Boar APM
- Last updated Sep 10, 2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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- 2 Minions
- 28 Spells
- Deck Type: Tavern Brawl
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Brawl: Blood Magic - Standard
- Crafting Cost: 1640
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 9/9/2020 (Scholomance Academy)

- FardHast
- Registered User
- 16
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This Boar deck is total trash compared to Murloc Paladin:
could not create the other decks without using dust so i tried this one first.
1st try i totally did it wrong and lost, it was my bad not the deck.
2nd time was so easy to win.
this deck still works, thanks.
I think what they changed was, Turn 1 in particular is kept short. Turn 2 as well I think. Turn 3 you get the full time allocation for sure.
Is it me or they nerfed this deck by having shorter turns? I saw the rope barely 20 seconds into my turn.
Edit: Same thing second game, I barely have time to draw half of my decks I already see the rope, didn't happen last time with this tavern brawl.
Edit2: Third game, exact same thing, rope when my deck still has 20 cards in it, literally played only 4 spells. Impossible to OTK, just not enough time.
Time is really short you have to be really kick to succeed.
Look at my video ;)
good game ;)
I'm sorry but it's just technically impossible to OTK with such a short turn, I had no issue winning with this deck last time this brawl was around.
On my last try earlier I played all my cards as fast as possible but I had barely enough time to get two boars on the board, they were not enough to OTK and there was like 12 cards left in my deck.
In the following game with another deck it was my opponent that had a super short turn, the rope was not after a minute.
Also yikes, advertising your youtube in the comments of a brawl deck on hearthpwn is cringe.
I put a youtube video in the comments because there is none from the author of this deck.
I can remove it from comment and create my own deck page if necessary.
good game ;)
Thanks for easy cheap deck ;)
first try, first turn, going first, OTK, thanks to OP, 1 turn brawl for a week.
I don't get why this is top rated. I crush everything with shaman and would crush this too.
Anyone can afford this deck for easy win, shaman is different.
Post your Shaman deck, I'm sure we'd all like to see it.
This one's really fun
farmed 100 gold with this one
I finally succeed but a little fail the OTK turn1 ;) :
Good game and thank for this deck ;)
After 11 tries i finally got the turn 1 kill on the play.
It's much easier if u go second.
Have no time to put all the card.
What the order to put the card quickly?
Well, your priority should be: play a boar > buff the boar > draw more cards > heal yourself > double the boar > attack.
Go through that list and when you can do one of the things, do it otherwise move to the next.
It also helps to know where each choose options is.
Thx for this priority order ;).
Will try when I have time
good game ;)
Turn 1 Fungal Fortunes discarded 2 Stonetusk Boar. Some fortunes..
edit - someone raged when I killed him on turn two, and told me he's reporting me for using this deck.