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OTK Battlecry Y'Shaarj Shaman

  • Last updated Nov 18, 2020 (Darkmoon Faire)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Quest Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 8320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/18/2020 (Darkmoon Faire)
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I think they'll nerf this deck! It's just too flexible and can go against anything that the current "meta" has to offer. Decks abilityes are to have a high board present, defensive tools against aggro, fast card draw and OTK combo to against control decks.

I started the expansion right away trying to make this deck as good as possible. I'll explain every card one by one and tell u how I ented up choosing them over some other similiar choices:

Lightning Bloom: Flexible card that u might want to use to give the douple battlecry (after quest complete) to Y'Shaarj, the Defiler. From there u might get acces to 4x zero costing Circus Medic dealing 32dmg to your opponents face. Agains aggro you can also use it to make better tempo plays and try to win game other ways.

Animated Broomstick: Good card for either stopping aggressive opponent early game buildup lines OR combining with Plague of Murlocs making a full board clear by trading opponents murlocs in the best way possible.

Corrupt the Waters: I tried to make combo work with ordionary heavy control style shaman, but noticed it was too slow, specially with card draw. With the quest thoug that problem was no more!

Rocket Augmerchant: Great card to keep in opening hand. U can either use it kill opponents early game minion by its battlecry OR put your other minion for the task. I have tried Guardian Augmerchant also, but noticed that it's little more situational than the other, and didn't make for the latest list.

Sludge Slurper: Best opener card! Helps to make the quest fast AND in mid/lategame it's completely outrageous by raising the value of the roof!

Tour Guide: U can use it for early game drop with the totems helping to get board present. U can also make a early game swing turn with it + Plague of Murlocs + Animated Broomstick for example. I like to drop it as the 6th quest minion and make my next turn count with the 0 cost UG hero power! U can also replace the effect of Lightning Bloom when doing the OTK by just simply playing this on the previous turn.

EVIL Cable Rat: Just as his little brother; exellent for early game quest completing and for the mid/endgame value.

Manafeeder Panthara: It's just better version of Novice Engineer (in this deck). I would not keep it in opening hand, but if I have it, its still decent early game stats.

Novice Engineer: What could I say... drawing 2 battlecry minions from your deck when the UG hero power is already active, anything can happen O.o

price vendor: Having thir "draw 2" from your deck helps to speed this deck to new hights! Does it even matter if U give opponent cards, when your so much ahead? "Pring it on!" -I'll say every time I play this card! Somethimes U can also mill controll decks by overdrawing them.

Sandstorm Elemental: with UG hero power its Consecration with a 2/2 body. Good destroying rogues low health stealth minions on early game. Also nice combined with Plague of Murlocs by destroying most of your opponents new weak murlocs.

Plague of Murlocs: Best counter card in meta right now. Pure Paladin is so sad when their 2x 11/11 minions become 2/1 murlocs... Same goes for big priest. And u dont always have to wait to use it defensively, u can also buff your 1/1 lackeys to gain more threathening board!

Skydiving Instructor: U hear me right! I was as shocked as U r now, that it actually works! With the UG hero power it's almost like "draw 2"; it makes it so that your deck size gets smaller and the chance to get cards U truly want to draw in mid- and late game gets higher. Can also be used to add more mass to Plague of Murlocs. OK card in your opening hand.

Circus Medic: Might be one of the reason why this deck is so flexible. Against aggro U can choose to not Corrupt it and use it with UG hero power to gain 8 health and a 3,4 body with 6 mana. Even the corrupted version can be used defensively by destroying opponents big 8,8 minion, U choose. Only cards that are (originally) in deck to Corrupt this are the 4 pieces of C'Thun, the Shattered.

Groundskeeper: With the UG hero power it's 6 mana heal 10. Somebody might remember Hidden Oasis? I tried to make version of the deck with more controlling game style and high cost spells, but as I said before, it was just too slow. Also Shaman as a class lacks 5+ spells that actually work together with decks goals. Lastly I added C'Thun, the Shattered. Even when it increases decks maxium card amount to 34, decks card draw capacity can still keep up!

Sky Gen'ral Kragg: There is rarely a situation u dont want this in your hand. Its already good for the early game removal without the UG hero power... BUT with that! It's at leat 6 mana, deal 8, get a 2/3 taunt OR in a aggressive gamestyle 6 mana, 10/7 of stats!

C'Thun, the Shattered: There two reasons why I have incluted this in the deck. One is to have "decent" activation cards for Groundskeeper and Circus Medic that Shaman (or neutral list) could not provide othervise as effectively. One is to have another OTK option, but to tell U the truth, I have had not a single time the NEED to use it YET O.o The value of the pieces is decent, and somethimes your just happy to have slower turn by either controlling the board or just landing a 6,6 taunt body.

Y'Shaarj, the Defiler: The OTK master of the deck! U dont always have to wait until U have used both Corrubted Circus Medic's; With only being played one, U can still inflict 16dmg!

Cards worth mentioning: Instructor Fireheart, Pit Master, cumolo-maximus, Barista Lynchen, Wandmaker, Hungry Crab, Swampqueen Hagatha.

Gameplay replays:

https://hsreplay.net/replay/LmxVxPUMQzWzU6FSRqHxk9 SpellMage
https://hsreplay.net/replay/muLbzZwrESvHQzgBuQEqVW DistruptWarlock
https://hsreplay.net/replay/t3ak98mMh46SCptybphjh8 SecretHunter
https://hsreplay.net/replay/Bnbs2icv3rGo4nsxSabmS7 AggroRogue
https://hsreplay.net/replay/zQpzSeLpjyKKnHmioS9Ase ControlMage

Also this deck is kinda upgrated version of my deck from last season: https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1362990-quest-murloc-shaman-legend/edit

If U have questions, I might just answer them here!

- Shamaniac#2998