Classic Control Warrior Diamond-Legend
- Last updated Apr 21, 2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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- 16 Minions
- 11 Spells
- 3 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 13280
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/16/2021 (Forged in the Barrens)

- Pushover1471
- Registered User
- 2
- 16
- 15
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Total Deck Rating
UPDATE : 4/20/21
So have been having massive problems with agro as of late and replaced 5 cards and having much better results, I already updated them in list so copy deck code is accurate.
Removed Acolyte of Pain x 1, Spellbreaker x 1, Ysera , The Black Knight and Acidic Swamp Ooze x 1.
Replaced with Earthen Ring Farseer x 2, Sen'jin Shieldmasta x 2, Tinkmaster Overspark.
This should help with survivability in early and mid game with Taunts and Heals and Tinkmaster Overspark works good for stealthed Gadgetzan Auctioneer Ragnaros the Firelord Mountain Giant etc.
UPDATE : 4/19/21
If you are having issues or gaps needed to be filled and looking to replace cards in this deck here are the 3 in order by least necessary after playing 100's of games. Spellbreaker, Ysera, The Black Knight. From Least important in that order.
Possible Replacements:
Spellbreaker : Sen'jin Shieldmasta, Ironbeak Owl
Ysera: Earthen Ring Farseer, Tinkmaster Overspark, Sen'jin Shieldmasta, Chillwind Yeti
The Black Knight: Sen'jin Shieldmasta, Sunwalker
Druid : Armorsmith, Acolyte of Pain, Execute, Shield Slam, Slam
Druid's are looking to innervate Turn 2 or 3 with Chillwind Yeti or Druid of the Claw so mill hard for a execute to start game with. Do not be careless and throw down Acolyte of Pain unless you can ping it or else it will be silenced and you will find yourself with no draw and a endless amount of Druid minions that are looking to set you up for a turn 9 Force of Nature + Savage Roar combo = 14 damage. Steady board clear while reaming above 16-20 health is ideal. When board is finally clear drop Alextrasza and go offensive, watch Druid blow everything trying to clear your bigger minions.
Rogue: Acolyte of Pain, Armorsmith, Shield Block, Fiery War Axe, Tinkmaster Overspark
Rogue's can be a bit tricky because the game is basically being run on A) do they have coin and B) do they have Gadgetzan Auctioneer. If they have coin I would recommend to start filling board with minions, Armorsmith, Acolyte of Pain, that way Rogue is forced to coin out and use some of their spells they would have used for Gadgetzan Auctioneer. This is a survivability issue not a board clear game so use whatever you have as you have it. Keep track of the spells they blow on Deck Tracker so you can keep track of what they have left to avoid dying and also to enable you to play offensively once danger zone is know if they blow a Cold Blood and both Eviscerate prior to Leeroy Jenkins than the Rogue's potential OTK is weaker and weaker allowing you a bit more mobility. Get them to blow stuff is basically what I'm saying. UPDATE: Added Tinkmaster Overspark to eliminate stealthed Gadgetzan Auctioneer
Hunter: Whirlwind, Armorsmith, Cruel Taskmaster, Fiery War Axe, Slam, Acolyte of Pain
Straight forward approach here. clear all minions (beast are priority even if a 1/1). Most face Hunters open with Leper Gnome than Animal Companion. Hunters have massive board presence in first 4 turns than around 5-6 run out of steam a bit. Key is to set yourself up to ping things as much as possible with your minions and their minions. Once initial push is dealt with they will usually throw up Explosive don't need to activate does you no good since your just trying to survive. Try to end all your turns with a Armor Up if possible and remember Hunters are just waiting for a massive amount of minions to be played so they can play Unleash the Hounds + Starving aware of it as you play.
Shaman: Fiery War Axe, Shield Slam, Shield Block, Brawl, Acolyte of Pain
Straight forward Warrior Control approach here. Shamans are just going to annoyingly fill board with totems and Flametongue Totem along with overload creatures. Clear the board and be mindful of putting down a Acolyte of Pain unless you can ping it because Shaman will Earthshock it. In the long run this should be a win every time because you just have to much board clear and board presence plus the armor negates a lot of the ramping burst needed for Shaman.
Warlock: Slam, Fiery War Axe, Whirlwind, Acolyte of Pain, Armorsmith
(Zoo) Remove Knife Juggler and Flame Imp with Slam, Shield Slam and Fiery War Axe immediately. All other minions are important but not as much as those 2 clowns. Be ready to ping with whatever you have towards turn 4-5 your Acolyte of Pain, Armorsmith with Whirlwind Cruel Taskmaster and any method you have to ping armor and draw. YOU SHOULD BE WINNING THIS MATCHUP FYI. I think out of 12 Zoo games I lost 2. If you need more help throw a comment with you main concern and I can assist.
(Handlock) Keep a Execute ready for turn 4 they are playing Mountain Giant obviously also have The Black Knight handy for Warlocks Life Tap Molten Giant Taunt Combo. This is a pretty good deck to deal with Handlock. Not much coaching is needed for this matchup. Shield Slam, Execute, Shield Block should all be priorities to start.
Mage: Fiery War Axe, Shield Slam, Shield Block, Acolyte of Pain, Earthen Ring Farseer
You should NEVER be losing this match up. If its a Freeze Mage you should literally never be losing, I've had Mage's instant concede on my first Shield Block used on turn 3. Every turn you should be using Hero Power to Armor Up. Clear what you can sporadically don't worry about board play, all Mage wants to do is get Alextrasza down and blast your face with spells but it will be virtually impossible due to armor. 2 things to worry about 1, have a way to kill Alextrasza on turn 9 or when played, and 2 have a way to kill Archmage Antonidas.
Tempo Mage can be a bit trickier, Mage's goal is to use Mana Wyrm to max value while spamming low level spells and putting up Mage Taunts to block clear of Mana Wyrm. Do not be afraid to use Shield Slam, or even Execute on these....besides the Water Elemental these are the biggest threat and you can wind up dead on turn 5. Mage is also looking to use Azure Drake on turn 5 followed by spells on turn 6 so clear anything with + Spell Damage with priority. Having a Brawl handy in this game isn't terrible either because Mage will load the board with a bunch of annoying minions.
Warrior: Acoylte of Pain, Cairne Bloodhoof, Gorehowl, Fiery War Axe, Sen'jin Shieldmasta
So this explanation is going to sound very weird, I understand that. This is simply a matchup of who makes the least mistakes and who maximizes each resource the best. Most likely this matchup will go to fatigue so what I'm about to tell you sounds weird but its not. On turn 3 play Acolyte of Pain and hope your opponent kills it with a Fiery War Axe or a minion for 1 ping...if you have 2 Acolyte of Pain on turn 3, and 4 use both and don't worry about pinging them so much....this will be mainly hero power only turns until turn 6, you will have plenty of cards so use these early to reduce having them uselessly sitting in your deck late game....good Warriors will sacrifice them quick bad Warriors will mistakenly ping these and get 2-3 cards drawn without realizing they are only bringing themselves quicker and closer to fatigue. If you have Cairne your ahead play it asap. Your advantage in this matchup is you 1 have extra big minion Ysera. Most Warriors have enough for everything but 1 of your minions will outlast the already exhausted Warriors resource. Avoid loading board most Warriors run 2 Brawl and are desperate to utilize it. UPDATE: The Black Knight has been removed from this deck, using Sne'jin Shieldmasta instead.
Paladin: Acolyte of Pain, Armorsmith, Execute, Cruel Taskmaster, Shield Slam
This matchup shouldn't be a problem for you, most Paladins are Healadins atm. Paladin will try to utilize Redemption Secret with Tirion Fordring or any Bubbled Taunt. Just maneuver through this with The Black Knight and Execute goes through the bubbles so you really don't have to worry about it...if game is lasting long use Acidic Swamp Ooze on Tirion's Ashbringer. Most Paladins have heals so just play them straight up and try to overwhelm them late game with a endless amount of larger not load board because Paladin is looking to use Equality and Wild Pyromancer. UPDATE: I'm seeing practically no Paladins, I've removed Black Knight and Acid Swamp Ooze from deck. You will see more agro than anything. Treat most Paladin's as Zoo Locks atm.
Priest : Acolyte of Pain, Fiery War Ax, Whirlwind, Cruel Taskmaster, Execute
I haven't played one Priest in 3 days. Priest don't have much to throw at this deck. You have way to much board control and Gorehowl allows you to clear 5-6 Minions. Priest try to run a weaker version of Freeze Mage with Prophet Velen but you simply just have to much armor.
Closing : If anything I've written seems off or incorrect for you or if your having problems issues with anything in particular please leave a comment below, I get updates and I would gladly assist if needed.
Started using this deck a couple of days ago. Seems pretty good, got nice winrates! I'm strugling against zoolock though, while you're describing that matchup should be won mostly. I get 50%+ winrates against any deck except zoolock. Even when I mulligan a pretty good starting hand and kill their starting minions, they just keep pushing out minions. It seems almost impossible to control the board with so many small minions. I also feel I lack card draw against that deck. Got any tips?
(Sorry if my English lacks, it's not my first language)
Thanks for sharing :)
I find the list a bit weak against Handlock. And Thinkmaster hates me (6 5/5 for the opponent in a row, and I didn't face a single Miracle...).
Guys! Please somebody can help me?
I really want to create this deck. But I can't add Grommash, Baron Geddon, Bloodhoof and Sylwannas either. Why? Its classic cards and this is a classic deck why can't I add theese cards? Really anoying.
might as well call it p2w warrior
Ok I will
Nice deck my dude at first i wasn`t sure about only copy of brawl but turned out to be great ! Only change i have made is Harrison for Ooze.
Currently at 17-6 with a 70 percent winrate at gold 9 !
Dude that is awesome! Super pumped for you!
Pretty interesting deck but I was wondering.. With what I can replace the Baron, he's the only one I am missing from this deck..
Good Question....he's pretty important for Zoo and a 7/5 Body...but if you can't craft possibly Abomination or even a Stampeding Kodo . Both give some body presence and also have great uses for Control Warrior.
Thanks for the fast responding and for the choices, I will try with the both version for a few matches to see how this it will gonna work
I work from home...have lots of time on my hand. Yes let me know!
Thank you for this guide.
For sure! I hope it helps.
That's really a good guide, nice work, love to see a cw player posting this
Thanks, was fun to make!