[SA] Deathrattle Hunter
- Last updated Jul 29, 2020 (Pre-Expansion Nerfs)
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- 20 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Theorycraft
- Deck Archetype: Deathrattle Hunter
- Crafting Cost: 8480
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/29/2020 (Pre-Expansion Nerfs)
- Mur0
- Registered User
- 4
- 17
- 32
Battle Tag:
Mur0 # 2582
Total Deck Rating
OH MAN, OH MAN, OH MAN! Did Blizzard just gave Deathrattle Hunter the big boost it needed? I think YES! I just recently hit Legend with Deathrattle Hunter too!
You can see more information about this archetype in the link above!
I think that the new inclusions to the deck will bump up the winrate a lot!
Deck replacements:
2 x Blazing Battlemage -> 2 x Trueaim Crescent
- Remains a turn 1 tempo play, but also activates your deathrattles.
2 x Augmented Porcupine -> 2 x Bloated Python
- Another "Egg" and it is even better target for Mok'Nathal Lion
2 x Eaglehorn Bow -> 2 x Carrion Studies
- Gives the deck some more lategame potential and helps you smoothens your curve a bit. I'm not really sure if 2 copies are needed, maybe a second Tracking will be better. It can discover Khartut Defender vs Aggro!
1 x Tracking -> 1 x Ace Hunter Kreen
- This is a Board control deck and has 5 rush minions for synergy. Will be cut first though.
1 x Dragonbane -> 1 x Vectus
- A win condition by itself. Definitely a must have for this deck!
1 x Al'ar -> 1 x Teacher's Pet
1 x Cairne Bloodhoof -> 1 x Teacher's Pet
- Super synergie with Pack Tactics. Perfect mid game replacement for these questionable legendary cards.
Overall with these replacements the deck looses all of its burst potential but its overall curve and deathrattle synergy consistency becomes a lot better! If there are a lot of board centric deck in the new meta, I think that this deck will shine!
I want to hear your suggestions and ideas to make this archetype a powerhouse!
I cut carrion studies for augmented porcupine due to inconsistency issues and to tech a bit into the rogue matchup. My list kept me afloat at rank 2 where I had a 62% wr without vectus (didnt have him at the time). I cut serpent egg and sunfury because it wasn't aggressive enough. idk just a few ideas to throw around
Nine Lives would work insane in this deck by the way.
U should try a mix between The old Deathrattle hunter and this one.
I love love love Guardian Animals, and plan on using it in my own DR Hunter deck. You probably have too many cheap beast in here though and the potential low rolls could be terrible value. I would find room for Toxic Reinforcements for sure though.The synergy with Teron Gorefiend and now Vectus is just too good and it fits nicely in your archeytype. Turn 5 quest completion and and Teron drop is often GG.
You have a nice fast curve here and this looks like a great start. I will probably go way jankier and focus on abusing Guardian Animals with Teacher's Pet.
Excited to try this deck out. I tried the current model of the deathrattle deck and was getting absolutely torched but it was something different and fun to play from the usual meta.
Thanks! Sorry for the bad luck... The worst matchups for this deck currently are Tempo Rogue and Face Hunter. The deck is actually quite good versus Demon Hunter, if you mulligan correctly and they don't draw the nuts.
So excited to try this. Looks like such a boost from your old version!
Yeah! I was amazed how many new cards could be added to the deck! I'm sure that not all will make the cut, but until the meta settles and we know what decks are showing more often, we can't do anything :D
Anxious to teste this deck. Looks good.
Thanks! Me too!
Will the egg attack with I attack with Trueaim?
No way to know this currently, but I'm hoping so! I am also curious if Ancient Watcher can attack with Trueaim Crescent .
It should work with both. These kind of effects like Mass Hysteria dont care about stats or card text, they are just forcing the minions to attack.
Really interesting deck. I like this archetype and I'll try this deck during 1st day of new expansion.
Thanks! My expectations are that this can become a Tier 2 deck.