sjow warrior god
- Last updated Dec 20, 2014 (GvG Launch)
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- 18 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 4 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 13360
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/11/2014 (GvG Launch)
- user-15757672
- Registered User
- 4
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- 12
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Hello guys just hit #1 legend on both NA and EU with this deck
frequently asked questions:
why 2 whirlwind?
right now the aggro decks run leaper gnome and clockwork gnome which makes whirlwind extremly valuable. Also muster for battle is staple for paladin now and lots of divine shields makes it even stronger. Also can be combined with 2 armorsmith for infinite armor and comboed with baron geddon and obviously acolyte of pain.
why dr boom?
Best neutral legendary gvg has to offer 9/9 + 2 darkbomb in one card.
why no gorehowl with that much lifegain?
I prefer geddon instead as a 7 drop its better against aggro and since I run 2 whirlwind. Also we get less vurnable to harrison jones
Why no loatheb?
We run harrison instead. I stole the idea from the second warrior god kitkatz. Miracle druid and miracle is pretty non existant atm so loatheb loses value. we need 3 5drops and a 5/4 compared to 5/5 is not that much of diffrence.
Subs for legendary cards. Grommash is the only real necesesity rest can be subbed for legendarys or high casting creatures with equal casting cost or gorehowl. if you dont have harrison I recommend loatheb. if you dont have alex or ysera play another big bomb not necesarry a 9 casting cost legendary.
Crafting legendar prioritys:
1. Grommash
2. dr boom (best neutral legendary and works in every deck pretty much)
3. sylvanas (its a very strong legendary and works in other decks)
4. rag ( same reason as sylvanas)
5. alexstraza
Decks and metas changes constantly but theese 4 has always been staples in warrior control.
Cards like geddon, harrison, faceless, gorehowl, troggzor, blackknight, loatheb etc are good/bad depending on the meta or what you aiming to beat.
Strong mu's:
Priest, hunter, handlock, shaman, paladin
weaker mu's:
mech mage, zoo, double combo druid but they are still about 50%
Mulligan guide top3 cards to look for:
mage: 1. fiery waraxe 2. armorsmith(keep cruel if you have coin+armosmith then coin armosmith into cruel) 3. acolyte 4. deathbite
warlock zoo: 1 fiery waraxe 2 deathbite 3 armorsmith 4 cruel
warlock handlock: 1 bgh 2 execute 3 acolyte 4 shieldslam
druid: 1 fiery waraxe 2 execute (for innervated stuff if you have cruel aswell, keep cruel otherwise not) 3 acolyte
rogue: 1 fiery waraxe 2. armorsmith 3. acolyte 4. deathbite
warrior: 1 fiery waraxe 2 deathbite 3 acolyte hard mull for theese 3 cards
priest: 1 fiery waraxe 2 deathbite 3 acolyte 4 execute hard mull for all except execute
paladin: 1 acolyte 2 armorsmith 3 fiery waraxe 4 whirlwind/deathbite
hunter: 1 fiery waraxe 2 cruel 3 armorsmith 4 deathbite
shaman: 1 fiery waraxe 2 armorsmith 3 acolyte 4 deathbite
Theres some things to keep togheter in some cases like shieldblock + shieldslam, armorsmith + cruel but if you are unsure usually just look for fiery waraxe, armorsmith, deathbite and u should be fine
check out my stream if you want to check the deck in action enjoy!
Latest update:
-1 shieldblock
+1 brawl
This update allows us to have 2x whirlwind and brawl without cutting any threaths.
nowadays u usually just turn 3 cycle shieldblock. A turn 3 heropower is just 3 less armor not a big deal. And having just one shieldblock allows us to win fatigue war more.
Can i add King Varian somewhere in this? What do I remove? 1whirlwind?
still works now?
best deck ever!
Really solid deck list :)
Missing Harrison, Grommash, Baron.. -_- would like to play this deck so badly ;(
Very nice deck
Alexstraza is much better for the deck than Baron.
I only don't have Baron Geddon and Harrison Jones. Which one should I craft first?
I added a second brawl for leveling since there is so much aggro now (got rid of Harrison). People will not usually play around a second one too. I also added a shield block at the expense of an acolyte because if you can armor up enough, it makes it tough for oil rogues to kill you. Another change I made was Black Knight since I don't have Baron Geddon. I went Black Knight because of all the Sludge Belchers but he's good for Druid, Handlock, and Tirion if you're facing a lot of those guys. If you're facing all Mech Mage, maybe a Loatheb, KT or Sneed's would be better. Last change I made was dropping a Death's Bite for an owl. Every deck seems to have a Sylvannas now so i try to save that for her. Death's Bite is really good but I often I found myself having a hand full of weapons with nothing to spend my mana on so it worked for me. I'm pretty casual but I usually end up around rank 7 for the season.
If I want to run Gorehowl, what should I replace? x1 Whirlwind, x1 Cruel Taskmaster, or what card? I'm not too sure... Thanks!
replace for Baron Geddon ??
thanks ;)
surprised double combo druid shows up in weak matchups, they've been the easiest match up so far for me from 12 to 5
I am constantly losing to priests....I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I don't have a Baron, so I subbed with an Iron Jug. It could just be amazing RNG, but I swear every single thoughtsteal they get either a weapon or a legendary. The lack of taunts means I am facing most kills, and probably taking a couple hits. They get me long, throw an MC on rag or SW:Death their on Sylv to steal my legendaries, and then I end up losing. Can't even make it close to the fatigue point. Any suggestions on the key to beating priests?
cause everything cost too much and and be killed iwth one card or deals no damage
I am surprised that he thought that Priest was a good match up because the fact is if the run mind control and two deaths you are shut down for awhile, i figure he thought that they would just not have enough answers for number of Legends.
Currently deciding which of the last 2 legendaries I need to craft are... Alexstrasza or Ragnaros the Firelord ...Any opinions?
tough one but i guess ragnaros. close though.
Rag tends to close games and spot removal on board control or on rarer occasions bring u back from being behind. Alex can save you alot more times than Rag and even close games too. really hard to decide honestly. personally i made Alex before Rag and enjoyed it.
any idea to replace harrison?