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*Budget* Effective GvG Rogue Tempo (Mech Synergy)!

  • Last updated Dec 23, 2014 (GvG Launch)
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  • 20 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 1 Weapon
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 1300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 12/9/2014 (GvG Launch)
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I started rolling variants of this deck last night until I finally settled on this one.  Since Arena's where down I decided to mess around with some of the new cards on the ladder and see what all the hubbub was about with the new cards.  I know that the expansion was still very young, but in about 3-4ish hours I was able to take this deck from rank 20 to rank 11 with a rather high win rate, only having trouble versus some forms of druid and the occasional "old school" control warrior.  My idea for the deck was to utilize solid core rogue tempo cards and combine them with the extremely valuable "mech" type cards.  The result was actually very solid!  All the GvG cards used in this deck are easily craft-able Uncommon's that shouldn't run you more than 600 dust if you haven't acquired any of them.  The creature's in the deck are very "sticky", and are often very difficult for your opponent to remove.  Azure Drake and Sprint remain the two ways too attain card draw in the deck, but it seems very sufficient so far.  With all the new cards, there are a lot of plays that can be made with the rogue hero power and weapons, acting like a warrior.  The danger is that you will be racking up a solid amount of damage, so keeping control of the board is a priority.  Tinker's Sharpsword Oil works surprisingly well as a finishing card.  Many times I was able to play the card on an Assassin's Blade or Wicked Daggers in conjunction with Deadly Poison's and Eviscerates.  Many times I had lethal damage on opponents sitting from 15 to 20ish health range, which is pretty cool.  I know the meta is yet to be fully established and the expansion is very young, but give the deck a shot if you wanna try out something fun to play that is easy to craft.  I plan to update any changes to the deck over the next few days.  Feel free to comment or offer any advice! Happy stoning Stoners =)

*Update* December 10, 2014

I've played around with the deck a little more, and I'm still having a lot of success with it.  Some of the plays that can be made with Tinker's oil, weapons, and spell power on drakes are pretty cool =) Only card's that I'm still testing around are SI:7 Agent and Sludge Belcher.  I put both of these cards in the deck because they are super solid, yet I feel that at times the agent could be replaced with alternative cards. Perhaps Iron Sensei? As some of you mentioned?  I do feel that the used parts that are acquired from numerous cards in the deck give added value to the Agent as it allows for easier plays with the Combo effect. As for the Belchers, I still haven't settled on anything else to replace them with.  I haven't seen as many on the ladder, but it's most likely because everyone is attempting to try out the new cards in the expansion.  I feel that Belchers will slowly work their way back into the main scene because the card is just super good. I plan on adding a section for mulligan tips against certain classes in the upcoming days.  So keep on keeping on brethren.  Best of luck on the fields of battle =)

*Update* December 13, 2014

I want to thank everyone for the support that this deck is getting and also for all the contributions made by the community.  I'm glad that the ideas and methodology are being applied to the game and making the new expansion fun for everyone.  After reading everyone's comments and idea's I have come to a few conclusions that may be summed up here.  The core of the deck is rather strong so far in the Meta, but that is always changing.  Using high value cards in a tempo/mid-range"ish" form of rogue is effective, but small changes to the deck can lead to overcoming obstacles.  The core of the deck is based on the "Mech" creature type synergy, and rogue weapons/buffs/and hero power.  The cards SI:7 Agent, Sludge Belcher, and Argent Commander are the cards that I through in the deck upon it's creation because I felt they were strong picks.  That being said, these are the cards that I would recommend replacing/not running duplicates of in order to gain an advantage against certain decks/classes being run in the meta. For example, taking out one Belcher and throwing in Loatheb doesn't alter the internally synergy of the deck too much while giving it alternative options versus classes like priest and hunter.  Subbing Iron Sensei for agents also changes what the deck can do without hurting the synergy.  These changes can be based on preference and are especially important once you climb higher on the ladder.  Some other cards that may prove useful in this deck include, yet aren't limited too: Bloodmage Thalnos Defender of Argus Ogre Ninja Spellbreaker Edwin VanCleef Spider Tank and other alternatives.  Once again I want to thank everyone for their contributions.  I'm going to test a few more of the alternative cores of the deck on the ladder and attempt to have a refurbished form stemming from the "core" of the deck including a class based mulligan guide.  Happy Stoning =)