SummerWalker's Cabal Priest
- Last updated Aug 18, 2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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- 13 Minions
- 16 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Galakrond Priest
- Crafting Cost: 14960
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/7/2020 (Scholomance Academy)
- SummerWalker
- Registered User
- 2
- 8
- 23
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I am having a lot more success with this version and I was able to beat an aggro Rogue with it.
Side note: Keymaster Alabaster and Mindrender Illucia are not needed.
I won't be making another guide for this deck because it is pretty straight forward and I don't know if it is really worthy of one but I was on a winstreak with this.
Is this the one and only Summerwalker? +
Nice deck! Best use for Keymaster Alabaster so far imo.
bad, simple as that
If you can't win a game with Priest you should uninstall.
Mad cus bad?
Dont waste your time on this PoS deck, it has no win condition, you will be wasting mana almost every turn, not to mention it contains useless legendaries simply because the owner did not want to figure out what would be the best cards to put in their place. this deck is lazy and was only posted to waste peoples dust. Do not make this troll deck!
I would take out 2 Gift of Luminance for 2 pains and take out keymaster for shield of Galakrond. This deck isn't great anymore so im just having fun with it. Rarran has a much better Galakrond deck and highlander priest is even better.
A Priest deck with only 3 taunts... :/. Cabal but no pain...
Any replacement for Keymaster Alabaster ?
+2 Shadow Word Pain -2 Gift of Luminance - Keymaster +1 Shield of Galakrond
You can add any package to any deck. I never said the deck was legend worthy. Calm down
way too clunky, many many Dead turns and nearly 100% loose vs Aggro / Face Hunter / Stealth Rogue / Aggro DH / Zoolock
There is no reason to run double Thoughtsteal in this deck. You can cut both and still sitting on the same winrate here, Devotet maniac is the worst Priest Card in this Deck and is so much worse than Fate Weaver, wich you kicked out for no reason.
You can use 2 x Wave of Apathy, 2 x Cabal Shadow Priest + 2 x Cabal Akolyte Package in literally any Deck: Tadaaaaa, the new Scholomance Priest Deck is ready.
started off losing a bit but once I got the deck down managed to go on a 7 win streak that I'm currently on so far my highest win percentage is vs other priest haha
I'm getting more and more 'concede's' the further I go in ladder (and friend requests from other Priest's). This deck has some serious synergy, however, as with any deck, being thoughtful on mulligan's with classes will really make or break you. (I made the mistake of dropping Breath of the Infinite against Druid, and lost my a$$ by turn 5 with the 2/2's dominating the board on turn 3.
I agree about the addition of Devoted Maniac and Penance exclusion. It doesn't really matter. I thought it would, and I've tried both a few times, but in the end, I find the extra Invoke can be impactful later.
I'm still on the hook on how to add at least x1 Acidic Swamp Ooze, or maybe a Kobold Stickyfinger for the influx of warrior's and DH's I'm seeing. soon as I add it, I'll never see them again for an entire day (sigh). I think I'll try it today though, and see if it works. I might cut x1 Devoted Maniac.
Love the deck. Thank you again for the thought put into this!
Thats because ladder is rigged, the moment you add a tech-card to something, you dont see it, if you remove it, BAM you get all them classes again.
i don't doubt the real summer walker would play hearthstone but doubt she'd have it as her screen name lmfaooo
anyway i tried this except i don't have murozond so subbed in mindflayer.
also the sethekks tend to clutter my hand, which are already pretty full due to all of the invokes and gala HP, so not sure all that extra value is needed i put it fate weaver which helps unclog the hand, trigger combos such as headmaster+soul mirror, and adds dragon synergy to breath of the infinite.
Yeah Rarran has a Galakrond Priest with no invokes and no thoughtsteals with Mindrender Illucia so I realized it might be too much value but I don't wanna keep changing the deck up and confusing people.
But that probably is a good change and its more synergy for Breath of the infinite
(On mobile so I can't enter them as cards)
Unrelated: Is this the REAL SummerWalker????
Related: Great control deck. I bodied people with it and got bodied as Tempo DH.
No I'm not
lmao who the hell is summer walker?! Probably google later but this made me lol.