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Swamp Frogs

  • Last updated Apr 10, 2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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  • 10 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Spell Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 7060
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/29/2021 (Forged in the Barrens)
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Okay, looks like more people got interested in this deck, so I'll write a bit of description for it.

Pre-story: Someone asked on Hearthstone subreddit to help them build a deck using all frogs and toads in the game. (https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/mg067i/can_anyone_help_me_make_a_deck_using_all_frogs/)
I thought that it was a really fun idea to try, however there were not enough frog related cards. There are a lot of cards with art of Matt Dixon (he always includes a little frog in his drawings), but I think they don't synergy well with each other.
So I ended up building this deck.

Swamp Frogs Shaman.

Haven't actually played with this deck yet (I don't have that many specific legendaries), but tried to follow the general theme and good synergies between all cards together. You probably would need more frog minions to make Hagatha's hero power work more often (might see some in the future).

I think the general strategy here is to burn your opponent down while controling and clearing the board, that's probably it. Krag'wa, the Frog can definitely help out here to prepare a bunch of spells, play them all out and get them back next turn.

Zentimo has some really good synergies, especially with Hex (might be fun to try it on big priest). But I think having more directed spells would've been even better.
Although we do have quite enough of board clears, so aggro matchups should not be that problematic theoretically.
The biggest problem here would be to run out of resources completely, but Hagatha can help (although again - I wish we had more cool frog and toad minions).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this deck and have some fun with it!
And as always, look forward to future expansions to upgrade it!