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[LEGEND] Spell Shaman

  • Last updated Aug 26, 2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mech Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 11100
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/21/2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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Card guide:

Lightning Bloom — good for 6/8 turn Phaoris/Eye of the storm (EotS), early turn aoe-spell like Earthquake vs aggro. Sometimes you can just go YOLO with this and put 1 turn Speaker Hydra and then buff it if you really want to, it can work vs dead matchups like priest or bomb warrior. It is recommended to keep this card in hand.

Devolving Missiles — sexxelent vs paladins and aggro. Don't forget: using this vs single 1-3 manacost minion will result in transforming it into 1/1 wisp or imp. It's very strong 1-mana debuffing card, you can also combine it with [card]Diligent Notetaker [/card]

Sludge Slurper — BOSS. If you play shaman, you put this card in your deck. He's your tempo, he's your stomper, he's your savior. Always keep in hand, in some cases you just can face your opponent with shitty cards even without teh win condition. But wait, it is your win-condition too, this deck is all about YOLO. Keep in hand if it fits to your curve.

Diligent Notetaker — good 2 mana buddy with vanilla stats. Also copies Far Sight and Devolving Missiles. Sometimes it can be dropped off to eat enemy removals, enemies this shit their pants when see this card. Sometimes you can put this card on board and next turn have double [card]Lightning Bloom[/card] for tempo reasons.

Far Sight— may be replaced later if shaman gets better draw. Still better than nothing tho. Sometimes you can have 7 mana Phaoris/EotS with this, especially if you use it right after Lorekeeper Polkelt play.

Instructor Fireheart — you use it when there's something on board to kill enemy minions or buff your with some windfuries. Nothing more to say. Don't keep it in hand otherwise you're playing vs aggro and you have nothing more cheap in hand.

Mana Tide Totem — 3 mana 0/3 draw 1 LUL

Marshspawn — the more resources the better. Also 3/4 stats LUL. Keep in hand if it fits to your curve.

Serpentshrine Portal — the best shaman card 2020. Always keep.

Speaker Gidra — crazy yolo card when played early (2 turn with coin 3 turn serpentshire then face race), otherwise it's good removal with your 1-3 manacost spells. Also magnets enemy removals. Always keep.

Groundskeeper — ZOMG TEH VANILLA STATS!!111 Keep in hand if it fits to your curve. Also good vs some Alexstrasza-based otk decks.

The Fist of Ra-den — good for fisting. Acidic swamp ooze is often seen in enemy decks because of some crunchy face decks, it's not your fault. Just play it if you have nothing more good to play, you shouldn't rely to this card.

[Hagatha's Scheme  — always keep.

Earthquake — never keep except you're playing vs soul shard decks.

Tidal Wave — never keep.

Eye of the Storm — i guees you see the trend.

[Lorekeeper Polkelt  — always keep. Be careful vs bomb warriors, any other shuffling changes his reorder making his effect useless.

King Phaoris  Phaoris + Polkelt = love. Even BABY can see the main wincondintion: you just play polkelt, survive until you can play some big cards and then push your opponent. Don't keep it in hand.



You literally SUCK versus:

1. endless pressure (like gala rogue with 999999999999999999999999999 Kronxes shuffled in the deck)

2. endless control (gala priest)

3. decks with good mix of control and tempo (bomb warrior)

You BEAT: everyone else. Good luck.