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Azar96's 73% WR Legend Stealth Rogue Guide

  • Last updated Aug 25, 2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Stealth Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 6040
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/19/2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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Ah hello there, I'm Azar96 and I bring you my favorite deck of the season (22-8). I used this deck at legend rank for about 30 games, and I will definitely be playing more of this deck in weeks to come so don't forget to check out the youtube channel at Azar96 Youtube or twitch Azar96 Twitch. 

Ok, so lets see how the deck works. The deck excels at dealing damage to the opponents face considering stealth minions cannot be touched by your opponent expect with AOE. This is an aggro deck so don't be hesitant on hitting your opponent, that being said we do have some tempo plays with Ashtongue Slayer, [cardSap[/card], and Coerce. The part everyone misses about stealth minions is that they remain in stealth permanently until you choose to attack. Being patient can have big effects on the outcome of the game. Waiting to attack just so you can ensure you have a stealth minion for next turn can get major value from Greyheart Sage, or preping a swing turn with Ashtongue Slayer +  Cold Blood into  Conceal.


Please check out the YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVtQYBncYR66D2-ozW08TpQ

The mulligan for this deck is dependent on the first 3-4 cards you see. In most cases you should actually drop any spells except for Secret Passage, this because the spells don't help us in the early game to deal face damage, but in case you are in a tight spot early on you could always Secret Passage as early as turn 3 to try and hit BackstadEviscerateSap or Ashtongue Slayer. You want to curve out aggressively so Sneaky Delinquent is almost always a keep along with SpymistressGreyheart Sage is a keep if you have a stealth minion already for turn 1 or 2. 

Power Plays

Sneaky Delinquent is huge in this deck as it guarantees another stealth minion in case we get board wiped. This is huge for Greyheart Sage

Ashtongue Slayer really carries this deck in the early game. It allows +3 burst damage to face or a tempo play.

Stealth minions work great with buffs, your opponent wont always have a board clear to interact with them so Cold Blood is normally just +4 damage. Shadow Sensei is just a good card, 4 mana 4/4 with a potential +2 face damage. 

Harbinger Celestia and Burrowing Scorpid are the best stealth minions in their mana cost. Most stealth cards at 4 mana have terrible attack and health stats but not these two. Burrowing Scorpid gives us a 5/2 stat line that doesn't die to Maelstrom PortalDefile, or Spirit Lash, but can deal 2 damage to gain stealth. Harbinger Celestia is a 4 mana 5/6 with a passive effect being a positive or a negative depending on the opponents hand. She is pretty weak against aggro but surprises your opponent for sure. She doesn't form the core of the deck so if you don't have her don't rush to craft her.

Final inclusions are kinda obvious. Leeroy Jenkins as a finisher is great as always. Shifty Sophmore is another 4 mana 4/4 with some value attached to her spell burst. Most of the combo cards in rogue are actually universally useful apart from a handful that are archetype specifics, so you normally get a good playable card. Greyheart Sage is another core card in this deck, without it this deck is impossible to play. With the addition of Secret Passage Greyheart Sage is easier to find and allows +2 cards in hand, this deck isn't short of refuel turns which is why it can get away with hitting face most of the time. 

Card Replacements

Harbinger Celestia has a home in this deck but she can easily be replaced by Akama or Infiltrator Lilian. Both these cards are great, as Akama Prime can be searched for with Secret Passage and has a great effect. Infiltrator Lilian has a added benefit of dealing +4 damage to face and leave a 4/2 on board if you opponent clears the board with no minions on his side. 

Skyvateer is also worth considering however it didn't feel aggressive enough to warrant a spot but you may want to test it out. The same can be said about Escaped Manasaber, 4 mana for 3/5 isn't very aggressive nor is his ability impactful enough.

Final Thoughts

Super fun deck to pilot. Try to play on curve as much a possible and don't be afraid of letting your minions stay stealthed for more than one turn. Being patient can pay off, allowing you to make big swing turns, like waiting to attack so you can get some burst damage in with Cold Blood for example followed by Conceal. Your cards stay stealth permanently until you choose to attack, be patient, know your outs and make decisions based on the context of the game. 

If the deck was interesting check out the YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVtQYBncYR66D2-ozW08TpQ