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DinoFrenzy Hunter

  • Last updated Apr 13, 2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Beast Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 6760
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/12/2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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 DinoFrenzy Hunter

 In opening mulligan keep: Draw cards, Don't Feed the Animals, one drops


If you enjoy drawing though your deck at a blazing fast pace and then smashing huge beasts at your opponents minions and face you'll find this deck a lot of fun (it wins a lot too).

The deck's play style is somewhat versatile depending on what opponent you're up against. However it primarily revolves around the end game of Trampling Rhino and making many of them with Dire Frenzy. You can then do huge face damage by hitting your opponents minions with large Trampling Rhino's even when they play taunt minions. 

Although you want to go face when you can you will find this deck will be in a constant battle for board control and you should prioritise keeping your opponents board under control and drawing through your deck rapidly to get to your power plays using Dire Frenzy. You can play it up to 4 times by playing Zul'jin while you have a beast on board.

We have a fairly solid early game with early 1 drop plays like Springpaw  and Sunscale Raptor for something to play before we play our many 3 drop options. 

The deck has access to huge amounts of cheap draw thanks to Master's Call and Starving Buzzard and to a lesser extent your cycle cards like Scavenger's IngenuityDiving Gryphon, Flare and Tracking

You have some key cards to keep your opponents minions in check. One of the most powerful of which is Don't Feed the Animals. Rush minions are very powerful once buffed as you can trade with your opponents minions while still leaving a body on board they still have to deal with. You can easily corrupt Don't Feed the Animals with 3 mana cards like Master's Call  and Diving Gryphon. These work great as they draw more beasts for you to buff.

This is where Dinomancy comes into play. Changing your hero power to buff your minions has huge synergy in this deck. You by no means need to keep Dinomancy in your hand at mulligan as you will most likely draw into it fairly quickly. I think running only one copy is more than fine as the deck does not rely solely on the card. You can choose to swap it out for another copy of Fresh Scent  which also works very well to buff your key rush minions Vicious Scalehide for defence/heal and Trampling Rhino for attack/damage.  


Replacements/other possible cards to run:

I've experimented quite a bit with this deck and there are many cards which can be run as replacements and are pretty viable. Feel free to swap similar cost cards to see how the deck performs.

Unleash the Hounds - while certainly a long time staple for hunter I found this just wasn't needed a lot of the time and the deck already has more than enough draw. If you're so far behind on board It's very good it means It's probably not enough to bail you out.

Dispatch Kodo - another obvious target beast for Dire Frenzy its pretty good very late game while buffed in hand but pretty underwhelming for 4 mana played vanilla. I think Trampling Rhino is a better choice for damage and stronger minion overall. 

Halazzi, the Lynx - synergises very nicely with the deck and gives you a lot of 1/1 rush minions to buff with Don't Feed the Animals for massive value. However I found it a little slow in many cases. 

Augmented Porcupine  - another beast thats very strong and a lot of fun when played buffed. However sometimes it's a bit slow when really you want a large rush minion to deal with something immediately. 


This deck runs quite a lot of epics and a few legendaries so here are a few replacements for some of them if you don't have them.

 Zul'jin - although he can sometimes be great in the deep late game playing 2x Dire Frenzy is often enough so you could replace with a cheaper card that helps go face like Tundra Rhino. 

Zixor, Apex Predator - is a nice card to have in this deck as it helps early game and is good for late game board control. However you can swap it out for another decent 3 drop like Pack Kodo orAugmented Porcupine if you have it. 

Dinomancy > Fresh Scent