Infinity Value Control Warlock by phobia
- Last updated Nov 11, 2020 (Scholomance Academy)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Quest Warlock
- Crafting Cost: 14940
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/13/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
- phobiaHS
- Registered User
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My nick name is phobia. I love Warlock and experiments with new combo decks and cards.
After success with my homebrew Mecha'thun N'Zoth Event deck (It had highest winrate for Warlock on hsreplay - 58%) I tried to find something powerful for new warlock combo. Kanrethad Ebonlocke + Sathrovarr (10 mana one turn super combo)? Too slow, I thought. And not enough against Control Priest sometimes. Then I removed dragon pack and added board destruction cards with Expired Merchant for copy Sathrovarr. You will have 7 Primes, each summons 3 huge demons! It still good against aggro decks (many removals and heal)
Now I can say this is not fun deck, It competitive in ladder. When I started to record videos I was on D5 rank, now I am on D3 rank and continue to climb.
Tips and tricks
Play Conjured Mirage to survive one more turn or together with Doomsayer. Sometimes It helps to avoid fatigue damage before you shuffle Primes.
Always keep quest
Against Aggro - all your low cost removal cards
Against Control - Plot Twist, Questing Explorer
Popular matchups
Egg / Enrage Warrior - I never lost in this matchup. Warrior will stuck armor and try to create board, clear this every turn and make quest to EZ win. Don't forget about big charge damage so keep your health 20+.
Galakrond Warlock - just keep in mind 4 strong turns: Alexstrasza, Galakrond 4 demons, Zephrys, and Dragonqueen. Keep your removals and you will win.
Galakrond Priest - this guy will steal all your cards: Primes, Twisting Nether etc, so you need to discard Sathrovarr and kill Expired Merchant in the same turn! Then copy Kanrethad Ebonlocke. Don't play all your cards in one turn, remember about Soul Mirror and Plague of Death. Winrate 70-80%.
Mages and Rogues - always casino! So 50/50, keep heal for Alexstrasza turn
Hunters / Demon hunters - bad matchup, you need good start and luck to deal with It. 30% winrate.
Novice Engineer, Twisted Knowledge, Overconfident Orc can be good replacement for missing cards
Some gameplay examples:
Tempo Demon Hunter
Gala Warlock
Gala Priest (I failed to copy Primes twice, but won)
Control Warrior
Super fun and effective when you get the hang of it! Thanks for list!
I might give this deck a try, it seems interesting enough to diferenciate from the other Plot Twist decks with this Sathrovarr combo. But i would suggest you to add Fel Lord Betrug, i know im definitely using it. He is yet another way to generate more Kanrethad Primes, and you're even already using the Enhanced Dreadlords and Khartut Defenders, which are excelent with the Betrug + Plot combo.
Thank you, sounds reasonable
Thanks Phobia for the deck, I've played it a lot. Before rotation, I was playing the Fel Lord Betrug and Puppetmaster version. I agree, Betrug could be a good replacement. I feel like expired merchant is not that useful, especially because so many hunters. I was wondering if Alexstraza for healing could fit in ? I think I'll give it a try
my thoughts exactly. thats why mine runs fel lord, among other things
Nice Deck I've been using a similar one for a while and a nice combo i learned while playing against other control decks like priest is to hold one of your sathrovarr's from expired merchant in hand and then have Kanrethad Prime resurrect the first dead sathrovarr and then you can play sathrovarr from your hand on sathrovarr that Kanrethad Prime resurrected to gain two more sathrovarr resulting in infinite value. You can do it all in one turn as well if you draw a Kanrethad Prime from your quest hero power.
lol. nice tip :)
Thanks for the deck
very fun
The deck itself is really fun - so thanks for the list. Never noticed the combo before.
However it takes kind of long to work and i always feel frustrated with these control decks where i have to play for 20 min to beat anyone but then get trashed the next game in 2 mins because i don't draw 20 removals in a row against DH or Hunter....
Hey, so I imagine you haven't used it much yet, but this list works as a proper control deck should, IMO. Though I've made some changes to this version, to make it my own, as well as imo more well rounded. The only real bad matchups i've run into so far is face hunter, or sometimes DH, but only if they draw brilliantly, or I draw absolutely trash. But with my changes, thats not common at all. But even with this list, it should be rare. As always, practice makes perfect. I've still got a relatively low sample size, and its not exactly legend tier yet either. But if you coun't casuals, which most don't, but even so, if you coun't casuals. My winrate has been 18-2. And the 2 was 1 face hunter that ran a list i'm not familiar with, which i'll probably adjust my own face hunter to match as it was nutty fast. But the other was honestly just mistakes on my part, and was DH. If I hadn't been both distracted(nearly missed a couple turns, and did finally end up missing a whole turn) as well as forced to play too fast due to being distracted, and so would grab the entirely wrong card and stuff like that, I'd have won it I believe. Hell, it was close even with all the mistakes. So, I'm sure Phobia will have some other, better advice for you, but if you are concerned about the hyper aggro decks, or aggro in general, there are changes you should consider that can make a huuuuuge difference. Even warrior doesn't scare me like it used to, simply because I added the 3 mana freeze guy(im blanking on name, just woke from a nap lol) x2. I'm not 100% sure I've fully updated my list on Hearthpwn, but if you're interested in my changes, they should mostly be there. I have no write up as of yet, but plan to when i have more experience.
I don't know really - i am not saying the deck is bad not at all - i really enjoy playing it and want it to work.
And although i am sure i don't play this deck 100% perfect i feel like i have a hard time against most of other players. Yes some of the wins are almost guaranteed but they still feel like you have to put in a ridicolous amount of effort. Noone ever surrenders even though you clearly shuffled 124813598 primes into your deck so you still have to exhaust all their removal. On the other hand DH or Hunter beat you down in 5 minutes (and that is frustrating as these are like half the matchups). Sure if i draw all my removal i can win but then my own win condition basically doesn't even matter anymore. I could play any 2 big minions.
I also struggle tremendously with comeback turns against these classes. Raging Felscreamer into Priestess of Fury is just devastating as this deck rarely has anything on the board this early. And from that point on you are always one step behind with your clears. Same with Hunter. If he drops a Dragonbane early and i dont have Dark Skies, there is basically no real way of killing it.
Back in the days whith the original handlocks you could get away with tapping and doing nothing the first few turns. Now every class has a way to chip in 2-3 dmg per turn while developing. Against hunter that's a minimum of 4 dmg a turn if both players just hero power and against DH and mage it's 3 - not accounting for all the other ridicolous ways they do dmg.
And i am not critisizing the deck. These are just things i noticed and don't have a solution to.
I totally agree with you. That's how It works in current meta. Sadly I'am stucked on rank 4 with my deck and tired :) maybe new nerfs will slow down meta and I will retry It
I’ve also been working on a quest warlock with the Sathrovar + prime combo, and I used my various versions to get to diamond 5. However I hit a wall and haven’t been able to get much higher.
Your inclusion of Merchant is genius. I tried this list out and I’m quite impressed with how it feels so far. Merchant was the tech I was missing to deal with both aggro and Priests. I kept trying to fit Jaraxxus in to deal with priest because shadow madness is brutal against Ebonlocke, but he’s terrible against all of the top aggro decks. Merchant allows both late game value power, and the ability to get extra taunts/nether against other decks where you just need to survive their onslaught.
I’m still skeptical about the depth charges and the mirage, but I also think I may not be utilizing them well enough. Watched some of your videos and you use them mostly to buy extra turns rather than hope they actually go off. As a fan of wacky off-meta things, I really love the idea of making those 2 cards actually work, so I’ll keep them 👍🏼.
Cool deck!
I like rarely used cards and mechanics, It makes your opponent always surprised how to deal with this :) But your Depth Charges and Mirages can look stupid against Priest for example. Thanks for reply!
This deck is absolutely hilarious, thanks so much for sharing :D
Time to meme to the highest ranks!
Thank you, enjoy :D
Also curious if there is any other adjustments you have tried or are considering trying, or anything really lol. I love deckcrafting, though I know my personal changes are almost always less than optimal, so would love to learn more about any ideas you've had . Thanks again for the fun deck
You can try 2 x Novice Engineer to draw faster
Would love to see a guide added, maybe one with some tech options, or card replacements, etc. I can imagine there are loads of options, i was missing Krag and Keli, so i dropped in 2 twisted knowledge, which is one of my favorite cards this set. It was a bit of a challenge keeping a spot open in hand, but totally worth it. Maybe i'll add, or maybe just gain the legendary that increases hand size.
Keli'dan the Breaker saved me alot of times, that I can't say about Sky Gen'ral Kragg (but It's still good for any quest deck)
Valdris Felgorge is always bad, no time to play It (played alot with hand and quest locks). Twisted Knowledge often gives you crap, but It increases your hand for plot twist and give you answers to situation, so yes, It can be good replacement.