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Bonfire Warlock

  • Last updated Mar 31, 2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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  • 5 Minions
  • 25 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mill Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 10920
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/31/2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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(If the deck gets some love, I will write a more detailed guide at +10 likes).

 (Deck llist is still under heavy refinement, so it will likely be updated in the near future)


Hey folks, MardyVain here with another deck focus on another trash-tier legendary minion (looking at you, Neeru Fireblade). 

The goal of the deck is to empty your deck as quick as possible (whatever, it was a bad deck anyway), so that you can activate Neeru's portal and go TTK with Zephrys the Great+Bloodlust the following turn.

Notable interactions in the deck:

The Dark Portal+Archmage Vargoth on turn 4 allows you to draw another minion and reduce its cost by 5 if you had at least eight cards in your hand when you casted the portal. Just remember to not use The Coin the same turn!

Tickatus is here mainly to burn your own cards. However, if you are playing against C'Thun, the Shattered decks or Raza Priest try to reduce the cost of Tickatus with the portal, so that it costs 1 and it can be easily corrupted.

Against combo decks, Archmage Vargoth+Altar of Fire is basically gg.

Don't be afraid of using Zephris, the Great while milling yourself, since you can add to your hand later using Raise Dead. You can also pair  Raise Dead and Archmage Vargoth, to obtain another  Zephrys the Great. Just be sure our beloved djinni died without being morphed.



++Disclaimer: you will never mill Neeru Fireblade if you sing Bonfire Heart by James Blunt while playing this deck++