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RenoLock, Somewhat in depth guide.

  • Last updated May 3, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 22 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Renolock
  • Crafting Cost: 17520
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/29/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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Hi everyone! The obligatory I'm not a native English speaker/writer, so expect some grammar mistakes.

My name is tchukki, I'm a Wild Legend player and I'm playing Hearthstone since the open Beta. I mostly played warlock since the beginning with now over 3300+ ranked win with warlock.


So with this out of the way, here's my guide to RenoLock!

Card List:

Mistress of Mixtures - Nice Card - Nice early board presence and the healing can really make the difference. Can sometimes synergize with Defile or Lord Godfrey.

Corrupting Mist - Nice Card - One of the weakest card but, it saved my ass more than once and it's really good vs paladin.

Defile - Important Card - One of your best board clear in early and late game.

Doomsayer - Nice CardAlmost an important card, but not quite. This is a very powerful card against a lot of matchups. At worst it save you 7 HP and at best, completely destroy your opponent tempo.

Drain Soul - Nice Card - Darkbomb is probably better in most metas but right now, the one damage rarely make the difference while the 2 HP does. Feel free to swap out.

Gnomeferatu - Nice Card - The first card I would cut. BUT, it's one of the only win condition vs RazaPriest and the Brann Bronzebeard + Gnomeferatu + Zola the Gorgon + Gnomeferatu combo is nice to pull off

Kanrethad Ebonlocke - Nice Card - The card is cool but it rarely make the difference It's not bad, but feel free to swap out.

Zephrys the Great - Must Card - OP card. I don't have much to say, it literaly give you the PrefectCard. This replaces weapon removals and silences while also providing extra counter against secrets with Flare and extra board clear.

Brann Bronzebeard - Important Card - Even though this deck doesn't run much battlecries, some are very powerful. Key combo are with Antique Healbot and Kazakus for spicy 10 mana spells.

Dark Skies - Must Card - I would say it's better than defile in most situation and can even be useful in the late game.

Zola the Gorgon - Important Card - Obviously good with Reno Jackson. Great with other battlecry cards as well.

Hellfire - Important Card - Classic AOE.

Kazakus - Must Card - You want to use Kazakus as a get out of jail free card. Some rules of thumb: 1-mana cost potions in early game against more aggressive, early game comps; 5-mana against mid-range/aggro decks while also providing cover (with armour or minions) and finally, 10-mana to turn the game around and effectively ruining the lives of CubeLock and ResurrectPriest.

Kezan Mystic - Nice Card - Right now it's one of the best card vs mage, secret or quest.

Voidcaller - Must Card - Cheating out big demons since summer of 2014 ♫

Antique Healbot - Important Card - Now more than ever, Healing face is important. Try to combine with Brann Bronzebeard or to trick your opponent into thinking you don't have Reno Jackson and restores 27HP the next turn.

Edit 1 - Loatheb - Nice Card - Right now it's useful to beat QuestMage or RazaPriest. Drop Loatheb and then, next turn, try to get lethal with Zephrys the Great.

Sludge Belcher - Important Card - Not that good anymore, but you need a critical mass of deathratle for N'Zoth, the Corruptor so don't swap it, Unless it's another deathrattle card.

Zilliax - Important Card - Just a good card on its own.

Emperor Thaurissan - Must Card - This card is crazy. Discounting 7-mana+ cards can help you be more efficient with them without worrying too much about the cost.

Khartut Defender - Must Card - The best deathrattle card in the game to resurrect with N'Zoth, the Corruptor since it will resurrect twice.

Reno Jackson - Must Card -We're gonna be rich!

Siphon Soul - Important Card - Some RenoLock player cut this, don't trust them. This card is awesome and the healing is more important than you think, especially these days with demon hunter.

Skulking Geist - Important Card - Fun card to play, annoying card to be against. Excellent in current meta. Here are some cards you will want to destroy with Geist: Consume Magic, Jade Idol, Living Roots, Ray of Frost, Evocation, Renew, Plague of Flames, Dark Pact and much more.

Lord Godfrey - Important Card - A board clear that also takes care of deathrattles. With a 4/4 body to boot, this card is an essential.

Enhanced Dreadlord - Must Card - Such an amazing addition. The main minion will respawn with N'Zoth, the Corruptor and both demons will respawn when putting Bloodreaver Gul'dan. Being a great demon also synergize well with Voidcaller, for obvious reasons.

Twisting Nether - Important Card - Nice board clear and the animation is cool.

Mal'Ganis - Must Card - The turtle himself. Try to play him with demons on board to burst your opponent.

Voidlord - Must Card - Nice defensive demon.

Bloodreaver Gul'dan - Must Card - Fill your board with OP demons and get an even OPier hero power.

N'Zoth, the Corruptor - Must Card - Another ''refill your board with OP minions'' card.



Matchup Guide:

Quest Mage: Find Skulking Geist and try to rush them. If you can't kill them fast enough, try to set up very hard to remove boards with taunt to be safe from Quest + Giants.

Secret Mage: Kezan Mystic, constant board clear and calculated risk. Pretty easy matchup, but if they run and play Aluneth, you need to Zephrys the Great into weapon removal.

Jade Druid: Skulking Geist, EZ.

RazaPriest: This is your only bad matchup. Try to discard their combo pieces or to kill them before their combo.

CubeLock: You need to transform their key cards with Kazakus or Zephrys the Great. Keep your Bloodreaver Gul'dan and N'Zoth, the Corruptor for when they play them.

Board reload aggros deck like DiscoLock or Paladin: Muligan for reno and every board clear. Kazakus 5mana potion into deal 4 dmgs to all minion and generate value on board.

Face Damage aggros deck like DemonHunter or Hunter: Muligan for every heal cards and Zephrys the Great.


Final Thoughts:

This deck is on a fine line between board clear/ healing/ resurrection and face burst. You can try to change some cards, but be careful, some ''Better cards'' like Dragonqueen Alexstrasza or Bad Luck Albatross make the deck less consistent and/or have negative synergies. RenoLock is a hard deck to pilote but is extremely powerful and capable of winning every matchup. In Wild the meta can shift frequently, so even though cards like Gluttonous Ooze are bad right now, it does not mean it will be in two weeks. Give this deck a try if you can and may the old gods be with you.

Edit 2 - Gluttonous Ooze is now pretty good right now. I didn't update the list because I would have to do it every week but keep in mind, RenoLock is made to be tweaked along the way to fit de meta, don't force yourself to play this exact list in a month if the meta has changed.

Take care all.