- Last updated Dec 28, 2020 (Darkmoon Aggro Changes)
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- 19 Minions
- 9 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Face Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 2020
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/21/2020 (Darkmoon Aggro Changes)
- 0wGrant
- Registered User
- 1
- 9
- 34
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Total Deck Rating
Hello, now I'll tell you how to FACE
Face Hunter is a traditional old deck of Hearthstone, but now it is more powerfull than ever. I got legend about in 3 hours of playing on this deck (started on platinum).
[Currently working on new Hunter's deck, check it]
Last 11 games before I got legend:
About mulligan:
Good cards for a start hand are: Toxic Reinforcements + Tour Guide + Phase Stalker, and of course Imprisoned Felmaw. Maybe Ironbeak Owl against rogues. You don't need other cards in start hand, but they will help you to deal damage in a middle game.
Main combinations:
1) Toxic Reinforcements + Tour Guide + Phase Stalker are the best beginning.
2) Timber Wolf + Unleash the Hounds is a middle game powerful combo against shaman, demon hunter etc. so you dont need to play timber wolf without it or without Kill Command
Game plan:
You need to gain as much damage as you can in early game from cards, that can't deal damage through taunted units, such as Jungle Panther, Wolfrider or Eaglehorn Bow, and then just kill FACE with 5 Leper Gnomes on a board.
Very good: warlocks (our food), demon hunters, mages
Good: shamans, druids, other hunters
Normal: bomb-warriors, paladins and rogues (prepare your Ironbeak Owl)
Bad: PRIESTS (33% winrate against), control-warriors
[UPD3] Current stats from hsreplay (28.12.20):
[UPD] Some replacements
Jungle Panther x2 can be replaced with more powerful and expensive cards like Dragonbane + Rinling's Rifle.
Or Jungle Panther x2 --> Frozen Shadoweaver 2x, that's good replacement too, but Kill Command will have less synergy in the deck.
[Upd2] I've just discovered this card Teron Gorefiend, that must be very good reinforcement for the deck because of synergy with Toxic Reinforcements, Leper Gnome and Kobold Sandtrooper. Will test it soon)
Worst Match-up Priest face Priest 5 out of 8 games, that just next level luck
gz you discovered basic face hunter, very impressed with you
Beauty is in simplicity)
To be fair new and cheapest iteration of face hunter with a few tech changes to adjust to meta is important for f2p players.
5 games 5 easy win :D
One more legend :) from d5 for 4 hours. Thanks for this deck!
Amazing Deck I was able to go 5-0 in legend with it no issues!
You're welcome)
Platinum 5 with 3 Stars ---------> Platinum 5 with no star
in my opinion not a great deck. maybe I was unlucky, I found dragon Priest - Shaman - Libram Paladin. impossible to win with all 3
There's no deck in Hearthstone that can win without some luck)
Hey man,
Just went from d5 to legend in like 2 hours. i had some troubles at the start so i changed one jungle panther to a dragonbane
thanks to you i'm legend for my first time ^^
Congrats! Btw it was my first legend too)
I'm not like others silent as thieft ghost
I put +1 thats good deck
so where shoud I put Dragonbane?
I think, Jungle Panther 2x can be replaced with Dragonbane + Rinling's Rifle or Dragonbane + Frozen Shadoweaver if you want)
Thanks for the tip - I am trying this version to climb to legend.
Any tips for the Paladin match up - I am struggling to win against them as they taunt up after turn 5 ...
Luck is very advisable)
You should spend your mana carefully, try to use hero power as possible (especially with active Toxic Reinforcements), play cards that dealing damage from your board firstly (cause of big taunts that paladins have at turn 6+) and then finish with damaging deathrattles and weapon or Unleash the Hounds + your silence Ironbeak Owl
Thanks - I have slightly tweaked my play style to maximize the deathrattle impact of the minions. However, I find that I am not able to play Knife Vendor most times as my own health has reduced significantly to be unable to take four damage - do you recommend that I tempo out this card on the curve?
In most cases, Knife Vendor is used to deal lethal damage, there were at least 4-5 games for me, when Knife Vendor was useful, but you free to try something else