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[D10-5] ANTI-CONTROL Control Warrior

  • Last updated Jun 10, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Galakrond Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 17280
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/10/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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I built this deck when pain/enrage warrior blew up as a counter to DH but I couldn't be bothered learning the combos for Risky Skipper/Bomb Wrangler/Armorsmith/Warmaul Challengeretc at the time. If you have all the cool warrior cards, but can't play them because they're not in any standard lists, this is the deck for you.


Strategy: This deck wins in the late game by slapping big minions on the board, turn after turn, until your opponent has no more removal. The low cost cards clear the board through a combination of spell damage and weapon/hero damage enabled by the +3 attack given by invoking, which will allow you to stall your opponents out until your big minions can suddenly played, at which point you switch to aggro for a big swing turn by playing galakrond, drawing 4 minions with +4/+4 boosts, followed each turn by fat, game-winning minions. Your opponent will sometimes play conservatively, expecting enrage warrior, making it easier to stall those first few turns until they see an invoke card.

Key cards: 

Dimensional Ripper - Not a common card in standard play at all, but one of this deck's potential win conditions. It must be played cautiously. 10 mana is no joke when that's your entire turn. This should generally be played when your deck has only a small handful of minions left in it, and preferably just the big ones. Perfect targets are Grommash Hellscream and Kargath Prime. With Grommash, if you have Inner Rage in hand that's 16 burst damage, which obviously isn't the highest it could possibly be, but still pretty significant. If Kargath is pulled however, and your opponent has minions on the board, you're almost guaranteed a win, either in the long run, or from your opponent looking at that board and forfeiting. It doesn't matter if they're Priest and can spot kill them both immediately - two 10/10s on the board that generate 20 armor for you and clear the board is extremely difficult for any opposing class to come back from, not least of all because you'll still have another Kargath in your deck. This is the deck's dream turn. Average targets are Kargath Bladefist (will generate 2 Primes, as well as the third in your deck), Kor'kron Elite (weaker version of the Grommash turn), Khartut Defender (recover 12 on face and 6 more from the copy in your deck), Kronx Dragonhoof or Dragonqueen Alexstrasza or Deathwing, Mad Aspect (just big 6/6 or 8/8 or 12/12 bodies). Awful targets are everything else. Wait until every other minion not mentioned above is drawn from your deck before going for this play.

Bulwark of Azzinoth - This is your insurance against aggro decks. The likes of Demon Hunter and Hunter tend to put out more bodies on the board than the deck is able to clear. Bulwark will allow you to safely reach cards that can swing back tempo, like Scion of RuinBrawlShield of Galakrond, Waste Warden, Khartut Defender, Kronx Dragonhoof, and of course Galakrond, the Unbreakable. Play it when you would otherwise take significant damage to face on your opponent's next turn. It is significantly more effective against classes other than DH/Hunter, as it can last much longer than a turn or two.

Galakrond, the Unbreakable - The deck's engine. It isn't actually too important which cards are drawn from this, as they will all be quite big, although obviously they should ideally be the deck's heavy hitters. Still, a 6/6 Devoted Maniac or 6/7 Bomb Wrangler are nothing to scoff at. You should aim though to hit the bigger cards - the same rules apply as with Dimensional Ripper. Boosted Grommash + Inner Rage is once again 16 burst. And a 16/16 Deathwing or 14/14 Kargath is ridiculous. 

Deathwing, Mad Aspect - Great board clear against Demon Hunter, extremely self-assuring to have in hand. Use it well.

Waste Warden - Great against Druid on their turn 5 Glowfly Swarm, even if they manage to get off a Power of the Wild. Also effective on Paladin's Murloc boards and for when a Demon Hunter board goes wide, which is often. 

Invoke Cards - 3 attack from face is massive in the early game, allowing you to keep the board clear if not control it. Awaken! will be useful the least often, but still provides good counterplay to Umberwing or a board full of lackeys from Rogue. Ritual Chopper gives 4 attack on turn 2 if played on curve, which effectively guarantees a clear board going into turn 3, letting you play slower instead of having to immediately throw down Bulwark of Azzinoth. Devoted Maniac give 2 damage to something on the board plus another 3 from your face, and Shield of Galakrond is yet another tool to stall a turn or two from your opponent. 

Zephrys the Great and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza - Both, quite obviously, extremely reliable. Alex provides amazing swing turns, and Zephrys does the same as well as giving you outs in un-winnable situations. Potential win conditions on the right turn.


Awaken!Bloodmage Thalnos (2 damage to all minions, clears most Demon Hunter boards). Bladestorm can also be used but it will usually be a waste, as Bloodmage will die instantly.

Execute + one of Inner Rage or Sword and Board or Slam or Awaken! or Bladestorm or a bomb or attack from weapon.

Grommash Hellscream + any of the above cards, though particularly Inner Rage as it can be done easily in the same turn. 

Corsair Cache + any of the three weapons. Bulwark of Azzinoth is often the best target, as it will become even more effective at stalling a few turns. Livewire Lance and Ritual Chopper are still fine to pull though.

Bladestorm + Commanding Shout. On top of drawing a card, you keep your board and potentially clear your opponents. Particularly nice against Demon Hunter, and especially potent if you can sneak a Bloodmage Thalnos in there.

Matchups and Mulligan:

Demon Hunter - Not a great matchup, I won't lie. I know it's ironic, seeing as Warrior is supposed to be the DH counter, but that's the trade-off for being good against control. DH is often simply too fast, and your board clear doesn't last longer than the ridiculous arsenal the Demon Hunter has. On all the games that I made it to turn 5 and beyond however with 15 or more health, I won quite convincingly. Once their Kayn Sunfury has been played and dealt with, Shield of Galakrond and Khartut Defender are more than enough to last you until you play galakrond, at which point you've won. It is only those first few turns that are difficult. Mulligan for Imprisoned Gan'arg, Bladestorm, Awaken!, Shield Block, or Corsair Cache. Cheap damage dealing spells are key, basically, and all the better with Bloodmage Thalnos.

Druid An even matchup, provided you mulligan the right cards. Waste  Warden, Bladestorm, Bloodmage Thalnos + Awaken!, and Brawl all deal with the Glowfly Swarms. Exotic Mountseller and dragons from Ysera, Unleashed are more challenging, but by that point you should be close to galakrond. If not, and they get a wide Mountseller board too early, Brawl and Bladestorm can help to open that board up. Alternatively Deathwing, Mad Aspect can full board clear. Kronx after Gala, and Zephrys are also helpful. 

Hunter Other than Demon Hunter, this is the only other matchup where you're really on a back foot. You should play similarly to the DH matchup, although Highlander Hunter goes big rather than wide, so the spot clear from Execute is a precious asset. Still they are most threatening in the late game, which is where this deck flourishes, so getting there with 15 or more health once again gives you a better chance at winning than your opponent. Watch out for their Dinotamer Brann turn, never let them hit turn 7 on an empty board.

Mage One of the best matchups for this deck. They can't touch you in the early game, and you're weakest in the early game. Mulligan for your weapons, Corsair Cache, Imprisoned Gan'arg, Shield Block, and Bomb Wrangler. Then just invoke whenever you can, but it is extremely important to wait before going for your swing turn of playing big minions. The Amazing Reno can lose you the game if you take it lightly. Bait out their Reno with one, maybe 2, almost big minions, like Khartut Defender. A good bait is playing galakrong, not playing your boosted minions, and instead going Kronx and choosing the 8/8. Outside of Rolling Fireball, Reno is their only reliable counterplay. You will hit fatigue in this game, as it is long, but at that point Kargath Prime wins the game - they run out of steam in the last few turns.

PaladinI don't have a wide sample size against Paladin, but it's fairly even. They flourish just as much in the late game as this deck, and it's really just a matter of draws. I would only give Paladin a slight edge in terms of being able to push damage in the mid-game through Lightforged Zealot and infinite value from Lady Liadrin. Keep Brawl handy until you absolutely have to play it. Mulligan for weapons and invoke cards, go for board control early. This way they push their mid-game damage to your minions rather than face. Murloc Paladin is significantly easier to beat, if you can clear their early game boards a few turns in a row they run out of steam completely.

Priest This is the best matchup by far. I lost to Priest twice out of 12 games, and both times they pulled some crazy shenanigans with multiple Murazonds and Soul Mirrors. Generally they will have one of each, and these 2 cards are the only threats, though Plague of Death is also a nuisance. Play accordingly, and be sparing with your threats. Don't let them take control of or silence your Kargath Bladefist, as Kargath Prime is the gamewinning card in this matchup. Like Mage, these games usually go to, or close to, fatigue. Kargath gives you the win at this point, even if they still have a way to kill it. Make sure you always have big minions left to play. Mulligan for weapons and use your small minions to drain as much of their removal as possible.

Rogue - This matchup is actually in your favor. Awaken! is great to Mulligan for, as is Bladestorm. Keep Execute for their Edwin VanCleef or Questing Adventurer. If those two cards boost out of control, that's when you play Brawl. If that's still not enough, then Zephrys. If you can't stop those two threats from Rogue, that is the only chance you have of losing this matchup. Keeping them in check, and especially killing them early, is effectively a guarantee to win. The dragons from Draconic Lackey are occasionally problematic, but by that point you should have played galakrond and have threats of your own for them to worry about. Kargath, as usual, wins the game, but make sure they waste their Ambush early.

Shaman - Good matchup. Shaman has no win conditions outside of their own Zephrys and Alex. The turn they play their Galakrond can be problematic, but not significantly. The Fist of Ra-den pulling some crazy threats is their only real chance, as well as evolving their cards into something big. Mulligan for board clear spells, as they will try to go wide quite early.

Warlock Against Quest Warlock, it's really just a race to lethal. Your spells only really hit their Abyssal Summoner, so Mulligan for an early board and race them down to lethal. If they use up their Dark Skies and Nether Breath, your galakrond into big minions will prove to much for them, provided they don't already have a discounted Malygos. I haven't played against galakrond Warlock, but Awaken! is a perfect counter to their invoke.

Warrior The mirror match is slightly unfavourable if they're playing the enrage package. Bomb is an unwinnable matchup, as there is no way to find lethal before they bomb your face to 0, unless they just get awful draws. Try to grab the board early. Against enrage, there is little point in grabbing the board, as Risky Skipper will clear it too easily. Instead, pile up on armor and draw cards. Eventually they'll realize you are Galakrond and that they need to win quickly, so their board will fill up quickly. Mulligan for the board clear spells. The late game is much more favorable, and as usual Kargath Prime is the key.

Alternative cards/replacements:

I initially had the full enrage package of Risky Skipper and Armorsmith, as well as Warmaul Challenger and Rampage. The former two were taken out due to the necessity of this deck to draw weak minions as soon as possible, and how crippling it can be to have your swing turns fail due to weak 1-3 drop minions being boosted or summoned from your deck. Warmaul Challenger, as well as Rampage, were great tools against Demon Hunter, but take up space in the other matchups, particularly Priest and Mage, where this deck is supposed to flourish. I am considering putting them back in, as the entire ladder is DH, but I'd rather keep the deck as is - I would only be running 1 copy of each anyway. I similarly used to run Battle Rage, but without the typical enrage cards it will only draw you 1 card most often, and at best 2 - this deck never goes wide. It took up space more often than not, so I chopped it.

I ran Magtheridon for quite some time. It combos amazingly with Bladestorm, giving you a 7 cost board clear and 12/12 body. The only problem was against Demon Hunter, where most opposing minions have 1-2 health, invalidating this combo. Plus, giving Demon Hunter three extra bodies is the last thing you want to be doing. Against Mage and Priest this card was an amazing tool, and won me its fair share of games alone, but considering Demon Hunter is almost every opponent in Diamond I had to take him out.

Plague of Wrath has amazing synergy with Awaken! and Bladestorm, but for 8 mana and 2 cards in hand I found it simply too expensive. It was effectively useless against DH, but great against control. If you want to lean more towards the control matchup it can be added in place of Bloodmage Thalnos. I also used to combo it with Whirlwind for a much cheaper 6 cost full board clear, but Whirlwind by itself was completely useless too often, so I cut it first, and then cut Plague of Wrath.

This deck really relies on card draw, and I used to have a copy of Loot Hoarder before I replaced it with Bloodmage Thalnos. If you don't have the latter, Loot Hoarder is still great. Zephrys and Alex don't really have replacements. If you don't have them, you can then run duplicates of half your cards I guess. I doubt the deck would work though. Kargath Bladefist, you'll know if you read through all the matchups I wrote up, is extremely important to this deck, and therefore hard to replace. Scrapyard Colossus could be a replacement, but you would still miss out on a lot. Deathwing, Mad Aspect is a little easier to replace, as I actually only recently crafted and added it to the deck. If you have Magtheridon, that could replace it. If not, then you can run Plague of Wrath.


And that's it.  I don't have a deck tracker, so I haven't documented my winrates, but I've played roundabout 40 games with this deck and jumped from Diamond 10 to Diamond 4. Incidentally, a deck tracker for this deck specifically is important, so you can track how many weaker minions are left in your deck before you play galakrond. Anyway, I'm very open to feedback as this deck has gone through a lot of changes and I very much doubt it's done with that. Try out it, let me know how you like it, and enjoy. I built it to make playing warrior fun ahaha.
