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Lackey's Secret Gala-Rogue

  • Last updated Apr 28, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Galakrond Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 11200
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/28/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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This is the list I climbed to Legend with this season, going from somewhere mid-Diamond to Legend with a 64% winrate (30-17).

More or less your expected Galakrond Rogue list, with a couple of particular card choices that seemed to do well. Devoted Maniac is often kind of subpar, so I only ran one. It's best to get your important lackeys and an invoke off of, and using it with Witchy Lackey can be very good at times, but that's the ceiling for it I think. The other invoke options for Rogue are very solid and we run 2 of each. Outside of that the only particularity of this list is the choice to run 2 Shadowstep. The card is just nuts, I can't get enough of it. Using it on your lackeys is often the most viable choice, especially with so many Demon Hunters running around. Additionally, it can get you there when it comes to using Flik Skyshiv, Heistbaron Togwaggle, or Kronx Dragonhoof. Need an instant boardstate? Use it with EVIL Miscreant. Need to play Shadowjeweler Hanar into a player who definitely has removal for it? Return that bad boy to your hand and have it cost zero next turn. The card is bananas.

As for how to play this, it's really pretty straightforward after playing it for a while. Practice is everything, you just have to learn your matchups and remember what you're trying to accomplish.

Against aggro (DH, Hunter, Murloc Paladin) you want to be playing the board just as quickly as they are. You rarely have access to mass removal in the early game, so you deal with everything as it comes up. Lackeys are crazy strong for this, and the interactions they have with your minions can be ridiculous at times. You play with what you've got, of course, and the only consideration about them is to keep an eye on your handsize (many of them replace themselves with another card when played) and to remember Heistbaron Togwaggle. He's less likely to go off in these matches, but can be insane (Wondrous Wand. It's almost 100% Wondrous Wand, except the rare Crown when you're against control). Coining out EVIL Miscreant on turn two is one of your best plays early. Don't be afraid to play Shadowjeweler Hanar early if you have a secret the next turn and think your opponent can't kill him easily. Don't be afraid to occasionally cast Eviscerate on a pesky minion (Glaivebound Adept, I'm looking at you). Playing your Galakrond on any level of upgrade is often necessary for 5 armor and to make some crazy strong turns through the cost reduction he allows you. Also creating a lackey every turn for 2 mana is VERY strong at times. Ambush and Bamboozle win you a lot of early game trading.

Against control or midrange, you are the master of value. Heistbaron Togwaggle, sorry, I mean Wondrous Wand, is spectacular enough to just straight up win sometimes. Just be careful with handsize, don't ever burn if you can help it, all of your deck is pretty important. If you go late, you can outvalue and outproduce mostly everyone. However, the deck is very very tempo-oriented, so hit them in the face. You'll always be pooping out lackeys and small minions, and your opponent is theoretically dead at all times. That's how you have to think when playing this, you can create insane damage out of nothing at times. Edwin VanCleef can be ENORMOUS in this deck. Don't forget to search for lethal with a combination of many small minions and Kronx Dragonhoof giving +2/+2 when possible, and of course, sometimes you just double Eviscerate people. Opponents often die without expecting to be dead, because they were so focused on keeping your board in check. Try to invoke the full four if you can in these matchups, as four zero-cost cards and a claw will create huge board-swings. Shadowjeweler Hanar is, in my opinion, the strongest Legendary in standard right now and should be treated as such. Don't play him unless you can use him well that turn. A Shadowstep will make him infuriating for some decks, who just get exhausted trying to play around your traffic light triangle while you plan with your usual win conditions. Sometimes you just play turns in a row of secret after secret. Push this card to the max if you can, other cards aren't as good sometimes if you can just refill a full 5 secrets.

Enjoy! Lmk what you think