New Highlander Paladin META BREAKER
- Last updated May 21, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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- 22 Minions
- 7 Spells
- 1 Weapon
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Highlander Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 14640
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/20/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
- JotaBeRtt
- Registered User
- 5
- 26
- 43
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I managed to make 8 victories in a row :
Cho ? Excuse me WTF
Don't underestimate Lorewalker Cho.
Best situations to play Cho:
*Along with Libram of Wisdom for to fill the opponent's hand and he burn cards, or if he uses you win back.
*When your field is full of minions.
(excuse my English:D)
Always Keep : Aldor Attendant , Hand of A'dal , Libram of Wisdom , Murgur Murgurgle , Shotbot , Sir Finley of the Sands , Loot Hoarder , Zephrys the Great .
It's fun to play with, even tho I have a 40% winrate. I'm just not smart enough :/
Hey guys,
I tried out this deck and made a showcase of it! If you are interested in a gameplay video with commentary you can check it out bellow. Timestamps are in the video if you just want to check out particular matchup :)
I hope you can enjoy the video
how is it going? :p
bruh 4/7 winrate. Cant deal only with hunters and druids
should have called it wallet breaker lol
Hi...does anyone have any suggestions on mulligan for the deck? Just copied the deck and I want to give it a try...
I've played a lot of games with it now, but it's hard to say anything other than it's already been said in the guide here (it's very well done). Obviously your mulligan is very dependant on your opponent. If you encounter Priest or Mage, don't hesitate to keep a high cost powerful card. I faced a lot of Spell Druid (the only druid deck on the ladder btw) so against them keeping Pyromancer + Libram of Justice combo is a very good option. Demon Hunter being the biggest threat demands you to keep a 1 drop and preferably strong 2/3 drops as well as board clears. If you have some other questions, you can ask them here and I will reply.
That would be enough for me to know, i forgot to read everything in the description :D...played 3 games untill now and won all of them...seems easy to pilot and kinda have solution for most of the stuff the opponent puts on the board. I replaced CHO with brewmaster and Mountseller with the Rusteed Raider as someone here did. Mountseller had way to little spell to generate value and cho i just don't like as a card...some time ago i had a golden copy and guess what happened to it :))? yes, it transformed into another better card like Brann Dinotamer. i'll see if i cand make legend with this, although i don;t have too much time to grind. Good job with the deck!
This deck is genuinely good. I'm currently 31-9 with it, so 76% winrate at Diamond 4-2. I cut Cho for Nozdormu (the 4 mana version) since lorewalker simply stayed in my hand all the time and I could never find a good time to play him. Nozdormu is nice as a 4 mana 8/8 body in the late game (Don't use him as a ramp card!).
Now this is something NEW :D
Replaced Mountseller with Rusteed Raider and Cho with youthful brewmaster, as I found they were dead in my hand quite a lot of very low value. Don't think I ever managed to use Mountseller.
Rusteed deals well with DH and hunter, while there are loads of cards that can be bounced for varying value. Bouncing Zeph and Dragonqueen won me games, while bouncing Rusteed, aldor peacekeeper and faceless saved my bacon and kept me alive so many times
Though if it's fun you're after, Mountseller and Cho are great fun. But if you want a serious deck, we all know there's too many unfun decks out there that will rush you down.
no equality? I would probably replace cho for it since I don't have him.
Como sou mono paladino, ja criei varios arquetipos desde o inicio da season e o que mais me interessou e vi que tinha futuro era o highlander pala, ja fiz varias versões deste arquetipo , inclusive um muito semelhante a este, no qual peguei rank 1 mes passado, recomendo tirar a exotic, pelo fato de nao se tirar muita vantagem e voce acabar jogando no campo por tempo play e o cho (apesar de ser interessante com controle como priest, mas nada tao exorbitante, facilmente substituivel) e alias acabei de pegar lenda com highlander pala com uma taxa de vitorias absurda, chegando a 10 partidas seguidas vencendo, facilmente disputado contra as outras classes, com maiores taxas de vitorias contra o DH e o Hunter, recomendo pra rapazeada que gosta da classe <3
Cara eu gosto da Exotic ela ja me deu varias vezes o mukla e o zixxor, não pode jogar ela no "seco", tem que jogar ela com algum buff , e o Cho eu botei inicialmente mais para meme , mas acabei me surpreendendo com ele e deixei no deck, mas é opcional.
1. Can I really climb ladder with this deck?
2. I have 20k dust, missing only maiev. Should I do maiev anyway? Or skip him and sub him in this deck (and with what card)
SHE goes into a lot of decks and is totally worth crafting
Yea lol, it's She
She was really hype at the start and lost some hype but I guess it's a must craft anyway, so it's done. 10x.