- Last updated Dec 28, 2020 (Darkmoon Aggro Changes)
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- 19 Minions
- 9 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Face Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 2020
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/21/2020 (Darkmoon Aggro Changes)
- 0wGrant
- Registered User
- 1
- 9
- 34
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Total Deck Rating
Hello, now I'll tell you how to FACE
Face Hunter is a traditional old deck of Hearthstone, but now it is more powerfull than ever. I got legend about in 3 hours of playing on this deck (started on platinum).
[Currently working on new Hunter's deck, check it]
Last 11 games before I got legend:
About mulligan:
Good cards for a start hand are: Toxic Reinforcements + Tour Guide + Phase Stalker, and of course Imprisoned Felmaw. Maybe Ironbeak Owl against rogues. You don't need other cards in start hand, but they will help you to deal damage in a middle game.
Main combinations:
1) Toxic Reinforcements + Tour Guide + Phase Stalker are the best beginning.
2) Timber Wolf + Unleash the Hounds is a middle game powerful combo against shaman, demon hunter etc. so you dont need to play timber wolf without it or without Kill Command
Game plan:
You need to gain as much damage as you can in early game from cards, that can't deal damage through taunted units, such as Jungle Panther, Wolfrider or Eaglehorn Bow, and then just kill FACE with 5 Leper Gnomes on a board.
Very good: warlocks (our food), demon hunters, mages
Good: shamans, druids, other hunters
Normal: bomb-warriors, paladins and rogues (prepare your Ironbeak Owl)
Bad: PRIESTS (33% winrate against), control-warriors
[UPD3] Current stats from hsreplay (28.12.20):
[UPD] Some replacements
Jungle Panther x2 can be replaced with more powerful and expensive cards like Dragonbane + Rinling's Rifle.
Or Jungle Panther x2 --> Frozen Shadoweaver 2x, that's good replacement too, but Kill Command will have less synergy in the deck.
[Upd2] I've just discovered this card Teron Gorefiend, that must be very good reinforcement for the deck because of synergy with Toxic Reinforcements, Leper Gnome and Kobold Sandtrooper. Will test it soon)
This can be described by one word: SAD
YES, can u post a video? How to Face ? by u ....
How u win ?
Let s try Priest, Paladin and after Miracle Rogue !
I still haven't too much time for playing hearthstone because of studing, + I'm not speaking english freely, so the video must have subtitles, which takes time too
Teron Gorefiend is insane if you have the Leper Gnomes on board, but seeing so many Shamans, Revolve ruins this decks' final push and usually makes it for a giant board for them that gets them the win on the next round.
Curious, 5 lepers at 1 damage a piece? What’s the point? Although I’m liking the swing, I do better without the lepers?
Que cartas cambiarias para convertirlo en un deck salvaje??
Awesome deck OP, trying to tear through Platinum! I subbed out x2Jungle Panther for Dragonbane and Hyena Alpha, and Pack Tactics for Misdirection.
The Misdirection allows for some additional hits to the enemies face after some pesky board clears, esp. against Paladins or smarter Warlocks. Jungle Panther seemed a bit too slow and wasn't as imminent a threat as the 3/3 and x2 2/2 with a Secret.
After a year away from the game this cheap deck is definitely helping me get the groove back
Thank you for the tip and congrats)
Post a video with hunter vs priest or miracle rogue !
Are you requesting me to post a video?)
this deck loses against paladin badly, paladin early game is too strong, they have board control from turn 1 and you cant do anything, they kill you by turn 5, 1 drop, 2 drop, buff, buff, buff, game over
good against shaman and mage
Deck looks coll but sadly doesn't work for me.
Went 1-11 with this list so i will just stop there.
At least some people make it work so i won't say that deck is thrash.
I think, threre are exists kind of people, who doesn't clearly understand how to play this deck)
Idk this deck feels pretty slow in a way. Either the entire board gets removed, or every other class does a ton more each turn than just putting a 3 cost beast down. Shamans just out aggro it, mages removes, priests heals. taunts everywhere. It just doesnt go through for me.
This deck isn't depends on a board at all, you just need to deal about 5-10 damage from board in whole game to win
You dont need the board, and this deck is faster than all other aggro also u can play this deck in legend rank with succes! :)
Me go easy legendface! 👍
Wtf am I doing wrong?
Nvm, I figured it out
What did you do differently
Edit. Never mind realized you just need to go face more lol