[LEGEND] Control Shaman
- Last updated Oct 10, 2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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- 12 Minions
- 18 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Control Shaman
- Crafting Cost: 6320
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 10/7/2020 (Scholomance Academy)
- Asklepius
- Registered User
- 1
- 10
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
I'm a returning player from almost a year break, and I would like to share my deck that I used to climb to legend this season!!
Control Shaman
This is a full defensive deck so if you don't like long games and want a quick climb use faster decks, this deck might not suit you. However, it is rewarding and worthy deck so give it a try.
It's not an easy deck to use, you need to know how to counter opponent's card with your card in an efficient way. Try to do 1 for 2 or more card trade. This way you will out last your opponent at the end, if the game goes to fatigue.
The whole aim of this deck is to outlast the opponent by out-valueing the opponents cards. Abaout 8/10 matches will reach the fatigue point and you will last longer than the opponents due to healing such as Witch's Brew and Tidal Wave .
Match ups
Easy: Hunter, Rogue, Demon Hunter, Warlock and all sorts of aggro decks (90-100% winrate)
Tough: Mage, Paladin, Priest (40~60% winrate)
Hard: Warrior (10~30% winrate)
Common: Lightning Storm, Serpentshrine Portal, Witch's Brew, Hagatha's Scheme, Torrent
Hunter, Paladin, Rogue, DH and Warrior: Acidic Swamp Ooze for their weapons
Mage: Torrent for Mana Giant
Paladin: Hex and Devolving Missiles
Only keep Groundskeeper if you have Hagatha's Scheme
I'll write more guides against specific decks!! Faster with upvote!!
Here's my battletag, Asklepius#6580 feel free to add me and ask questions!
Deck Guide
Common tip/combo
Diligent Notetaker + Witch's Brew for more healing
Totem (Hero power) + Tidal Wave for extra 3 heal when clearing board
Demon Hunter
DH is almost a free win. Most DH are Soul DH. The amount of damage they do is insane but total damage they can do is less than this deck's heal potential. So clear the board and keep the health above 15~18 and it's easy win.
Use Torrent or Hex on threatening minions like Glaivebound Adept and Soulshard Lapidary or Magtheridon
Also, keep either Hagatha's Scheme with at least 5 damage built up or Earthquake for Soulciologist Malicia
Drop The Lurker Below when you can kill at least 2 minions for good value.
Mulligan: Lightning Storm, Serpentshrine Portal, Witch's Brew, Hagatha's Scheme, Torrent
Keep Groundskeeper if you have Hagatha's Scheme
Hunter is also a free win. Most of them are face hunters which are very easy opponents. Highlander hunter is little bit harder than face due to big minions.
In the match up it's important not to hesitate to use big aoe spells against low health minions as they don't have high health minions anyway.
Also, don't have to use Marshspawn 's effect in early turns as you want to fall behind the tempo.
Clear the board with Lightning Storm early. Save Hex or Torrent (better if discounted) for Dragonbane.
Keep clearing and they will run of steam.
Lastly, get rid of beast minions first!!
Mulligan: Lightning Storm, Serpentshrine Portal, Witch's Brew, Hagatha's Scheme, Torrent
Keep Groundskeeper if you have Hagatha's Scheme
Now, paladin is a very tough match up, unless it's an aggro paladin such as murloc which is barely seen at all. Most paladins right now are the libram paladin that runs Pen Flinger. The deck's combo is having infinite Libram of Wisdom + Pen Flinger.
The main goal of the game is to get rid of the Libram of Wisdom using Hex or Devolving Missiles, so the opponent doesn't get Libram of Wisdom back in their hand. The more they use early game the more they will get from Lady Liadrin. And good players will distribute them on several minions later in the game so if you can, save Devolving Missiles you can hope it to hit all of them. Also if Pen Flinger is left on the board kill it as a first priority.
Save Hex or Torrent for 8/8 from Libram of Hope. And remember they can get this card from Lady Liadrin as well. So it may be a good idea to copy either Hex or Torrent with Diligent Notetaker. Hagatha's Scheme with damage built up is another option even it only hits 8/8 as paladin doesn't have any other big health minions anyway.
For pure paladin it's very hard match up, as they have so much buff cards which can make shaman's aoe spell to not board clear completely. Also they have a lot of divine shields so it's very hard to clear the board as well. Often requires two aoe spells in a turn to clear which is not a value trade.
Don't hesitate to use Hex or Torrent on buffed minions, but at the same time try to copy with Diligent Notetaker so it can be used again on 8/8 later in the game, unless Hagatha's Scheme is build up already.
Mulligan: Devolving Missiles, Lightning Storm, Serpentshrine Portal, Witch's Brew, Hagatha's Scheme, Torrent, Acidic Swamp Ooze
Keep Groundskeeper if you have Hagatha's Scheme
I've been piloting a deck like this with great success. I would consider putting in Archivist Elysiana for the control matchups, most of the time they don't have one either. Also Sphere of Sapience is a good pick in this deck since it lacks card draw and helps find the answers you need plus getting it early can give you the cards you need for the early game as well. I would -1 Witch's Brew since one is good enough and can copy with Notetakers. I have been trying out Fist of Raden as well and I'm sold on this, I've won priest matchups because of getting value legendaries like Antonidos from Earthquake and primes off the 1, 3, and 4 cost spells. It may be an Ooze meta, but you can bait them out with Sphere.
Edit: Also I should mention that Silas Darkmoon is interesting in this deck, you can give your opponent a totem in exchange which is funny. I'm not completely sold on it but it's fun card in a deck that can support it.
I've put Earth Shock to fight pure paladin and priest minions but I'll try The Fist of Ra-den cuz deck needs more board presure.
Very nice deck!!! 9-2 score in diamond at the moment! Gj bro and thx for this interesting deck!
Sick deck
Alright guys, great deck OP. I am currently 13-2 with a 87% WR. I removed Lurker below and 1 ooze and replaced them with fist and Phaoris. Phaoris comes in handy vs druids since they can't deal with big threats at once. Fist was put in for strait value. You get a lot of primes for cheap spells. It is slightly boring with OP's deck since if your opponent doesn't play anything then essentially you can't either but I vs 27% hunter, 13% Druid, Paladin, Rouge, and warlock. Take your time and you'll do fine. Also mentioned was card draw. You rarely run out of answers since you have a million clears.
EDIT: Only games I lost was 1 to control warrior and 1 to galakrond rouge respectfully.
Interesting deck but with absolutely 0 card draw don't you just run out of resources quite fast?
êhm.. Notetaker, Marshspawn & Instructor Fireheart? Even S-Portal does damage and brings a minion to the board so its like 2 cards
Too greedy on heal.
It's a big minion meta, and this deck doesn't do much against that. Other control decks out value you, mid range just pressures you, and makes you draw dependent, only thing it does is shut down demon hunter, and face hunter. (aggro) - Shocker.. all in on control deck shuts down aggro... save your dust, wish i did.
fun deck, but I also believe that without Fist its abit borring esp. when facing other slow decks and it doesn't put any pressure so I even included Pharao for the big spells.
If the aggressive version is performing better I can't say yet. every 3rd game you get slammed by some lucky mage/warri or HL rogue.
Yeah rogues are problem sometimes. When they shuffle 10 copies of something. Thats just los
Nice, just won 5 in row. Replaced Lurker with fist. What about that 2 cost double dmg minion? Could fit the deck?
9-1 w/L silver to gold 5
Lurker such a good card though. Did fist give you a lot of value out of it?
Yes the quest is value, but I refer to real cards for deck control as Dr. Boom, Mad Genius to make a really strong deck control!
Just beat this with galakrond priest. Deck seemed helpless vs. My infinite value. In think id you see a lot of priests add in that card that puts 10 more cards in library. Could possibly let you win fatigue game.
What about Fist? Or too slow
In my opinion fist is very good if u have opourtunity to play it. You can even get fist + 1cost torrent which means 1/3 priest legend. Or fist+ witchs brew. U can get mage primes.
There are too many 2 mana low rolls for that to be consistent.
Any replacement for The Lurker Below?