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So many Winconditions

  • Last updated Nov 3, 2021 (Deadmines)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Murloc Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 10540
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/3/2021 (Deadmines)
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This is a Murloc OTK Paladin Deck with some extras.

The 7 Murlocs

# 2x Grimscale Oracle
# 2x Bluegill Warrior
# 2x Murloc Warleader
# 1x Old Murk-Eye

Together on the board they add up to 30 charge damage (or 42 damage after summoned)

Tip the Scales

You can play them aggressively (or tempo) if you draw them. If you draw Tip the Scales and didn't draw a murloc yet, play it immeediately for 30 damage. If you drew some murlocs already, this card will decrease in value. But you still want your 7 Murlocs out (and dead).

Anyfin Can Happen

Play this card to summon the 7 dead murlocs for 30 charge damage. If you play the second one, the combination of murlocs is random! You might have 30 direct damage. You might have MORE! You might have less!

Lorekeeper Polkelt

This is a very strong card in this deck! There are 2 ways to play it.

1) Play on turn 5

Only do this if you already drew Shirvallah, the Tiger since this is another win condition. Read below. When you play Polkelt, you will draw Shirvallah, Anyfin x2, Uther and then Tip the scales. The benefit is, that your Murlocs will be further below and Tip the scales brings you maximum value. If you already have Tip the scales on your hand, even better!
Tip: You can play Empore to be able to play TTS one turn earlier.

2) Play on turn 10 (win condition) 

This will only work if you didn't draw Shirvallah yet!!! Shirvalllah will end up on top of your deck. Holy Wrath will deal 25 Damage this way! Again, combine with Emporer to play earlier. If both cards get reduced, you can deal 25 damage on turn 8!

Uther of the Ebon Blade

Uthers special ability are the 4 minions he summons through his hero power that will instantly kill your opponent. 

You can replace Acolyte of pain with another Brewmaster. For me this didn't work out very well. I needed more card draw. 
Strategy: After you play Uther, next turn summon one of the 4 minions and pull him back with Brewmaster.

The combo will work if your opponent leaves one of the 4 walkers alive (after you summon another one 2 turns after playing Uther). 

At this state, you have 1 on hand and 1 on board (best case they are not the same). Now youu have 10 Mana, one walker on board and one in hand. Play it first! (8 Mana left) then use your Hero Power (6 Mana left) then play Blackwald Pixie (5 Mana left) then trigger your hero power again and your opponent is dead.

Bonus: Prismatic Lens

This card adds a lot of fun to the deck. You have 3 spells that are really expensive. This could be a quick win. If. you draw Lorekeeper Polkelt or Holy Wrath, thats an early 25 damage. If you are in a deadly position you might draw Wild Pyromancer + Equality (4+2+3=9 Mana) and safe yourself another turn. It adds the fun to the deck.


Acolyte of pain, Azure Drake, Ragnaros the Lightlord, Flash of light. These cards are replaceable IMO. Make sure you have enough card draw!