Deathrattle Priest Returns (Sorry in advance)
- Last updated May 27, 2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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- 11 Minions
- 19 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Priest
- Crafting Cost: 8160
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/27/2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
- InfamousGW
- Registered User
- 4
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I don't know why I did it, but I've been playing with Deathrattle Priest and created this deck list
I'm sorry
For those who WANT to go to the dark side, I've created a video guide discussing the mulligans, combos, strategies and win conditions as well as my verdict for the deck
Tried the deck and finished 0-4 with it. I absolutely love the concept but got completely railroaded by aggro decks and feels like one would need a lot of help in the form of bad mulligans/RNG for the opposing player in order to stay competitive.
Yes, it may appear as if this deck was designed for legendary grind and not ladder games. Try it, when you are in plat or diamond. Me, I am too tired for the grind.
Al'ar is must have ?
nah - tbh since playing the deck more its actually pretty redundant since you have more elementals which dilutes N'zoth
I would sub for Burning Blade acolyte for demon/N'zoth synergy, dragonmaw stalker for Dragons or even Relinguary of Pain - great to pull the prime from Idol or Blood of G'huun
Very fun on paper, not so much in ranked. ;)
I have a winning record of 8-4 so far in Ranked, but as I said, I replaced Al'ar with Blademaster Samuro. Of the 4 losses, 2 were to Mage, 1 to Paladin, and 1 Hunter got the jump on me. I'm currently Gold 3.
If it works for you, more power to you! I'm just losing with it and Priest is by far my most played class. Doing way better with Control and even Corrupt Priest. Was Diamond 7 EU, back to 10 with this deck ^^
Fun deck but once you hit Diamond rank good luck against Paladin.
honestly if you can get the board paladin struggles to wrestle it back, but getting the board is the hard part
I developed a version of DR priest really early, before the meta version became prominent, back when Convincing Infiltrator was released. It was the first original deck I built that went on to become viable and well known. You're right, it was a grief deck for sure. So I love this idea and might try it out. However, I feel like having Al'ar taint your rez pool is really bad. Your other elementals are such better targets to re-summon. I gather you've included it because it can be played on T5, making it the second cheapest minion in the deck. But 3 health is way too easy to remove. Given you are running N'Zoth, I think there are three cards that would be better in this slot:
You have four other elementals in the deck. Al'ar should be replaced. I think the acolyte takes the cake, even if it is easy to remove at 1 health. No one is running silence so it's a guaranteed 5/8 taunt demon. One copy is probably fine since you're running Gift of Luminance.
edit: I also feel like Reliquary of Souls is worth considering for fairly obvious reasons. At 1 mana, you would almost always keep it against aggro. Great rez target, great to pull a 5-cost reliquary prime off corrupted Insight. Since it isn't a tribal minion, it doesn't fuck with N'Zoth. Etc. Etc.
Great suggestions! WIll definitely implement and give a go
Once again, Great deck! I'm a fan of yours GW. I also do not have Al'ar, so I replace him with Blademaster Samuro for your famous Blade Apotheosis combo...good times!
nice one! also when Idol of Y'Shaarj pulls Samuro it's like dropping a nuke on board
I didn't think of that! Samuro shows up as a 10/10, nice!
Looks like a fun deck. I`m short on Al`ar but will give it a go with a good replacement :) Cheers
Al Ar isn't strictly necessary since you have 2 other elementals