[+70% WR] Pure Libram Paladin
- Last updated Jul 27, 2022 (Castle Nathria Launch)
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- 16 Minions
- 14 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Libram Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 10200
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 7/21/2020 (Pre-Expansion Nerfs)

- Nickman
- Registered User
- 3
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Mulligan Guide
- Always: Aim for Aldor Attendant, Hand of A'dal, First Day of School, Murgur Murgurgle and Libram of Wisdom (if you have Aldor Attendant). Mulligan hardly for First Day of School since it can give you a huge advantage in the first turn of the match.
- Against Aggro: Aim for the same cards, plus Consecration and Argent Braggart if you have some of the cards I mentioned above. Additionally, you can keep Devout Pupil if you already have Aldor Attendant WITH Libram of Wisdom.
- Against Control: Aim for Aldor Attendant, Aldor Truthseeker and keep Libram of Wisdom. If you have all these three cards, you can keep Libram of Hope or High Abbess Alura as well.
Strategy Tips
- You should adjust your playing style in every different match with this deck by playing aggresively or defensively, depending from your cards and your opponent's deck. So, DO NOT be afraid to play aggresively if you think the circumstances are propitious to play like that. This is the most important advice because you can lose many matches if you have the cards to play aggresively and instead of this, you give your opponent the time to find solutions.
- When you have Lady Liadrin, try to take the biggest advantage you can by using as many Librams as you can before you use her (do not be afraid of burning cards if you can control the board with Lady Liadrin and all the buff cards).
- Keep in mind the combo with Libram of Justice and Consecration to clear your opponent's board.
- Try to take advantage by the usage of Libram of Wisdom with Devout Pupil, which they really work perfect together.
- Try to take advantage from the Goody Two-Shields effect with Libram of Wisdom at 0 mana-cost.
Update (Darkmoon Faire): After the last expansion of Hearthstone (Darkmoon Faire), I suggest the following replacements to give even more advantage to your strategy.
- - 2 Amber Watcher
- -1 Argent Braggart
- -1 Aldor Peacekeeper
- -1 Murgur Murgurgle
- +1 High Exarch Yrel
- +1 Lightforged Crusader
- +2 Goody Two-Shields
- +1 Lord Barov
Enjoy! :)
Thank you for your good words and your feedback mate! I appreciate it! :)
great deck! I am using variations of it and it performs really well on the ladder. good job!
Thank you very much for your good words mate! I also variate the deck and trying all the things we are discussing here! Thanks for your feedback bro and I hope you're enjoying!
Peace my friend! :)
No it doesn't.
Igotthis check your downvotes, grab a pack of chips, think clearly (drink a coffee also if it is needed) and leave my post. Ok we got it! This deck is shit. No need for hating... I love you... <3 Now leave this post please! :)
PS: Prefer a strong coffee without milk or sugar. :)
Peace bro! I love you! <3
I really like this deck, thank you for the list. I love the dragon package with Talritha, since I apparently have her. Been looking for a good libram list, and this seems to be the one.
Thank you very much for your feedback mate! Feel free to make any suggestions for improvement!
Peace bro! :)
Frequently was being used to inquire how often you were seeing such cards. They were not implying often.
Thank you! :p
Frequently was being used to show how often I was seeing cards I couldn't clear. Focusing on one card in an example of specific and generalized examples to disprove my point is word twisting.
People debating trying this deck out beware that it lacks the ability to clear minions. Just all around very frustrating to play if you don't draw the nuts. I'm talking not being able to clear totems from shaman, not being able to clear the most basic of taunt minions, not being able to clear Shadowjeweler Hanar, watching as Exotic Mountseller wrecks you. Just all around a piece of shit deck.
On what rank are you playing? How frequently you are against Shadowjeweler Hanar?
Did you see me say frequently? This deck can't deal with anything man; it's shit. It's not even close to 70% on HSreplay and it only has 2k games played at it's highest variation. It's trash.
If you find a deck with 70% WR with 2000 matches... It will be a miracle. As I said, "IN A SAMPLE OF 40 MATCHES". If this deck is shit, then just play another deck but don't waste our time please. Thanks! :)
Well said brother, too many haters on this site! if this guy is so good then go make your own deck and play that! clearly he can't and tries decks from this site and when they don't work because he's a shite player blames the creator, can't believe you took the time to reply, shows how much of a good egg you are. Just remember you can't please everyone all the time.
I know bro and thank you for your good words. I reply just in case he wants to try it and also for other players to see the discussion and take ideas (or not). I am not interested to please everyone with a deck. Just putting an idea on the table mate! Thanks again for the compliments!
I'm not hating, just informing the public how terrible the deck is and to not fall for this guys dust trap. It's a junk deck and I'm allowed to say that.
You do you, I'll do me. Don't tell me what to do or try to censor what I say. Deck's garbage.
This is an acceptable opinion without harassments. Well, according to my opinion then you are telling bs and players have the right to choose by their own if they are going to try it or not. It is not mandatory or anything like this... Don't play it and that's over!
Igotthis cool sweet we got it now STFU
Clearly you just don't know how to play!