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Wizzlewix's Tortollan Secret Mage [D5-Legend]

  • Last updated Sep 9, 2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Secret Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 12100
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/22/2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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Hey this deck is a fusion of Secret Mage and Tortollan Mage and can do some pretty neat stuff such as produce infinite Ice Blocks and Cloud Princes if the game goes to plan.  I managed to hit Legend with this deck and I'm by no means a pro player!

September Edit:  Opened up a golden Jandice Barov so that's gone in the deck as a good midgame play  (can be great damage mitigation if you accidentally draw an early potion).  Easy legend now that Darkglare has been nerfed, won my last 8 games in a row from D3.  

+1 Escaped Manasaber

+1 Jandice Barov

-1 Wand Thief

-1 Apexis Smuggler



Deck choices:

Our games are generally won by setting up Ice Block, drawing out our other secrets with Mad Scientist and Vectus, leaving us with a pool of spells where we can reliably hit Ice Block and Potion of Illusion with Tortollan PilgrimArcanologist is best only used before you've drawn your first copy of Ice Block.    Once you have established your permanent Ice Block, you then use Tortollan to generate as many Medivh's Valet and Cloud Princes as you need to secure victory.

Our other secrets that we run in the deck are Counterspell, Explosive Runes and Flame Ward because we want to keep the total amount of spells in the deck low.   Arcane Keysmith can help you tutor something you might need against a certain matchup.  (Spellbinder/Vaporize vs Paladin or Potion of Polymorph if you want to nullify an incoming deathrattle minion).  Brann Bronzebeard is here to help burst damage with your princes, generate more cards with Keysmith and Tortollan as well as offering the option to go wide with Vectus (though this rarely happens).

Wand Thief and Apexis Smuggler are there to generate extra cards which may provide solutions - wand thief in particular is also a great target for Potion of Illusion.  Finally Astromancer Solarian is another deathrattle body for Vectus to hit and the Primes can help win back control of the board sometimes.  (Be wary, the Primes battlecry can end up shuffling extra spells into your deck or putting unwanted minions on the board.)

Be very careful using Lorekeeper Polkelt in this deck.  We don't run many cards that cost more than Potion of Illusion so you ideally want to have played Sphere of Sapience already, or be able to close the game quickly once you draw your Tortollans and Cloud Princes.


Notable matchups:

Warlock is our toughest opponent.  The Painlock in particular can be really tough as it can kill you before you have time to set up.   You kind of have to hope to hit a Darkglare with Explosive Runes or that they don't draw it.   Discardlock is also tricky and its a real fight for the board, Flame Ward is your friend in this match up but make sure you use your Valets wisely too.

Mage and Rogue are the other two classes which can cause us difficulty.  Sometimes we will have to use another secret to bait out Counterspell before we can safely set up our Ice Block.  The biggest threat from Rogue is Flik Skyshiv which can single handledly destroy all of our Tortollans, ruining our day.

Slower matchups are generally pretty easy.  Just wait for Tortollan, and the win will come.  Raza Priest in particular is an easy win for us as we don't run Kabal Crystal Runners to be eaten by Shadowprince Anduin.  Be wary of Illucia (although the few times this has been played against me, they've just stolen an Ice Block from hand and I've been able to just play their Anduin or Spawn, denying them a win condition).