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Highlander Quest Control Galakrond Shaman

  • Last updated May 19, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Shaman
  • Crafting Cost: 17060
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/19/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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Hi everyone,

After the new wave of nerfs/buffs that occured I went with the Shaman hype train despite the class' poor results.

I wanted to build a control Shaman with the spell package and thought that in order to possibly outvalue Mage's, Priest's and Rogue's you would need some insane stuff. So that's why I bundled in the Galakrond and quest packages with the control tools. And then I thought that as it is fairly easy to invoke galakrond 4 times I could make the whole thing Highlander.

This version is the one I play currently and there will be changes made in the future.

As you can see this list does not feature neither The Lurker Below nor Kronx Dragonhoof. The reason is that I don't own the former and forgot to put the latter in my deck. 

1 - The Deck:

Let's see what makes this deck and why.

Corrupt the Waters : The purpose of the quest is to give tremendous value with all the value battlecries featured in this deck.  A prime example of this is Galakrond, the Tempest or Swampqueen Hagatha.

Sludge Slurper : Very good minion now that its nerf was reverted. Efficient at completing the quest for us and Lackeys are good cards.

EVIL Totem : It's just a good 2 drop. If it only gets you one Lackey then it's good enough and if you get more then you earned a free quest completion.

Invocation of Frost : Yes it's still nerfed but Galakrond isn't going to invoke itself and since you are Highlander you need every bit of invoke you can get.

Licensed Adventurer : One of the more odd/questionnable cards in this list. It's purpose is to sometimes contribute for the quest and if it does you can keep the coin to potentially double Dragonqueen Alexstrasza battlecry which is insane when it happens.

Questing Explorer : 2 mana 2/3 draw a card and counts toward quest completion ? You bet I want this.

Sandstorm Elemental : Nice removal for 2 mana and counts for the quest. If the quest is already completed then you can kill those pesky 2 health Demon Hunter minions with your hero power.

Zephrys the Great : I mean i'm playing Highlander so ... Yeah, he's there.

Lady Vashj : The spell damage can come in handy and the prime battlecry can help you find and reduce the costs of your late game spells/board clears.

Lightning Storm : Still one the premium early game board clears in Shaman and it's a spell so it has it's place in the deck.

Marshspawn : With it's 11 spells, this deck does not have too much difficulty to meet the battlecry requirements and it's pure value from here. More so after the quest is completed.

Plague of Murlocs : Devolve was good, this is almost always better in my opinion. Mass Transform effects are really good. Combos well with any board obviously and also with Shattered Rumbler as murlocs have often times 2 or less HP.

Serpentshrine Portal : Better Flanking Strike/Troll Batrider. It's a good card overall and a spell.

Devoted Maniac : Invoke + battlecry of course it's here.

Hex : Still a great card after so many years. Premium single target removal.

Sky Gen'ral Kragg : Double synergy with the quest. Single target removal kinda.

The Fist of Ra-den : Value card to keep up with the other control decks out there. Works well with Eye of the Storm, Earthquake, [Hagatha's Scheme[/card] and Dragon's Pack.

Torrent : 4 Mana Flame Lance feels good and it often gets reduced to 1 mana. Much needed single target removal.

Bandersmosh : Ok so this card is here because i like it. It does not have a real purpose aside from the fun and highrolly factor.

Dragon's Pack : Despite the nerf it's still good when enhanced after two invokes. Also protects your face with it's 10 health worth of taunt minions.

Hagatha's Scheme : When you need to clear abitrary high health boards this is the card to go. And board clears are good.

Shattered Rumbler : Yet another board clear this time attached to a well stated minion. It's also a battlecry so it works well with the quest.

Shield of Galakrond : Same as Devoted Maniac.

Corrupt Elementalist : Invoking powerhouse that can fully invoke our boy Galakrond, the Tempest with the quest. 

Earthquake : Efficient board clear that deals with reborn shenanigans and resilient boards.

Galakrond, the Tempest : One of the goals of the Deck. Doubling the battlecry is quite good and will give your opponent flashbacks of the infamous Descent of Dragons first day.

Swampqueen Hagatha : Now that shaman has acces to high value spells the Drustvar Horrors are better than ever. The low number of cards in standard also contributes to this.

Walking Fountain : Lategame life gain which this deck otherwise lacks of. Pro active board clear healing thing kind of. Crush aggro decks dreams (Unless it's DH otherwise they still have the power to refill their hand and kill you in 3 turns.)

Dragonqueen Alexstrasza : Highlander = Dragonqueen Alexstrasza.

Eye of the Storm : Big spell that aims to be played when The Fist of Ra-den is already equipped.

2 - The Deck's goals:

What am I supposed to do with this masterwork of a deck you ask ?

Well the answer is : Your goal is to survive until late game and then outlast your opponent or straight up murder them with your tempo swings. There are mainly 4 ways to swing tempo in your favor : You can play Galakrond, the Tempest preferably while doubling it's battlecry.  You can also use Dragonqueen Alexstrasza sometimes with the double battlecry with The Coin from starting second or Licensed Adventurer. There is also the possibility to play  Eye of the Storm when The Fist of Ra-den is already equipped. Finally Drustvar Horrors can also swing the board in your favor.

3 - Changes :

After playing some games I noticed that I had trouble staying at a high health total especially aggro and midrange decks. I also notived that the Licensed Adevnturer dream was really not happening that often and that Lady Vashj was useless because the prime version is too slow to be played in anything that is not a control mirror and then it sucks because Fatigue is a real gameplan in those games.

That is why I replaced those cards with Witch's Brew and Kronx Dragonhoof.