Wwix's Even Taxes Paladin (87% Win rate to legend)
- Last updated Apr 6, 2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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- 17 Minions
- 12 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Even Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 6400
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/6/2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
- Wizzlewix
- Registered User
- 2
- 7
- 30
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Edit: Made it to legend with this list and just four losses total. (2 in the first 4 games).
This list is a variation on the decks that use Call to Arms to tutor out Far Watch Post and Nerub'ar Weblord to increase the cost of your opponent's cards.
We are an even deck so we run a little bit of dude support and generation. A single copy of Pursuit of Justice turns our recruits into 2/1s. You might laugh at the inclusion of Soldier's Caravan but it can spiral out of control quickly and can often catch opponents off guard. Air Raid is a great defensive card - it's great for protecting your watch posts and caravans, and you can get a Crystal Lion out on turn 3 or 4 if you are lucky!
Soldier's Caravan also works well with Knife Juggler for a bit of extra random chip damage through the fight. We only run one Caravan because pulling two from Call to Arms would be a waste. Crossroads Watchpost is great for protecting our tokens and can be difficult for our opponent to play around.
This deck gets interesting when we play our copies of Invigorating Sermon. If we get an early caravan out we can sometimes have a full board on turn 4. Most of the damage minions in this deck benefit have rush or charge and can benefit immediately from the hand buff. (Remember to hero power before Sermon, not after).
Crabrider is our main buff target for cards like Hand of A'dal and Blessing of Kings. Claw Machine helps us draw through our deck a little quicker and can remove a large threat. Even better if it hits a crabrider with the deathrattle!
Hammer of the Naaru is an extra 9 damage which we may need to punch through any healing the opponent does. Both the weapon and Chillblade Champion can push through even if the opponent freezes our board.
First Day of School is mainly there to bait out Counterspell or Oh My Yogg so we can get our 4-cost spells off.
Any updates? The first 5 games I went on a win streak but after that it has become 50%.
Obviously need to replace the Crabrider and First Day of School but I haven't been playing this deck in a while. I think I tried using Redgill Razorjaw instead of crabrider to some success as it's a nice pull from Call to Arms. The Hand of A'dal nerf also hurts us but I think is still worth a place in the deck.
Lots of fun. Went 2-0 with this was very enjoyable. Curious if any update post watchpost nerf?
I haven't changed the list...but I don't think the watchpost nerf hurts this deck as much as others. I am often using Air Raid to protect my towers in the early game :) And late-game you should have at least one sermon up which puts them back up to 4 health.
This deck is really good, but it needs some refining to work better against some of the more oppressive decks out there.
- Crossroads Watch Post
- Soldier's Caravan
- Hammer of the Naaru
+ Knife Juggler
+ Murgur Murgurgle
+ Avenging Wrath
Crossroads Watch Post has been working really well for me against those spell heavy decks like Res Priest and Spell Mage, as a lot of more inexperienced players miscalculate the damage needed to kill it! I'd be sad to remove it as it has won me a lot of games!
One card I was considering adding is Sea Giant as it fits our board-flood style gameplay.
Invigorating Sermon works surprisingly well in Even Pally, I put it on one of my decks too, and when you can get it right agter a Call to Arms it's pretty good. Props for trying to make a Caravan card work.
Yes, Invigorating Sermon is the card that allows us to beat other paladins in trades :) It also makes our Claw Machine big enough to trade into big threats
It is kinda impressive, how dogshit is this deck. It even made me log in to write this comment. You either played against complete retards, or before d5. Rank 2 lost 4 out of 4, 3 of them were paladins with secrets, whos out tempo me, 4th the res priest just clears your board and summons shit. Dont make my mistake and craft this deck.
P.S you can fake your dogshit statistic, its pretty easy to do
Here are the replays of my win streak from Rank 2 to legend. You can watch them if you want to learn how to pilot the deck better.
https://hsreplay.net/replay/aPmtGVLWMynsUucM3dP8nh (Res Priest)
https://hsreplay.net/replay/7nK5ZhSFPJrrcmwTKcuaCe (Spell Mage)
https://hsreplay.net/replay/M2N4ktkhb5CruH7feQSoCn (Secret Paladin with Call to Arms)
https://hsreplay.net/replay/bGU5scZevKnXXT43tCeEiA (Another Call to Arms Paladin)
https://hsreplay.net/replay/ivmJbzrhi5CKwBSTUyRf96 (Renolock)
You're just a bad player, the deck works fine.
The deck is medium, the creator probably lied as is the case with a ton of people posting horrible decks on here. Far from the worst, but still. Loads of people lie on the internet, try not to be sucker.
Are there any matchups you are having trouble with? Maybe I can help!
i like how everyone are defending this garbage deck and yet it never was a meta and ive never seen it against me :D It proves this deck is dogshit
And obv everybody lies about "I was be able to climb to the legend with this" ye bro, my bad for playing this game from 2014 and not knowing how the ladder works
Good deck, used it to climb to legend as well. It's not amazing and doesnt give easy wins unless you highroll murloc and buff it most of my wins have been grinded out far into late game.
I made 1 change
- Crossroads Watch Post + Knife Juggler
Mostly cuz Knife Juggler is so good with Call to Arms and I felt that 1 more 2 drop was needed for Call to Arms