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[DH] Control with Chef Nomi

  • Last updated May 29, 2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Mid-Range DH
  • Crafting Cost: 6820
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/25/2020 (Second DH Nerfs)
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  • Oldogs
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    • 11
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The famous great chef of the Rusty Legion Nomi!


Defensively control the board offensively with the condition of winning by pressing the rival but in case of long games, Chef Nomi will end the game thanks to the ability to draw a lot with the outcast mechanics.


Crimson Sigil Runner, Consume Magic, Chaos Strike, Spectral Sight and Skull of Gul'dan. Our main draw cards to be able to play Chef Nomi as soon as possible.

Mo'arg Artificer, Immolation Aura, Eye Beam and Soul Cleave. Essential for survival, I love this synergy especially when we have double Mo'arg Artificer with Soul Cleave.

Escaped Manasaber, Raging Felscreamer, Imprisoned Antaen and Priestess of Fury. In spite of the nerfs, although the second round affected the aggro version more, with the Escaped Manasaber and the Raging Felscreamer we can play the Priestess of Fury and Imprisoned Antaen to defend ourselves and clean the board of our opponent. Or play offensively. It makes a big difference when you play it earlier and better if you have The Coin.

Chef Nomi. In case of long fatigue games, our great chef will cook the victory, very essential against priest. The main reason why I made this deck. His food is always charred but I like it better that way.


  1. If you plan to play Chef Nomi against Priest make sure to save Mana Burn for Plague of Death.
  2. Making sure to play Bad Luck Albatross before our final plate by highlander decks or forcing the opponent to play Zephrys the Great.
  3. With the Mo'arg Artificer it also doubles the healing and more if there are two.
  4. Immolation Aura works just like the Earthquake spell also affects minions that are summoned from deathrattles.


I will focus against the most popular decks in the competitive.

Demon Hunter. Any archetype in this class are very similar and most use the same card set as the aggro versions and the combined decks.  Escaped Manasaber, Sightless Watcher, Imprisoned Antaen or Eye Beam.

Druid. Big or Spells tokens. I generally beat him from pressure thanks to the big demons that do a lot of damage.  Sightless Watcher, Raging Felscreamer, Priestess of Fury or Immolation Aura.

Hunter. Dragons or Face (any version). Mainly our win condition comes from the damage of Imprisoned Antaen and the Priestess of Fury including MetamorphosisSightless Watcher, Raging Felscreamer, Priestess of Fury or Eye Beam.

Mage. Highlander or full spells. Our great friend Bad Luck Albatross received a nerf but he is still very good despite everything, you didn't deserve it feathered partner. Escaped Manasaber, Sightless Watcher, Imprisoned Antaen or Bad Luck Albatross.

Paladin. Murlocs or Libram. We still depend on the Imprisoned Antaen and the Priestess of Fury but also on Mo'arg Artificer to survive with the areas and heal.  Sightless Watcher, Raging Felscreamer, Priestess of Fury or Eye Beam.

Priest. Rez or any control archetype. Our star chef will make an appearance in these confrontations.  Escaped Manasaber, Sightless Watcher, Imprisoned Antaen or Consume Magic.

Rogue. Galakrond (different versions in general). The same also depends on pressuring the rival.  Escaped Manasaber, Sightless Watcher, Imprisoned Antaen or Eye Beam.

Shaman. Totems or Quest (any version). Play defensively with giant demons to clear our opponent's board.  Escaped Manasaber, Sightless Watcher, Imprisoned Antaen or Eye Beam.

Warlock. Galakrond control. Aggressively since it does something until turn 4, the deck is somewhat slow but it could still take the highlander cards to end the games due to the draw it has.  Escaped Manasaber, Sightless Watcher, Imprisoned Antaen or Bad Luck Albatross.

Warrior. Galakrond bombs or control. Play more aggressively with Imprisoned Antaen and Priestess of Fury as soon as possible and push him. Escaped Manasaber, Sightless Watcher, Imprisoned Antaen or Eye Beam.

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