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Highlander Control Shaman(Legend)

  • Last updated Aug 14, 2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 18260
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/14/2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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This is my Shaman list that has carried me from platinum to legend, which I put together after realising how inadequate Spell Shaman was. It is surprisingly strong and I ended up on a 8 winning streak from diamond 3 to legend. It has a lot of tools to deal with the decks that people play on ladder. Can also keep up with Priest in terms of value. 

Devolving missiles - Amazing card which counters the reigning kings of the meta(namely Paladin and Druid). Also effective against Aggro Rogue since it devolves their stealth minions(thus unstealthing them). This means you can target them with minions or spells to gain control of the board. Also messes up their synergy with the rogue card which lets you draw 2 card if you have a stealth minion

Primordial Studies - Can give Thalnos and Lady Vashj for card draw, Squalhunter for Lightning Breath. This card also powers up Ras

Diligent Notetaker - Valuetown!( good with missiles or lightning breath/Portal)

Manafeeder - Draw with a solid body

Wandmaker - Can give missiles and Earthshock for buffed/deathrattle minions, Lightning bolt for burst, or Storms wrath for buffs

Zephrys - No explanation needed lol

Far sight - Draw with potential highroll eg. Alex, Hagatha etc

Fireheart - Amazing card that could provide answers in sticky situations

Marshspawn - Value

Lightning Breath - Flamestrike for 3 mana? Sign me up

Portal - Solid card which controls the board while also developing something

Scoundrel - Same as Marshspawn

Groundkeeper - Heal + taunt. Nice. Dont hesitate to play this for tempo if needed. Holding onto this until you draw/generate a 5+ cost spell against aggro is very greedy

Hex - No explanation needed

Squalhunter - Synergy with Ras and Breath.

Fist of Ra-den - Slow card which should be avoided against aggro. But very good vs control as it can generate Primes(to delay fatigue). Nice synergy with Tidal wave, earthquake, portal etc.

Torrent - 1 mana deal 8 damage, hey not bad.

Bandersmosh - Can be cut. But quite nice now and then. Can give Bran(5 mana 13/13), Nozari, Alex, Zephrys etc. Very fun card in general

Barista - Greedy card but provides insane value in some situations. Getting another Zephrys, fireheart, Alex etc. can be game changing

Cobalt Spellkin - Synergy with Lightning Breath + more missiles, Earthshocks and bolts

Hagathas scheme - Nice boardclear if drawn in the earlier rounds.

Ras - Potential boardclear, removes divineshields which makes Hagathas,earthquakes etc more effective the next turn. Amazing with Squalhunter. Also, Soft taunt.

Onyx - Dragon for breath, and generates value

Lurker below - Solid minion which can clear a whole board of small minions.

Earthquake - Boardclear 

Swampqueen Hagatha - Amazing valuecard which can win you the game. Eyestorm + Vivid spores is the dream. Getting tidal wave is also quite insane

Tidal wave - Not a very good card but can buy you a turn. In some situations it can be game wining though( E.g vs full board of small tokens --> heals your hero to full + clears). Nice combo with Ra-den(Spawns 8-cost legendary which tend to be very good)

Walking fountain - Heal + good body. Very nice

Alexstrasza - Can help close out games, or heal yourself to 15 thus buying more time. Also, dragon for breath

Dragonqueen Alex - Obvious pick for a highlander list. No explanation needed

Feel free to try the deck out, and tell me what you think :)