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Kanrethad Warlock (the new meta deck??)

  • Last updated May 31, 2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 10920
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/24/2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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What if I told you that there is an actual decktype for Warlock that doesn't use Tickatus or Lord Jaraxxus, isn't aggro and can beat most of the current meta decks?

Deck is extremely flexible and the gameplay varies highly when facing either aggro, midrange or control.

In every match yes u'll have the same deck and cards in it, but you can choose to use them differently depending on what kind of opponent, deck or situation you're facing. You don't always have to go Envoy Rustwix play AND you dont always have to even life tap / draw cards from your deck. Deck has some strong play's, but don't be fooled by them and be too obsessive to go straight to those. Instead try always think what is the best action in each situation. To learn all the potential you'll first have to be highly known with the meta AND then you'll just have to play a ton and learn how many different ways you can shape this "clay-like" deck.

Cards explained

Raise Dead: Against aggro try to re-use some of your cheap minions for extra healing and board presence such as Armor Vendor and Death's Head Cultist. The more control oriented game you go the more you want to have raised something with more value like Tour Guide and Youthful Brewmaster. (for opening hand if also having good targets offered)

Armor Vendor: It's just auto include in when you want to crush aggro. Also in a pinch you can consider it to be ok Youthful Brewmaster target. (good for opening hand against aggro)

Grimoire of Sacrifice: Shadow spell ( Tamsin Roame ) that makes decent board clear with a cheap cost of one of your weaker minions. You can also use it to something like Kanrethad Ebonlocke or Envoy Rustwix to force deathrattle activation. (good for opening hand against aggro)

Mortal Coil: We want to draw and have the board in control, so there's both of those things... (good for opening hand against aggro)

Sphere of Sapience: It fits in the deck perfectly by providing more secure draw for any situation. When combined with Lorekeeper Polkelt you can have extra value by skipping some unwanted draws to get closer to the cards you want to play following turns such as Nightshade Matron and Blood Shard Bristleback. (always pick for opening hand)

Tour Guide: It's a Kobold Librarian with one less atk that can delay its effect. For example on turn 3 first life tap for 2 mana and then drop Tour Guide for 1 to gain free card draw for the next turn. Also you can delay the free draw even further, something like after playing Lorekeeper Polkelt for example. (always pick for opening hand)

Drain Soul: Good defensive tool for early game + healing. Combined with Tamsin Roame take control of the board and heal grazy. (good card for opening hand against aggro)

Kanrethad Ebonlocke: Together with Envoy Rustwix and 2x Nightshade Matron you can have Kanrethad Prime to drop basically a nice board controlling precense and having your deck filled with high value cards. Against control just do it multiple times with Youthful Brewmaster and have them outvalued with endless suply of prime cards! (never take to opening hand AND never play unless you have played all Nightshade Matron's that you have planned on playing during that match)

Youthful Brewmaster: Highly flexible card! Against aggro, try to save it up for grazy healing/boardclear together with active Blood Shard Bristleback. Against midrange/aggro try to get atleast one bounce of from fully loaded Kanrethad Prime to ensure you have enough value to run them over eventually. Read the situation and act based on it! (bad card for opening hand)

Blood Shard Bristleback: It's in its best a 3 mana, kill a minion and heal 6. That's grazy effective against aggro! Having dropped Lorekeeper Polkelt on turn 5 it's even possible to active this card on turn 7! Even without the fast draw combo, the deck has fairly fast card draw anyways and you should be ready to go latest on turn 10. You can also drop it as a turn 3 drop against aggro, but then I recommend that you also have Raise Dead to back up this decision. (bad card for opening hand)

Death's Head Cultist: I see it as a 3 mana, heal 7+ (because often opponent doesn't have even number to take out the taunt). It also often sets opponent's minions to one health and ready to die to a simple Mortal Coil. (decent pick to opening hand against aggro)

Tamsin Roame: Against aggro go for heal and/or board clear duplication such as Drain Soul, Mortal Coil and Grimoire of Sacrifice. Against control and midrange you want have one duplicate of Hysteria to secure you having enough heavy board clears during the match! This is specially true against any current Paladin meta deck. (bad card for opening hand)

Hysteria: I did run a version with Soul Rend instead, but then realized that Hysteria is just way much better board clear. There are many things with divine shields these days and many aggro deck plays big minions along side of smaller ones... that they eventually end up killing because of this cards. (i consider it as a good card against aggro in opening hand)

Nightshade Matron: Unless it's a emergency use it always with Hand of Gul'dan to have a turn of board controlling and drawing 3 cands at the same time. If Lorekeeper Polkelt is dropped, it makes it so that you can automatically make this combo within the next 1-2 turns after AND twice, going through your deck grazy fast when still keeping opponents board under check. (keep it in opening hand ONLY if you also have been offered Hand of Gul'dan )

Envoy Rustwix: Generates high value endgame cards. With Kanrethad Prime + Youthful Brewmaster combo AND having almost your whole deck drawn because of Nightshade Matron + Hand of Gul'dan combo, your just going to have +9 full prime legendary deck! That's something that can even challenge Lord Jaraxxus's hero power! Note that this card can also produce more Kanrethad Prime's. (never pick for opening hand)

Lorekeeper Polkelt: This is the card that makes this deck so powerfull! Knowing exactly what your going to draw and in witch order is grazy good and helps a ton to make perfect gameplan in any situation you find yourself in. Try to remember that having either Kanrethad Ebonlocke's or Envoy Rustwix's deathrattle activated will mix your deck "back to the normal order". I prefer doing it only if I have played both Nightshade Matron's and received Kanrethad Ebonlocke to my hand. (always pick to your opening hand UNLESS you think they'll play highly aggressive deck where you would be dead on turn 7 or something)

Taelan Fordring: Good card to find either Lorekeeper Polkelt or later in game to tutor into Kanrethad Prime. (never take to opening hand though)

Hand of Gul'dan: 99% of times play it only with Nightshade Matron. Also to remind you, this card is also a shadow spell ( Tamsin Roame ). (keep it in opening hand ONLY if you also have been offered Nightshade Matron )

Gameplay replays against metadecks











I just purely wanted this deck out there and under my name. Have had a ton of fun with it on the ladder and it's always so refreshing to play something new and unique without giving up of too much winratio.

I hope you'll find this deck interesting and inspiring for your own testing on this "new area" of playing Warlock.

I'll answer any upcoming questions the best I can.

Thank you !
