sjow warrior god
- Last updated Dec 20, 2014 (GvG Launch)
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- 18 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 4 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 13360
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/11/2014 (GvG Launch)
- user-15757672
- Registered User
- 4
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- 12
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Hello guys just hit #1 legend on both NA and EU with this deck
frequently asked questions:
why 2 whirlwind?
right now the aggro decks run leaper gnome and clockwork gnome which makes whirlwind extremly valuable. Also muster for battle is staple for paladin now and lots of divine shields makes it even stronger. Also can be combined with 2 armorsmith for infinite armor and comboed with baron geddon and obviously acolyte of pain.
why dr boom?
Best neutral legendary gvg has to offer 9/9 + 2 darkbomb in one card.
why no gorehowl with that much lifegain?
I prefer geddon instead as a 7 drop its better against aggro and since I run 2 whirlwind. Also we get less vurnable to harrison jones
Why no loatheb?
We run harrison instead. I stole the idea from the second warrior god kitkatz. Miracle druid and miracle is pretty non existant atm so loatheb loses value. we need 3 5drops and a 5/4 compared to 5/5 is not that much of diffrence.
Subs for legendary cards. Grommash is the only real necesesity rest can be subbed for legendarys or high casting creatures with equal casting cost or gorehowl. if you dont have harrison I recommend loatheb. if you dont have alex or ysera play another big bomb not necesarry a 9 casting cost legendary.
Crafting legendar prioritys:
1. Grommash
2. dr boom (best neutral legendary and works in every deck pretty much)
3. sylvanas (its a very strong legendary and works in other decks)
4. rag ( same reason as sylvanas)
5. alexstraza
Decks and metas changes constantly but theese 4 has always been staples in warrior control.
Cards like geddon, harrison, faceless, gorehowl, troggzor, blackknight, loatheb etc are good/bad depending on the meta or what you aiming to beat.
Strong mu's:
Priest, hunter, handlock, shaman, paladin
weaker mu's:
mech mage, zoo, double combo druid but they are still about 50%
Mulligan guide top3 cards to look for:
mage: 1. fiery waraxe 2. armorsmith(keep cruel if you have coin+armosmith then coin armosmith into cruel) 3. acolyte 4. deathbite
warlock zoo: 1 fiery waraxe 2 deathbite 3 armorsmith 4 cruel
warlock handlock: 1 bgh 2 execute 3 acolyte 4 shieldslam
druid: 1 fiery waraxe 2 execute (for innervated stuff if you have cruel aswell, keep cruel otherwise not) 3 acolyte
rogue: 1 fiery waraxe 2. armorsmith 3. acolyte 4. deathbite
warrior: 1 fiery waraxe 2 deathbite 3 acolyte hard mull for theese 3 cards
priest: 1 fiery waraxe 2 deathbite 3 acolyte 4 execute hard mull for all except execute
paladin: 1 acolyte 2 armorsmith 3 fiery waraxe 4 whirlwind/deathbite
hunter: 1 fiery waraxe 2 cruel 3 armorsmith 4 deathbite
shaman: 1 fiery waraxe 2 armorsmith 3 acolyte 4 deathbite
Theres some things to keep togheter in some cases like shieldblock + shieldslam, armorsmith + cruel but if you are unsure usually just look for fiery waraxe, armorsmith, deathbite and u should be fine
check out my stream if you want to check the deck in action enjoy!
Latest update:
-1 shieldblock
+1 brawl
This update allows us to have 2x whirlwind and brawl without cutting any threaths.
nowadays u usually just turn 3 cycle shieldblock. A turn 3 heropower is just 3 less armor not a big deal. And having just one shieldblock allows us to win fatigue war more.
Yup, what andrewc5120 said. Control warrior is all about value, which armor smith brings a lot of. Free armor means a lot in control warrior. It's fine to experiment with other 2 drops, but like he said, there's a reason every control warrior deck runs two of these.
Literally, half the reason for running Control Warrior over other decks is because you're facing a lot of decks with X/1's and X/2's. If you're not seeing a lot of that in your meta, then the cold, hard truth is that another deck and class is going to be strictly superior at that point in time and if you have the cards, you should switch to that other deck or class to maximize your win percentage. You have to keep in mind that Control Warrior's competitive advantage is in dealing with fast Aggro decks (where the armor matters a lot), while still retaining a marginal advantage in closing out games against other archetypes.
Hi guys,
I am missing both Dr. Boom and Harrison. Would you guys recommend replacing Dr. Boom with Trogg or with Iron Jugg? I currently have Loatheb in place of Harrison.
Use Trogg. Sjow was using Trogg before he switched to Boom.
I recommend using Gorehowl. You have more than enough life to use it and it serves a similar purpose (multiple minion removal or guaranteed damage to face).
I like the shout-out to KitKatz. Top 2 Warrior players on ladder!
appreciate you taking the time to write this up. ive been playing a variation of this deck and so far its pretty gg. shammys can be a b though
Hi, any thoughts on including Iron Juggernaught and/or Crush?
Didn't think I could lose with this warrior cancer (I haven't) Sitting at rank 2 from 10 in a day.
This is not at all proof. you could have just gone legend with anoter deck, furthermore, this could be from a previous season,
I don't think Sjow plays much off stream, and he plays warrior 95% of the time. If you don't believe this, just go watch his latest VoDs on Twitch...
What about the people who watched his stream and saw him get #1 like myself, is that still not good enough for you?
Nurse Boom
Since I am drunk, I am in tears right now, thanks bro :D
You can't really play control warrior on budget, not having grommash is a severe disadvantage. You should have at least all commons/rares/epics and the top 4 legendaries he has listed above.
shield maiden is more consistant but if u want to have fun swap 1 one for it
I have Harrison but i'm using ooze instead, i found him a bit too slow, though card draw is great i found ooze helpful against faster decks, and let you play something else same turn. Am i wrong?
Also, don't you suffer for lack of silence?
any replacement options for geddon?
Dr. Boom synergies really well with a late game Armoursmith + Whirlwind 10 mana combo. Really love that unforseen combo now that I know unpacking Dr.Boom wasn't a waste!
Should I craft Sylvanas or Dr. Boom first?