FiAV - Big Spell
- Last updated Dec 21, 2021 (Fractured in Alterac Valley)
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- 19 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Big Spells Mage
- Crafting Cost: 7620
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 11/22/2021 (Deadmines)

- Pherosizm
- Registered User
- 4
- 18
- 124
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Total Deck Rating
This is going to be fun.
Is it going to be good? I don't care.
Some known interactions so far: Grey Sage Parrot will repeat a spell that has been discounted, as long as the spell originally cost 5 or more before being discounted.
Grey Sage Parrot also does not count the spell cast by Clumsy Courier as being "cast by you", so keep that in mind when using it.
EDIT1: Thinking you probably don't want to generate any spells that will mess up your school pool. Also not 100% sure if Arcane Brilliance is good or bad for this deck. It might not be necessary and will get cut, but will require testing.
EDIT2: After some hands on with this deck, tower and brilliance are not good. Adding some hero power synergy works well and post Magister Dawngrasp can get very powerful. Testing with arcane overflow instead of mass polymorph.
EDIT3: Deck feels good like this. Hero power synergy felt kinda clunky after testing it. Double viper because META.
EDIT4: Taking out one viper because NERFS.
How is Celestial Ink Set gonna work? This deck doesnt have low cost spells. Let's say play this turn 2 and then what? Maybe add some spell generators like Wand Thief, Pandaren Importer or Venomous Scorpid(of course you would have to choose spells wisely to not interrupt Magister Dawngrasp's pool) What you think about this?
I think Celestial Ink Set is best used for value later on. You equip it turn 2 and forget about it. Then later when you use a big spell, ideally you have another big spell in hand that can take the discount.
Now you have a much cheaper spell you can hold on to for when you need it.
Originally I thought that having cheap spell generators would be good but I was worried about the spell pool for Magister Dawngrasp, as you said...
This deck is going to take some experimenting out on ladder to see exactly what feels good and what needs to be cut :)
You can maybe use Flamestrike, it's a 7-cost fire spell, a good big spell, extra value for Magister Dawngrasp and no worry about board clears in late game
That's a good point, originally my list had minion spell generators and the idea was to find a fire spell, but now that I've cut them I think a flamestrike would be a good idea.
I'm really leaning toward cutting arcane brilliance, so I think that'll be the trade off.
Really like the inclusion of SI:7 Skulker but I think there may be too many high cost cards. Getting to turn 7 will be tough without early pressure or removal.
This is very true. I'd like to get my hands on this deck before I start making major changes, but right now I'm thinking that brilliance and the tower may get cut in favour of fire sale or something like that to keep up in the early game.
The end result of this deck may feature a much leaner list of spells in order to accommodate the meta.
Another user here had arcanologist, ice barrier and snowblind harpy to help keep a high armour count, and I think that might also be a perfectly viable way to go, as well. In that case, we might not run deep freeze and go for the bigger survival game.