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Elephant Secret Cutlass Rogue (UPDATED FOR MINI...

  • Last updated Jan 29, 2021 (Darkmoon Races)
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  • 12 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Secret Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 6500
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/13/2021 (Darkmoon Aggro Changes)
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this deck got me to wild legend. Here's a quick overview on how I play this deck.

This is a cutlass deck at heart, so your main win con is going to obviously be Spectral Cutlass. Play this card, play weapon buffs, play class cards to give it durability. pretty straight forward. getting this thing down on turn 4 or 5 ish is usually optimal, but you dont need to play it necessarily if you are comfortable at your lifetotal or if you have better plays to build board state, but most of the time you want to play it sooner rather than later.

The other part of this deck that makes it work is the secret package, and what is a rogue secret deck without Shadowjeweler Hanar. You only want to play him if you can also get a Cheat Death in play as well so he can bounce back to your hand in the likely circumstance of his death. once you get him going, you want to discover secrets that interrupt your opponent or cards that can return hanar to your hand. But really its whatever you need at the given moment. One thing to note is that you dont want to play secrets that wont trigger very easily unless you really have to, because otherwise they just clog up the board as you can only have 5 secrets/quests at a time. 

One other thing I have to explain is the inclusion of Educated Elekk. I put it in this deck for a few reasons. Reason number one is that this deck needs a 3-drop and this is a 3 mana 3/4 which is good on curve and it makes it so you dont fall behind on board. The second reason is that this deck draws a lot of cards, so having the elekk is important for avoiding fatigue. Third reason is that remembering spells and shuffling them in can be very good for your weapon. Playing weapon buffs like Deadly Poison or Nitroboost Poison with the elekk in play means you can buff it even larger later (also works well with Cutting Class). Elekk also shuffles spells your opponent plays, which is great because we want spells from our opponent class to give our weapon durability and this does that. Overall its a good 3 drop that does things we want to do.

Im too lazy to explain the rest of the things in the deck, but I have faith that you all will figure it out.

P.S. favorable match ups seem to be: Secret Mage, Big Priest (slightly), most midrange decks.

Bad match ups: odd paladin, singleton decks (bc of zephyrs)

*note: this deck gives you lots of options through card generation so while not necessarily super likely, this deck can potentially pull wins out of its ass through getting lucky (Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate is great at this).


EDIT: With the release of the darkmoon mini expansion i swapped out 2x Tinker's Sharpsword Oil for 2x Nitroboost Poison because its a cheaper card that has the same effect we want. I also swapped out 1x Ambush for Shenanigans