Day[9] Echo Control Mage
- Last updated Dec 19, 2014 (GvG Launch)
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- 15 Minions
- 15 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 6740
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/12/2014 (GvG Launch)
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- Premium
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Day[9]'s Control Mage featuring Echo of Medivh.
Control the board until late game when you can play many giants (using Echo of Medivh, you can often play many Molten Giants for 0 mana in one turn). Alexstrasza often wins games because you usually have at least 2 giants on the board for lethal damage.
Check out Day[9]'s YouTube channel for this deck's construction, iteration and more play vids.
Reminds me of Dax Shepard
what would this deck look like in the current meta?
It has become relatively weak compared to other control mages especially monkey mage and Frost mage but it works ok at lower ranks and is a great deck for beating most of the Solo adventures
Having great fun with this.
However, I'd like to somehow force 2x Unstable Portals in to this - just for the random fun of it.
What would you take out to get the portals in?
I use Sylvanas instead of Dr Boom. She can be played along with moltens and echoed. I feel like the 9/9 stats of Dr Boom is useless with all the giants.
Just to share what I've done with this deck.... Well I haven't tested Dr. Boom out too much but instead I have Loatheb in there who is just amazing! Not having to worry about lightbombs, or auchenai double circle or the handlock playing a minion and shadowflame, mind control, etc... is just amazing when your setting up for lethal. Also it is pretty hilarious to double loatheb specially against warriors because of their cheap removal.
Another thing, so I saw strifecro had made a very very similar deck (actually maybe he said someone else made it and he was trying it?). Anyways the most interesting thing that I may try is it only had 1 mountain giant which I then I can fit Dr. Boom in but just sometimes in matches against aggro your mountain giants just don't end up working out.
Seems to attract the dregs of Hearthstone society. I don't think I've ever lost to this incredibly frustrating deck without an overwhelming amount of unprovoked taunts and BM from the sad little rage kiddie playing it.
It's a killer deck when it works, but it's far too gimmicky to be anything other than a troll deck, which is certainly what it is in my experience.
And as for the guy who said people don't know what's coming, you almost immediately do. And sometimes the other side can't do anything but hope, but you can certainly play around it to some extent. I know as a Priest deck to save the MC, and SW:P and whatever burst I have for that big turn 9-10 push to drop six Giants.. usually works.
I don't have an Alexstrasza. What would you recommend as a cheaper alternative?
Alextrasa is unique and fills a role that no other card can fill in this deck. Instead, use the card slot for a tech card to counter the majority of the decks that you are facing.
I use Pyroblast instead of Alextrasa seems to do the trick
I really like this deck but I have made a few alterations to it. I have detailed those alterations here for anyone interested. If your too lazy to click the gist of it is removing Mountain Giant in favor of Ethereal Arcanist. This gives the deck more midgame options and alternate win conditions.
I created a 12 minute video guide for this video. Totally was about to lose, and in typical Echo Control fashion, pulled out ahead and got the win :)
Matchup: Echo Control vs. Zoolock
I have been using this deck several times, both in casual and ranked since last night. I will say that this is one of the most fun decks that I have ever played in hearthstone, since the ability to delay until you are able to swing with several giants, or kill them with Alexstrasza and two giants, is done very well in this deck. My personal win ratio is 7 wins and 1 loss, so it feels very powerful, but I haven't had much opportunity to play it a lot.
A couple of thoughts that I have had though:
1. Flamecannon is usually very good early game, but can easily end up much weaker as the game goes longer. The RNG factor can affect how well it works, but it can be controlled. However, if the opponent can swarm the board, Flamecannon's effectiveness rapidly drops off.
2. Aggro decks are not too bad, since you have several ways of clearing out the board, such as early removal with flamecannon, frostbolt, or explosive sheep, and Flamestrike to help clear it out late game. Antique healbot is highly useful to help keep your life total high, and playing a 0 cost Molten Giant, an Antique Healbot, and then an Echo of Medivh is usually game over for Aggro decks.
3. Control decks are a favorable matchup for this deck as long as you make sure to either use all of their prime removal, you echo your giant creatures the turn you play them, or you have a duplicate up with favorable creatures only and the opponent has no way to change them into other creatures (Hex, Polymorph). Control has really only creature interaction to deal with the giant creatures, and they usually have to use premium removal in the process to do so. This type of removal is usually limited, so they would eventually run out, leaving you free to run out your giant creatures without issue. Alexstrasza is highly useful in this matchup to help cut through either warrior or priest's tendency to stay at a high life total. However, Warrior can be difficult to deal with, due to their tendency to have a burst finisher with Grommash, and their armor, which Alex does not directly impact.
These are just a couple of thoughts that I have had while playing with this deck. At the very least, I find this deck to be a lot of fun and something people should try out.
Been watching Day[9] playing this deck, and playing it myself recently; I have to say it is hilarious and strong.
Just faced a mage who managed to get Leeroy Jenkins and Tirion Fordring both from Unstable Portal but still got a win.
Big Props to Day[9] for this deck.
This deck is amazing. Crazy amounts of fun and I don 't think it's that overpowered.
One of the reason why I believe that this deck is currently working is because most people aren't aware of it's existence. It's hard for them to predict which cards will come out of the deck next.
This deck is incredibly good against all types of aggro and weak against Handlock and Control Warrior. (better against handlock than warrior)
I have personally made two changes in this deck:
1. I removed Water Elemental for an Antique Healbot. What i personally like to do is that on turn 9, I put 1 Molten Giant for 0 mana, 1 Antique Healbot for 5 mana and play Echo of Medivh for 4. If I already have an ice block, it's generally my win.
2. I removed Sylvanas Windrunner for Doctor Boom. Sylvanas seem to just attract silences which doesn't really have any other targets (although those that are smart would silence Mad Scientist) and it's just another huge threat. Also, it can work well with Echo of Medivh if your Boom Bots live for more then 1 turn (rarely happened)
Some quick tips for people who want to try this deck:
1. NEVER keep any secrets in your opening hand. I have lost every single game when I ended up having both secrets (Ice Block and Duplicate in my first 3 draws. The reason being is that you lose so much value and tempo by not being able to get them for free with Mad Scientist.
2. Your main priority until turn 8-9 is to slow down the game. Whenever you can, clean up the board with all of your single targeting and aoe spells.
3. Draw, Draw and Draw. If you can, always find an opportunity to draw cards. It's the only way to get your Combo piece...
4. Against Handlock, don't bother attacking face. Only way you're going to win is by using Polymorph on their Mountain Giant and rushing them down to 0 when they are at 20 health or so (unable to play Molten Giant). But again, this is a very difficult matchup.
5. Against Control Warrior, pray. Very difficult to win. I have 1 game out of 3 mainly due to the fact that I believe the opposing player was not really aware of what I was playing. They just have too much armor and Alexstrasza doesn't really do that much in this matchup. If you're lucky, they will utilize a lot of their removal spells on 1 giant and they won't play Troggzor the Earthinator or Iron Juggernaut
If I could, I would remove Doctor Boom for card that would help me against Control Warrior and Handlock. But sadly I can't really think of anything... If anyone has any suggestions, let me know!
Actually these changes you suggested happened yesterday in Day's stream, in addition to -1 Acolyte of Pain +1 Sunfury Protector. I've updated the decklist accordingly. Good write up btw :)
I'm interested in your opinion on the Sunfury - I feel like this could save you in aggro matchups.
Haha seriously? I guess great minds think a like!
I personally don't like Sunfury Protector. The only situation I see it becoming useful would be if you're able to get two giants on the board. If you only have 1, most aggro decks would have a silence ready due to the lack of targets in the deck and if you're able to have 2, I might be more tempted to get a copy of Antique Healbot over Sunfury Protector.
Besides, generally speaking, this deck does great against all types of aggro.
On another note, I actually made one more change into the deck. I removed 1 flame cannon, since it's mostly dead past turn 6 (the opponent's board is filled with creatures, so too much rng for my personal taste) and added 1 Kezan Mystic.
Now you might think i'm crazy, but this card has saved my life on a couple of occasions.
1. A Druid played a Kezan Mystic to steal my secret. I was able to steal it back. :)
2. I had four giants on my board and I had lethal over a hunter. Only problem was that I was at 2 life and they had an Explosive Trap... Kezan Mystic came to the rescue there. :)
3. A priest stole a secret using Thoughtsteal. Kezan Mystic ;)
As you can see, Kezan Mystic can be a game changer in certain scenarios. Kezan Mystic is one of the rare cards that would be considered as a hard counter against this deck. The fact that you can use it too can be useful!
I think it might be worth slotting in a couple of Recombobulators, perhaps instead of Acolytes. If you get a mountain giant out before an Echo gets to your hand, it could be useful to essentially give your giant a full heal. I'd say pretty much any deck that runs any Giants should at least consider the idea.
I disagree, I've been playing with this deck for a while now and I would argue that the most important thing to do in this deck is to (1) take the least amount of damage and (2) draw into your combo.
Because this deck (for me at least) is a 4 piece combo (Molten Giant + Ice Block + Echo + Healbot), I find it crucial to draw into those cards. Even if they kill one of my giants, I still have plenty more to combo with.