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Midrange/Combo Beast Buffs

  • Last updated Jan 7, 2021 (Darkmoon Aggro Changes)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Midrange Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 5780
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/27/2020 (Darkmoon Faire)
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Firstly I would like to thank pentadrone for the original list of the deck, it can be found here: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1372058-zuljin-beast-hunter-darkmoon-faire#c1


Hunter is my most played thanks to my original f2p grinding on midrange hunter and secret hunter from KoFT and Kobolds. Beast hunter has always had a place in my heart(hstone), and I've always tried a list with every expansion. Turns out Darkmoon Fair took this archetype in a new direction and I've found it to be pretty consistent and successful.

We're following a midrange curve, keep up the tempo then use the Master's Call, Don't Feed the Animals and Tundra Rhino as a burst finisher with the large number of buffed beasts (mostly one drops). Play a one drop, maintain board control until we kill our opponent before turn 10 or so. We trade to protect minions and set up more dangerous boards, but don't overtrade as we do damage mainly through minion damage (and the always OP hunter hero power). This deck does have the potential to go to the late game with Dire Frenzy and Zul'jin.

Rough Mulligan Tips

  • Always keep a 1 drop in the mulligan
  • Always keep Master's Call
  • Zul'jin is good against priest only 

Card Choices and Synergies

Helboar - Fills a decent one drop slot, good attack stat for combo potential

Springpaw - Solid 1 drop, can be reactive to our opponents' weakened minions from their trading

Wolpertinger - Our best 1 drop, we always keep this card in the mulligan and play it on one. If we draw it later in the game with Master's Call and buff it then play it with Tundra Rhino its excellent for sMorc damage.

Crackling Razormaw - This is probably one of my favourite hunter cards. It fits the curve so well with the number of one drops. Its effect in the early game can direct the direction of the whole game defensively or offensively. It also provides good synergy with the burst combo, adapting a windfury or damage buff on top of its already high attack from Don't Feed the Animals buff.

Dancing Cobra - This was a surprisingly successful minion in the deck, it controls the board so well with it always taking at least 2 trades. Don't be afraid to tempo this card out on two if there are no other plays, but don't underestimate poison value in board orientated match ups like aggro druid.

Don't Feed the Animals - This card feels excellent. In most cases, don't play this card without playing Master's Call. This often results in lethal thanks to Tundra Rhino and the large number of one drops which get buffed.

Fresh Scent - This card facilitates the aggro curve, twinspell reduces the number of spells to maximise buff value.

Scavenger's Ingenuity - High synergy draw card for hunter, very useful. Play this as late as possible to ensure we keep up tempo on the board, if we lose board its hard to get it back.

Vicious Scalehide - Quite essential unfortunately for the large amount of aggro druid on ladder, with Dire Frenzy it's a solid reactive card for taking back the board and extending the game for more time to execute the game plan.

Animal Companion - OG hunter card. Try play Dire Frenzy on Huffer for salt/tilt value.

Diving Gryphon - Reactive card combined with cycle, good synergies all round. One of the better targets for Dire Frenzy.

Master's Call - essential to the deck for cycle and generating the combo.

Zixor, Apex Predator - Solid reactive card. Excellent target for Dire Frenzy versus slower control matchups. It's a good addition to provide some extra value. Buffing the prime version is the ideal case but unlikely.

Dire Frenzy - another one of my favourite hunter cards, especially in a Zul'jin deck. It can be used for tempo, value and defense. Don't be afraid to buff any beast for tempo, all of our beats are cheap enough to synergise with the Tundra Rhino burst. The best minions to use this card on for value are: Diving Gryphon, Zixor, Apex Predator, Huffer and Tundra Rhino (if they are not already dead from the burst combo). Again use this card for tempo (4 mana 3/3 buff is pretty limited in terms of tempo anyway) pretty freely. The most common buff target for this card is Vicious Scalehide, this provides a defensive use for this card.

Trampling Rhino - Another great addition for this list, turns board control into sMorc damage. Good Dire Frenzy buff target.

Tundra Rhino - Hunter's 4th animal companion. Shines in this deck. Only a one of a we often tutor it and it should be used for sMorc finishers. For extremely slow matchups consider buffing this with Dire Frenzy.

Zul'jin - great card for the deck, we get to do all of the main combos of the deck for free all in one turn.

Alternate Cards Choices

Scrap Shot - way too slow for wild, it was often a dead slot in hand reducing a buff target for Don't Feed the Animals.

Kill Command - if you are missing any of the cards, this is probably the best replacement. Unfortunately it is a spell, but it's just too much sMorc damage for too low a price.

Rat Pack - the original creator of the deck added this card. I don't have the dust to spare but I'm curious to see how it plays in the deck, feel free to let me know in the comments.

Jeweled Macaw - I might try this card out instead of Helboar, if this card is ever going to see play it is in this sort of deck.