C'thun Saron Control 68% wr (D5-Legend)
- Last updated Dec 2, 2020 (Darkmoon Faire)
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- 15 Minions
- 13 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: C'Thun Warrior
- Crafting Cost: 14920
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 11/24/2020 (Darkmoon Faire)

- ManGawy
- Registered User
- 11
- 51
- 77
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Hello guys
My name is ManGawy (formally know as WhiTeEagLE), I'm caster in EmpirePlay team that cast the Official HS events in Arabic language and a casual player mainly playing WILD mode..
But this week is not the same as others, its the last expansion on Year of the Phoenix 🐦
Since the expansion lunch few days ago I started working on new standard decks, the idea are scattering around but one of them is outstanding enough for me to post it for you here..
I present to you, the C'thun Saron Control warrior, with a few versions floating around, I perfected this one right here for you <3
I will post the video showcase for the deck by the weekend
Update, I just got LEGEND guys!!
10 likes - Full mulligan
20 likes- Replacement options
30 likes- Full explanation, tips and strategies against each class (COMMING SOON)
35+ A video explaining how to play the deck !
EDIT: As promised, here is the final target update, a video explaining how to play the deck, made by my mentor and co-creator of the deck DonDevil
THANKS a lot for the up votes guys , that's a LOT of support and motivation !!
So that will be the 1st time I hit legend in both standard and wild in same month.. few days before season ends 🎉🎉 your support was my fuel to do it!!
First of all, most of the decks I faced while ranking up are pure paladin, DM (aggro/combo/weapon) and hunters (highlander or face)
We will talk about other classes latter (including mirror match's) caz it will take some time ^^
OK, let's start with the mulligan:
Vs DM, Hunters, and Paladins we always assume we are playing vs aggro decks
Always keep:
EVIL Quartermaster, 1 Minefield (or 2 vs hunters) , Lord Barov, Corsair Cache (if u have good 2/3 mana cards)
If you have coin also keep:
Sword Eater, Bladestorm, Shield Block, Ancharrr, Coerce
Brawl , Armorsmith, Battle Rage, Bulwark of Azzinoth, Kobold Stickyfinger (u draw it when u draw it, but don't keep it) or any high mana card ofc.
The main idea is to keep the field clear, make sure to trade minions and instead of going face while building up armor.
Make sure you keep the combo pieces till the right time to use them, but NEVER hesitate to use if you feel your opponent is dealing so much damage or building up the board
Main Strategies and mulligan:
-Risky Skipper, Armorsmith , Battle Rage , Bloodsworn Mercenary > armor + card draw, can use more than 1 copy of any of them
-Its ok to use Bloodsworn Mercenary in this combo vs aggro decks don't try to save it for Rattlegore duplication
-DONT HESITATE to use Bladestorm with Armorsmith and any minion for extra armor
-Its ok sometimes to trade face with your Bulwark of Azzinoth to clear a fat minion with 1 hp left, remember it loose 2 durability points (1 for attack and 1 for blocking damage)
-Use Deathwing, Mad Aspect for removal not value, it never stay on the field for the next turn anyway (unless your opponent is empty handed or a hunter)
-C'Thun, the Shattered value is not in finishing the combo, it's in the removals spells it provide you
-Risky Skipper + Lord Barov is a good board clear at turn 4
-You can also use Lord Barov with Eye of C'Thun / Heart of C'Thun / Shield Slam / Bladestorm
-Also it's ok to play Lord Barov on turn 3 and clear the board on turn 4 if you don't have cards to kill it
Replacement options:
This are the ones you can replace, if you are missing 1 or 2 it will be fine to run the deck as they mainly secure the win rather than being a win condition
Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate
Bloodsworn Mercenary
Deathwing Mad Aspect
Lord Barov
-Those cards can be replaced by another Coerce and/or Shield Slam, but I strongly suggest crafting Lord Barov as it is extremely powerful duel class card
As for the core cards, unfortunately they can't be replaced:
Bulwark of Azzinoth
Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate
That will be all for now, I will continue the guild in a couple of days, if anyone have any question so far, leave it in the comments bellow and I will answer it ASAP
Stay frosty everyone , winter is knocking doors ^^
Check out the deck I used to hit wild legend!!
Checkout my other deck (right now It's just for fun)
why is yogg in replacement options and also in option when you cant replacement? is he really needed in this deck?
could be hellscream good in this deck?
i replaced Ancarrr with Alexstrasza, works better for CThun and for sometimes for selfheal...
Actually thats a good idea, but maybe keep ancchr and swap yog..
Alextraza seems like a good idea, i will give it a try and see if i can bring back this deck to the meta 👌👌
A control deck when Tickatus exists is quite a challenge...
they loose easily to Rattlegore + Bloodsworn Mercenary , they have no answer for this combo .. ofc if it didn't get discarded, that's why i just keep one of them at hand if i'm facing warlock
I've crafted it and going 3-0 at bronze, looks strong but i think that needs more card draw, thanks!
This deck have hell lots of card draw but its kinda tricky, the combo is the main card draw mechanism, the rest are support, when u get used to it and make full use of resources your hand will always be good.
Risky Skipper, Armorsmith , Battle Rage = 3 card draw (add 1 for each injured minion u have) x2
Ancharrr (can be upgraded with Corsair Cache)
Shield Block × 2
Replacement for risky skipper?
none, it's too good to be replaced
cant be replaced at all :(
tried it, doesnt do anything against those brainless op decks like libram pally or hunter or aggro druid, to slow to make a fist
Sorry, seems like this deck works bad vs any non-aggro (c'tun is so slow and easy-ruined). Tried it and had only butthurt (0-6)
the key to win vs control is to save ur removals, use Bulwark of Azzinoth at late game stage when damage gets heavy, and pray u get good luck with Yogg-Saron, Master of Fate
and finish up ur opponent with C'Thun, the Shattered
and who can survive 30 damage after clearing the board last turn with brawl for example and already scored some damage to face ^_^
It save you from a lot of big face dmg from DH or big minions like control warrior or libram palas. for me one of the key and most underrated cards with good synergy with Corsair Cache
*it dropped from Illidan in Black Temple in the good old WoW BC times :-)
This deck is really strong! Only complaint is yogg. He threw almost five games by now. The wheel isn't helping me as I have bad luck it seems
Edit: spelling
When u ay vs priest of druid, that may be the only key make it till the end of the game, with abilities making u board clear + gain value, maybe steal ur opponent minions, thats a game changer vs heavy control decks
Is Bulwark really vital? I don't have it, I'd love to try this deck, but I'm not sure why it's considered necessary to have in this deck.
I'm curious about this too. It is useful, but why necessary?
Lets say bulark is ur key to win vs combo dm and pure paly
After gaining control over the field they will be useless for several turns where u finish ur combos and build up armor