only good after finishing quest looking for a leathel turns. btw Conch's Call is 1 dead card if you draw a naga or 2 dead cards if you draw both its just waste of mana grabbing a spell for 3 mana even with finished quest
i see that secrets can be usefull in tempo matchups but Multicaster is often a dead card if you didnt play atleast 2 spellschools in previous turns
i prefer Furious Howl because its cheaper and synergice with your quest even better
drawing secrets is mostlikely inconsistent aswell i played both versions for a couple hours and pure quest is lil stonger and faster
Barbed Nets is a card that I may change in for Wound Prey, I thought it could only target minions.
Also, more than 1 copy of Cloaked Huntress is pointless. You only want it for the Azshara combo, if you draw it early you might as well play the card for tempo.
I love your feedback btw! <3
thank you man but keep Wound Prey for the 5 dmg combo with piercing shot ! its also low cost spell and great tool to recycle dragonbane shot!
agreed, very nice view here :)
Fun Fact..... Barbed Nets will advance the Questline twice, if it hits two enemies.
Not sure if bug or intentional.... but that's how it worked during theorycraft livestream.
Interesting, maybe Murkwater Scribe could make a good combo :D
Having already played against some secret package versions i felt those versions were much slower and easily defeated that version as even quest Mage with mostly burns spells.The one spell that counters a spell doesn't do anything for the quest so it is easy to play around.You want all cards to be quest related to make it as fast as possible like i said typically turn 6 and over turn 7 or 8.
So if someone finds cards to make it even faster "i doubt it"then quest Hunter would be just stupid i mean winning faster than turn 7/8 is just not right.
BTW i looked over that list i don't think it makes the deck any better.I am by no means a quest Hunter expert only played a handful of games but the FREE deck list is plenty good already a turn 7/8 at latest turn 9 winning list and pretty darn consistent.
I didn't focus on making the deck win superfast because playing Tavish after the questline finishes is 5-mana which is a lot in today's meta. This will not be a top tier deck imo but because everyone will want to play Colossals and combos the game will slow down at least a bit and this deck shines there. It has a combo with Queen Azshara for the control matchup and a bit of everything to try and survive long enough to play the quest.
Hunter is my favorite class and I think Midrange decks are not explored at all and they have a lot of potential
Quest Hunter is already TOO EASY too consistent and imo too strong and quest is completed too fast like turn 6.
Think about it they made players have to play 9 O/L cards in Shaman quest wtf !! you know how hard it is to play 9 bad cards with little reward?So typically you MIGHT finish the quest by turn 9 lmao Hunter is already finished and the game is already over.
As to the notion of NEW cards well all this needs is more ways to refill hand and then it is completely busted.I don't think adding in minion cards helps at all because many games will come down to simply top decking ANY card because you know it is a spell it is auto dmg but if your top deck is a minion it is like grrr might lose now.Barrok works because he is hand refill so any minion added has to be like Barrok is ...hand refill.
Not a fan of the secret package just for a burst combo that is not even necessary. Give Twinbow Terrorcoil a look, cards broken.
agreed this is hybrid aggressive / defensive deck cause including secrets. the "super burst / burn version" with the card you mentioned could be terrific
1 twinbow + 1 aimed shot + raj: 2 * 3 (double aim shot) + 3 (raj mana cost) + 6 (hero power) = 15 dmg burst
edit: correct, edited
the Naga castin once again, so U dont benefit the*extra cast dmg* from Raj