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Muzzy Casino Mage - Rank 5 to legend with guide

  • Last updated May 10, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 9 Minions
  • 20 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Khadgar Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 13140
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/10/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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This version is a variation of the Fenomeno's box mage, but i found this list from Muzzy surprisingly more consistent than the usual highlander deck.

I was stuck at bottom of rank 5, then i found this list and gave it a try, it performed very well for me with a 32-16 score. My play was far from perfect so a better winrate can be espected.


The general gameplan is: defense/control till turn 6, then flood the board with powerfull minions. If there's an emergency, you have to rely on boxes.

The sub-quest is very strong and underrated. If you can finish the quest with Khadgar, you have 2 dragons.


I show here a quick guide with my stats. Obviously, depending on your rank/meta, your experience could be different.

1. DH tempo (slightly unfavored 6-8)

The slight inaccuracy can be punished very hard. You have to keep cheap control cards: arcane breath, ray of frost, and rolling fireball are very good tools, a well timed flame ward is huge too. You have to think how to minimize damage incoming, but anyway you have to accept to be hit the first turns of the game. 

Then if you can tempo a twilight drake on curve, you can turn the table if you have enough health. If there's no crazy turn with Altruis, he cannot deal with heavy board. Remember to deep freeze face if you can.

2. Hunter (even 5-5)

Hunter face is the hardest, but not impossible. You have to play like the dh match-up. Highlander version is easier, there are few good answers against a good turn 8.

3. Warrior (very favored 5-1)

Freeze is your friend, they really can't deal with a big board. If you can set up some taunts, this encounter is easy.

4. Priest (very favored 5-0)

At some point, a priest have no answer to your big threats. Then Alex can burst face with your minions on board.

5. Rogue (very favored 5-0)

I had no problem against rogue, they cannot deal a big board. If there's no crazy turn with Hanar (Counterspell), i can't see any difficulty.

6. Mage (very favored 4-1)

I had surprisingly very easy games too. Follow a standard gameplan.

7. Druid (very favored 2-0)

I don't remember how exactly it went. The set up with deathrattles can be annoying.

8. Paladin/Shaman: no games :(


This is my "last boss" game this season against dh, i had some good draws and horrible turn 7. There were some questionnable decisions made by my opponent in the end.