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Highlander Hunter

  • Last updated Jul 25, 2020 (Pre-Expansion Nerfs)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 9 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Highlander Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 10100
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/3/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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Personal choices: 
- No Faceless Corruptor, due to the fact that this card may hinder Diving Gryphon from getting your Zixor, Apex Predator
- No Siamat, since I don't have it.
- Added Nagrand Slam for lategame board control.

Always keep Blazing Battlemage, Dwarven Sharpshooter, Imprisoned Felmaw, Phase Stalker and Scavenger's Ingenuity.

Don't be afraid to coin into Imprisoned Felmaw turn 1. It will give you great advantage due to the fact it will either clear some early-board minion or hit face and most of time will stick to the board as threat to take care of by your opponent.

Demon Hunter
Too bad this is a tough matchup. Normally they have more stuff than you can answer. With the recent nerfs it has improved, but it is still unfavorable. 

Spell Druid
Should you face Spell Druid, remember to clear all minions before you get overrun with Savage Roar. Whether it's with Zixor or Veranus, you need to clear the board and survive until late game. Get rid of Exotic Mountseller asap!

Whether it's Galakrond Priest or SIlence Priest, it's a favorable matchup. Just go aggro.

Dragon Hunter
Usually you have to able to give more pressure, as the deck is very versatile. I would say 60-40ish matchup.

Face Hunter
Try to clear minions, before they can hit you. Every point of damage you take will diminish your chances. Beware of flooding the board on your side, Unleash the Hounds can be troublesome along with Veranus. 

Typically pretty slow, thus favorable matchup. Keep your Acidic Swamp Ooze until Galakrond hits the board and beware of Edwin von Cleef. 

Clearing the board for your lategame is crucial. Enrage Warrior can be tough, so make sure to remove their combo pieces from the board. 

Can't really say much about them, since I haven't encountered them enough :). Feel free to check HSReplay.

Should you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

+ Transfer Student. Highly versatile and at this moment it can provide you either a nice boost and its a good early drop. Remember the different versions of the card for each board in Standard, so you can anticipate what you can expect from this hidden gem. 
+ Deadly Shot. Im trying how this card works out in the deck. At the moment the meta seems to shift to control and it is always nice to remove a stealthed minion. 
+ Evasive Drakonid. Sticky dragon for late game. 
- Frenzied Felwing. I replaced this with the Student. Also at earliest a T2-drop, but the Student gives better card worth.
- Nagrand Slam. I had too often this card in hand being dead till T10 or I already had the win. Replaced it with Deadly Shot.
- Dragonqueen Alexstrasza. Although I love the value of the card, you wont be able to drop both dragons the turn you play Alex. Since I want to keep the Dragon-count the same, replaced it with Drakonid. Same like Nagrand Slam, I felt it being too slow.