Quest Libram OTK 2.0
- Last updated May 9, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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- 20 Minions
- 9 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: OTK Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 14760
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 5/4/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
- LittleOgre
- Registered User
- 11
- 44
- 70
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Total Deck Rating
Edit: corrected some typos
So I made a Libram deck with the 4 hosemen OTK:
Minion (18) | Ability (11) | Playable Hero (1) |
Loading Collection |
I noticed that after completing the quest it was impossible to make the combo if you have not played Licensed Adventurer in time to get the coin. So I thought, why not replace it with a quest that I cannot complete to secure me getting the coin: Making Mummies.
It kinda worked but I noticed I needed more carddraw and I could get rid of some spells that buff.
So I came up with a another version of this deck that is more focused on completing the combo. i added more card draw: Questing Explorer (guaranteed carddraw because of the incompletable quest) and Coldlight Oracle.
I added Sky Gen'ral Kragg as a solid 4 drop and another option to get multipple Librams of Wisdoms in my hand: The Voraxx.
Another change is the removal of the 2 Aldor Attendant because playing just 1 Aldor Truthseeker is enough to make the Librams of Wisdom free.
For those who do not know the combo with The Four Horsemen:
heropower + Auctionmaster Beardo + coin + heropower + Libram of Wisdom + heropower + Libram of Wisdom + heropower = all 4 horsemen for 10 mana plus coin.
Hahaha ... thanks. Yeah it feels weird playing a quest with the purpose of not completing it. I considered adding it, but I was not sure which card to replace him with. Maybe with one of the reacurring villains.
Thank you! It looks weird AF, but is actually so fun to play! My second favorite deck after Eydis Darkbane OTK
P.S. Do you think it's a good idea to add Nozdormu the Timeless here?
Not really. You need to draw your Combo faster then your Opponent could kill you. With Nozdormu 2.0 you will increase the Tempo of the game enormously and thats not what you want.