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N'zoth Renolock

  • Last updated Apr 18, 2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 17820
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/11/2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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This is the most "face-all" deck i am playing right now ,it doesn't have a really big win rate over any deck except odd paladin,but can face almost if not all of the meta game,there are certain match-ups that  just looking at the list you wont know how to win against and what you need to do,like jade druid,combo decks that combo from either hand/deck etc.

I can make a detailed Explanation on everything from mulligans to techs and how to win the match-ups mentioned above if enough people want ,renolock is a good deck in general that have alot of flex spots so it can deal with wide variety of the wild meta game pretty well If played right


edit: Ok Let's Start with the basic

General Explanation:

RenoLock is a Anti-aggro Deck first,depending of the deckbuild you can manage bad and even low winrate matchups,with the deck being a "all-meta counter" you can win every match-up depending on what tech you bring

Lets First state what cards Cannot Be replaced or can only be replaced with cards that are used for the same purpose:

Zephrys the Great,Kazakus,Reno Jackson,Dragonqueen Alexstrasza 

(These 4 are for Obvious Reasons,they are the payoff for having a highlander deck)

Brann Bronzebeard, Gnomeferatu ,Zola the Gorgon,Dirty Rat

These cards are the one that will make you win certain unwinnable match-ups,they disrupt Combo and against other control deck is the main win condition:Making your oponnent entering fatigue faster using Brann Bronzebeard , Gnomeferatu  ,Zola the Gorgon on Gnomeferatu and playing them again,while using life-tap is the certain way to play this deck even against fatigue match-ups and extreme aggro-burn match ups,the important thing is to know when and how much you use it.(i will explain these below somewhere) 

Khartut Defender,Deathlord Enhanced Dreadlord,Voidlord,Voidcaller and N'Zoth, the Corruptor/Bloodreaver Gul'dan

Is your main win condition and value tool,if you are not playing n'zoth the you better of not using Karthut defender,n'zoth is the main win condition against jade druid so if you dont plan in using you can swap them for cards like Skulking Geist for the jade druid match up,and if you dont wanna craft a 400 dust 2/3 you can always play elisyana/tickatus for the fatigue match-ups,they are way easier to use with little downside but it is not optimal.

Twisting Nether,Lord Godfrey , Defile and Kazakus are your main source of bloard clear,makes all match-ups harder without them

Siphon Soul, Hysteria and Blastcrystal Potion are the premier target removal

Honorable Mentions: Zilliax,Emperor Thaurissan,Dark Skies, Expired Merchant

Expired Merchant is a form of more value that is not really needed,you can get 2-4 copies of either guldan or n'zoth,the only matchup where this is really useful right now is against jade druid that you can win without the card and makes n'zoth pool worse 

heres is a replay where merchant was useful,against a really greed jade druid list,i can assure you while this worked out for my win if did not have her in my deck i would have played better and would not need her its the same use of skullking geist,a easy way to win certain matchups,useful but if you use the deck the optimal way you dont need it,you will see what i mean below.


here's a replay without expired merchant that i won against jade druid


you dont need it,its 1 slot less for easier wins not optimal


Dark Skies is a very good but contrary to what people think is not necessary,against aggro match-ups you are playing this card on 3 on the ideal scenario,the problem if her is that once you are past turn 3 without using life-tap and using all your card to survive your hand is too low to use her for more than 3 mana deal 3-4 at ramdom, is just worse than Shadow Bolt in these cases 

Zilliax very good card and thats about it

Emperor Thaurissan everytime is played is plus mana and he can make big 10 drops comes 1 turn earlier,makes the gnomeferatu/dirty rat shenanigans easier too,against the wild meta that is mostly aggro you better off using Armor Vendor or Keli'dan the Breaker

The removal package is all optional as long you have Drain Soul on the deck everything else is about whats work better for you or what you like.

Main Gameplay: the deck plays very one sided for most part,your focus is to survive or cheat big minions early with Voidcaller that insta-win against certain minion based decks,then out value them using highlander cards

this works for most of the meta that composes of :Call the Arms Paladin,Token druid,odd paladin,pirate warrior,discard lock,and any type of normal agressive deck

the mulligan for those match-ups is the same,you try to find dark skies,defile,drain soul,and the removals you choose.Reno and godfrey can be kept as long you have other removal or 1 drop to get to 6-7 mana alive,voidcaller is only a keep with either dreadlord or voidlord on hand,deathlord good against aggro deck that have small minions.Zeprys against this matchups is good too on turn 2 he is a 3/2 that gives backstabb very good tempo play.

the problem is the non minion based agressive decks like flamewaker mage and any type of hunter,i am currently 1800 legend and ever since diamond 10 all hunters are face decks,either odd,even or pure face hunter.the solution for this match up is hard mulligan for reno jackson dont bother with anything else other than drain soul,they kill you fast even without minions but if you play reno on curve is gg most of the time,you should not life-tap against hunter,the only exception is if you have reno on hand,once you survive till reno on trough heals from mistress of mixture ,zilliax and drain soul you can also just play guldan without any demon on the pool,his hero power is enough to win(DH playes the exact same way as hunter) 

against the mages you have to assume to be some type of mozaki,flamewaker almost all spells mage,its either that deck or even hero power,both are hard match-ups,this is where dirty rat and gnomeferatu shines,you should always hard mulligan for those gnomeferatu can be played on curve if you dont have brann,but dirty rat needs to be played 1 turn before they go off,they mostly show that by playng mana biscuit and drawing alot of card,(its between turn 5-7 most of the time)is their setup before they kill you,if you did get dirty rat but no brann and only delayed them that is good enough they dont fight for board,you gonna need to make a big enough board so that flamewaker dont kill you,voidcaller and alextrasza is the way to make board fast,once you get one flamewaker or mozaki out of they hand the game is in your favor or won already

Jade druid is a especific match up that you can either play skulking geist for easy win or use the deck in the optimal way to win,against druid you should always mulligan if they are aggro,if they are not aggro the game is going to fatigue soo you dont need to bother with specific cards.what jade druids do is very simples,they ramp draw alot and make a lot of armor until they are left with only jade idols and card draw on hand,you need to be the most greed player possible,using bran only with kazakus/zola waiting alot for big board clears and playing all the demons and deathrattles before n'zoth and guldan,the way to win is once you are almost out of cards with everything set up and all he have is idols and draws you need to starting killing and board clearing every wave of idols until he only has idols and at most 2 draw card left,at that point he will make 1-2 15/15 golem per turn,if you are greed enough that game you can out value them and create a massive wall of taunt and demons and just go face,while he hits your 3/9 taunt that creats 3 taunts you hit him,if you used kazakus before without brann,no problem,you can use brann and zola on n'zoth to continue building board and going face,when he is out of jade idols he will need to shuffle and thats just a free turn of damage,i did not lost a single match against jade druid playing this way(you can try to cheese it if he shuffles only 1 copy of jade idol in the deck using gnomeferatu,but good jade druid player always save draw for the end game and shuffle draw the same turn,if he does not do that and only shuffles you will win even faster and easier[but depending on the oponent to missplay to win is just bad mentality]) 

you can play expired merchant too

Priest has some thing up their sleeve they can be either Reno,big,or deathrattle

Big priest is very straight foward,they have big bois but they dont have enough to out-value us,you can either try a kakazus on 4 to go for the 5 mana polymorph potion or just see what they get from essence,if its not the 9/9 that makes a copy of another minion in your deck or the 5/5 that makes spells cost more you better off killing and just out valueing them,most of the big priest play big minions that are good against aggro not against value deck soo its a easy match-up most of the time

Reno priest was a good match up in the past but since they got lorekeeper poltek they are way faster and deadly than before ,what you should do is getting a decent board 1 turn before they play the deathkinght hero,(go easy if they still have psychic scream),once they are in preassure they tend to use the hero power to remove things and you get more time,the more time you get,more are your chances of winning.you should always keep dirty rat,almost all of their minions are battecrys and if you get raza out of the hand the game is mostly won,you need to keep the right amount of pressure,withou overextending into mass removal so they cant just hero power your face to death

Deathrattle priest is just a quest priest with alot of mediocre cards. you just out value everything,go the brann,gnomeferatu,zola combo for fatigue win,sometimes they play archbishop in this case you change your plan to kill them,with the amount of pressure you can get from dragonqueen,n'zoth and guldan and while they are drawing mostly ramdom bad cards from your deck, you just "hit till ded".

Dead's man hand warrior is a match up i encountered 1 single time but i will mention it here. what they have is mostly anti-aggro cards and removal,they dont play any big payoff,sometimes they play Kargoth but they will probably need to use before shuffle more of them in the deck,you can just out-tempo him,they cards are low on value because they go infinite in fatigue,you only need to be carefull to not tap that much,they play 2 coldlight oracle and brann ,most of the time you just play a big board and they cant deal with it 


 as you can see in the graphic most of the matchs i played was mage and priest 

this was from diamond 5 to legend with some crashes on the decktracker here and there,(then i lost 4 matches in a roll in legend to high roll nonsense decks[like big deathrattle rogue with deathwing that put dragons on the board and lost turn 6]) not a absurd win rate but just good enough to win more than lose 

oh i forgot to mention playing mistress instead of armor vendor makes n'zoth pool worst too,i just like the 2 atack instead of 1,you can even play both,its  your choice

I would like to say sorry about the gramatical and spelling errors,english is not my native languague,if someone wants to edit my text to make more confortable to read,you are welcome.

if you are interessed in something i forgot to mention(match-ups,cards choices,etc) or have tips and things to share with me i am always interessed,just type in the comments and i will surely answer you with the best i can.

Good Luck!