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Stealth-Gala Rogue Ft. Tog Scheme

  • Last updated Jun 13, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Galakrond Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 12940
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/13/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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This is my favorite list for Galakrond Rogue :D It runs the stealth package w/ Spymistress, Skyvateer, Akama and Greyheart Sage, with a few extra changes.

Stealth package allows the early aggressive turns and much more efficient card draw to allow you time to get to your swing turns.

I've removed 1 Devoted Maniac for Maiev Shadowsong, and removed a EVIL Miscreant for a Togwaggle's Scheme. Maiev is fantastic for setting up two turn lethals, which this deck can do quite often, and also allowing to stall for a swing turn if you can't deal with a big minion at the moment, super slept on imo. Scheme is also slept on imo, in fact this card is insane. There are 3 key cards that you will want to play scheme on: Heistbaron Togwaggle, Kronx Dragonhoof or Flik Skyshiv. Flik is more situational for something like spell mage, where lots of their minions come in 2's (double water elemental, double 6-drop, etc.). Heistbaron can chain into himself if you play him w/ a lackey, pick wand and play a decently sized scheme on him, you can continuously chain wondrous wands for giant swing turns. Kronx is great because you can play him to draw Galakrond, then play cheme on him and then next turn draw some 0 mana Kronx's and clear the board/reload the board/face dmg, he can do anything.

I highly recommend keeping Tog Scheme in this deck, it's super powerful and also incredibly fun to pop off with.

Always look for stealth minions and Greyheart Sage for your opener, also keep Backstab, Seal Fate in most matchups, and other invoke cards.