DarkMoon Rogue OTK
- Last updated Nov 18, 2020 (Darkmoon Faire)
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- 13 Minions
- 16 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Galakrond Rogue
- Crafting Cost: 7000
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 11/18/2020 (Darkmoon Faire)
- danehearth
- Registered User
- 3
- 33
- 19
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Give me deck code on new Priest
Fun deck, played against this twice and got hook. I just try playing this 5 times and won 2 so far. I'm at platinum 10. :)
Super fun when it works.
Was having consistency issues so took out 2 Counterfeit Coin for 2 Praise Galakrond!.
Got high rolled a couple times so swapped 1 Eviscerate for Sap and 1 Brain Freeze for 2nd Sap.
My highest killing blow so far I think is 73.
Great thing to play with ! Thank you !
I love this deck. 16-4 right now. No chance vs hyper Aggro druid. But man doing 64 damage to a armor warrior is legit.
Not sure about that win rate without proof. But doing 60-70 damage is fun.
Really good deck, but i replaced 1 Eviscerate with Sap to have a chance to win warlocks with Mal'Ganis
Really fun deck to play and wins most games against control decks. However aggro will scissors your paper. Very hard to control and live through token druid or odd pally.
Dane you are my favourite HS youtuber, but honestly this deck is very far from being playble in wild and you know that.
this might not be the best deck in wild, but it's insanely fun when you figure out lethal vs an aggro match-up or some such. i've had a blast playing it so far. although dane said it's not super needed Tenwu of the Red Smoke is super nice to have. i got it in the packs i opened on launch.
This deck looks chinese. Nice work my friend :)
Absolute madlad