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Mrg Grgl - Legend Quest Shaman

  • Last updated Sep 30, 2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Murloc Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 7320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/30/2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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Deck History

I have been playing and perfecting this deck since Kobolds and Catacombs; I have over 700 wins with just this deck. It requires a great deal of knowledge and some luck to be effective in ranked. I started going for Legend Rank on the 29th of the September season and climbed from Rank 4 Silver to Legend with much ease up until Rank 1 Diamond. The win rate drops off quite a bit at high ranks due to Dude-adin, Token Druid, and Disco Lock. This deck also works off of the surprise factor which is why I waited until I hit Legend to post the deck. If too many people are playing Murloc shaman, it makes this deck significantly worse, so it is best saved for those offseasons between expansions when not many people are playing.


Murloc Tidecaller

Underbelly Angler

Murloc Tidehunter


Murmy and Murloc Tidehunter are better for aggressive decks with turn 1 plays like Pirate Rogue/Warrior, Paladin, and Token Druid. Underbelly Angler with a Murloc Tinyfin is better for slow decks like Handlock, Raza Priest, Kingsbane Rogue, etc.

General Strategy

Obviously, you want to complete your quest as soon as possible while keeping as many Murlocs on the board as possible. Getting Everyfin is Awesome or Gentle Megasaur to hit 3 or 4 Murlocs will often win most games. Megafin Ice Fishing and Underbelly Angler allow you to keep pumping out Murlocs until 3+ Murlocs can hit the opponent's face. 


Everyfin is Awesome is generally the win condition. Getting a board full of Murlocs to stick around for one turn in order to set off 1 or 2 Everyfins with Murloc Warleader, Gentle Megasaur, or Old Murk-Eye will give you enough damage to KO just about any deck currently being played in Wild.

Call in the Finishers is the best card for completing your quest. You can bait out board clears before dumping your hand or wait to use it right after your first board of Murlocs get cleared. drawning 1 or 2 of these by turn 3 or 4 is a big deal. Coining out a Call in is generally the best value out of the coin. It can also be used to fill your board to reduce Everyfin down to 0 mana. 4 3/3 Murlocs for 2 cards is insanely valuable and is the best midgame combo. 

Gentle Megasaur is often the best buff in the deck and should not be wasted. It is extremely versatile and makes up for the missing removal spells in this deck. Adapting Poison against Demon Lock, Bubbles Against Paladin/Druid, and +3 Health against Priest and Mage can often swing games in your favor. It can also provide windfury or +3 attack for KOs against combo and control decks like Raza Priest and Demon Lock. Combining Megasaur with Murloc Warleader and 4+ Murlocs on board is the dream situation.

Coldlight Seer is best used to set up a board that sticks around for at least one turn and starts snowballing your bigger buffs. Don't be afraid to chuck out a Seer with two or even one good Murloc on the board. Getting a seer to hit a Murloc Tidecaller, Underbelly Angler, Murloc Warleader is often the best set up for an Everyfin or Megasaur.

Scargil is strictly used for reducing Magfin to 1 mana for a big refill turn, or setting up an Old Murk-Eye KO. Scargil can be used aggressively if your opponent is starting to fall behind, but generally, it is best saved for big reduction combos. 

Ice Fishing can often pull out a Warleader for surprise Lethals

Sir Finley Mrrgglton offers some versatility in unfavorable matchups. The best Hero Powers to grab are Life Tap, Steady Shot, and Fireblast. Life Tap helps in the control match ups, so you can keep spamming board against Priest and Rogue. Steady Shot is best against Warlock to stop them from Life Tapping or getting too low from self-damage cards. Fireblast is best against Dude Paladin to help control the dude spam. You generally never want totems clogging up your board, so chucking out Sir Finley early is often best.

Old Murk-Eye Is the best burst card in the deck. It should always be paired with Warleader, Megasaur, Coldlight Seer, or Everyfin.

Megafin Ideally you want to complete your quest with a Scargil if possible. Dumping out your entire hand and keeping a Scargil for a 9/10 quest will allow you to grab a tempo lead and refill your hand. You generally want to complete your quest around turn 4 or 5 and slap down a Scargil with Megafin on turn 5 or 6.

Legend Proof